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Old 12th Oct 2012, 10:57
  #81 (permalink)  
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has Casa not closely supervising Airservices caused problems with traffic control?
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Old 13th Oct 2012, 04:31
  #82 (permalink)  
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has Casa not closely supervising Airservices caused problems with traffic control?
Aagh, no my friend, not at all. Why you ask? Aagh because they actually don't closely monitor ASA.
However, they do closely monitor Executive bonuses, overseas travel calendars, staff emails, the Ministers hotline etc.
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Old 13th Oct 2012, 04:50
  #83 (permalink)  
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Gents, RTO ... well for me that means rejected take off, but in this case they're talking about Registered Training Organisation.
They haven't looked at the training school etc rather than this two hour thing.
Yeah! they don't want the training looked at too hard, seeing as a long gone manager stuffed that all up with new age management practises which is fancy bean counting.
If you give the poor no bread, you can tell someone higher up that you saved on the food bill can't you.
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Old 13th Oct 2012, 13:57
  #84 (permalink)  
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Relic old friend, wise words indeed. The CASA can't even get their own training area in order, let alone be in a position to understand or monitor what ASA does. Jeez, do they even know what the term or reference 'training' even means?? It's all bollocks run by pillicks.
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Old 13th Oct 2012, 20:40
  #85 (permalink)  
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Gobbledock, you ain't in Alabama!
You must be here.

Management (everywhere) is like a bunch of teenagers.
They know everything because their mates keep 'em abreast of the latest thing.
Their parents know nothing... they're past it. It's a whole new world out there.
When they cock up; their mates leave 'em and hide and their parents have to sort the mess with their money and contacts.
When things are fixed, the teen struts around telling his mates, "They couldn't do nothin' too me. I wasn't scared."

Management cocks up and leaves for greener pastures and who fixes the mess?
The people on the ground.

A.S.A. ---- Pretend business with pretend managers!
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Old 13th Oct 2012, 21:20
  #86 (permalink)  
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Industry proposal #362436.

(Consultation is available, please see attached form; conditions apply).

1) That a suitably large paddock fenced to OH & S standards be leased.

2) That a Round up of all 'Crats be conducted and the whole mob yarded (in said paddock).

3) That the yarded 'crats be suitably equipped with (i) a Yellow Safety jacket and (ii) a large orange flag with the word "Safety" printed on it (in really big letters).

4) That a pensioner be hired to ride a push bike around the enclosure perimeter twice a day.

Operational overview) Every time the pensioner appears, the intent is that the yarded ones will stand, raise their flags, wave vigorously whilst robustly chanting "safety before profit". Thus, when the 'ride around' is complete, the yarded ones can return to limelight basking, troughing and perusing the provided scatology literature.

Operational aim) To yard the silly buggers, while humanely providing useful employment and shelter (UN policy) which will then allow the industry to get on and sort out the bloody mess left behind.

End view) Any dopey politician who even looks like opening its trap may be arbitrarily yarded for the duration of the clean up: N.B. they must provide their own flags; not made of money you know.

All those in favour say Aye.

Last edited by Kharon; 13th Oct 2012 at 21:21. Reason: No, no more coffee, thank you Minnie.
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Old 13th Oct 2012, 23:10
  #87 (permalink)  
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Airservices conducted a review of the incident on 12 February this year and that review did not identify any evidence of a systemic problem but rather reflected on individual performance and Airservices has taken action to prevent a recurrence of the event.
Translation - the manager who pressured someone below then into doing something dodgy, has now made then a scapegoat. To paraphrase Sir Humphrey, Safety Management is not about managing safety, its is about the safety of managers.
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Old 14th Oct 2012, 01:26
  #88 (permalink)  
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And the winner is?

Breakdown of legal services costs...

Rural & Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee
Budget Estimates May 2012
Infrastructure and Transport
Question no.: 04
Program: n/a
Division/Agency: (CORP) Corporate Services
Topic: Legal Fees
Proof Hansard Page/s: 16 (23/05/12)
Senator McKENZIE asked:

Senator McKENZIE: I want to ask something on notice. It goes to the legal fees of the department and the agencies. From my rough calculations to a question on notice, we have over $10 million being spent on legal fees. I would like that broken down. We have $2 million from Airservices Australia. We have $1.7 million from Airservices Australia for another issue. The department has spent $1.2 million with the Australian Government Solicitor. Could I have further detail for the over $1 million in legal bills in the answer to question on notice 25?

Mr Mrdak: Certainly. We obviously have a number of legal actions which we deal with, I think, which are predominantly the areas covered by those larger expenditures. Obviously we appear in a number of corporate processes at a time. But I will get you some more detail in relation to those.


Department of Infrastructure and Transport

Service category Cost

Commercial (contracts, property and construction,
procurement, grants and funding, intergovernmental
agreements and corporate law)
Litigation and dispute resolution (debt recovery, tribunal and
court proceedings, employment law and enforcement)
General advice (statutory interpretation, legislative drafting,
employment law and financial law)

Australian Maritime Safety Authority

Service category Cost

General legal advice $605,268
Legislative drafting $477,453
New policy- National System $360,350

Airservices Australia

Service category Cost
Staffing and office support costs for Airservices Office of
Legal Counsel. $1,720,000

Service category Cost
External Legal costs covering such things as property,
employment and commercial matters. $2,144,000

Civil Aviation Safety Authority

Service category Cost

Salaries for 14 staff $1,014,909
Leave and employer super $234,359
Other overhead costs $309,190
You guessed it...hmm wonder what % of the 2.144 million was used for employment disputes?
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Old 15th Oct 2012, 10:08
  #89 (permalink)  
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About 1400 EST tomorrow, marks the end of an era. It will quietly happen in the Senate and your comments on this subject have made it happen. Brava Ppruners, well done!, well done indeed.

I will not bang on about the sad state this industry is in, or the governmental agencies which have; in no small way, contributed to it's near demise. My thoughts, hopes and care for an industry I love, have been shared with some great folk here; infinitum; et tedium (and probably, ad nauseam).

My hope is that just for a short while, we can all stick together and rid ourselves of the invidious, often incestuous, expensive, non productive,. parasite on this industry, which has become our Civil Aviation Safety Authority.

Tomorrow is a start, the 22nd gives a slim (60/40 against) chance – the rest boys and girls; is really - up to you.

Selah – sleep well (if you can).

PS, the old man says Cheers (then rasps "about bloody time": Kilkenny rules. OK).
With the indulgence of T28 –

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
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Old 15th Oct 2012, 10:38
  #90 (permalink)  
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I can't translate but I hope it's about dead wood being thrown out.
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Old 15th Oct 2012, 16:43
  #91 (permalink)  
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Beware of the elephant

Anyone care to translate?
'K' can be descriptive at times can't he?? Basically he is pointing out that Fort Fumble will receive some pretty robust attention at around 1400 down in Spamberra. There is a slight chance that some senior muppets will receive some large pineapples for the decades of pony pooh that has been thrust upon this dying industry, hell I think 'K' is even hoping that some major turn of events will take place and one may see the Minister, Skull and Co, CASA Board and other assorted excess baggage will be sent packing all the way into retirement with those fat Government padded superannuation accounts and excessively plump bank ballances c/o the taxpayer.

However, don't hold your breath as the spin doctors, purveyors of pony pooh, the lawyers, the witchdoctors and the pollies have seen this coming for a while and they will be there, armed with documents, spreadsheets, surprise announcements and holding a fist full of polished turds in an attempt to spin their way out of the spotlight. Some in CASA have spent decades dry humping the taxpayer troughs and they certainly won't go out without a fight.

It may be a somewhat robust afternooon, so grab a brewskie or two, some popcorn and even a tub of vaseline cos it may be exciting.

Last edited by gobbledock; 15th Oct 2012 at 16:45. Reason: The missus busted me stealing the vaseline
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Old 15th Oct 2012, 16:50
  #92 (permalink)  
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The booths are open, step in and vote!


Senator X For PM!
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Old 17th Oct 2012, 02:38
  #93 (permalink)  
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waiting, waiting.....

so.... what has happened???
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Old 17th Oct 2012, 03:26
  #94 (permalink)  
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Yesterday's hearings were a complete yawn.
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Old 18th Oct 2012, 13:13
  #95 (permalink)  
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Yesterday's hearings were a complete yawn.
Much to Creamys robust liking!! Once a regulator always a regulator.
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Old 21st Oct 2012, 01:29
  #96 (permalink)  
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Airservices Controllers in Sydney


Yesterday, 20th October, there were in-bound flights held up by 5 controllers reporting in sick on Saturday.

Some regional areas were really bad with 5 hour delays at Albury

Anyone know anything??

Not to do with the hearing on Monday??
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Old 23rd Oct 2012, 06:17
  #97 (permalink)  
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Did Greg ask you to send this to the world?
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Old 23rd Oct 2012, 08:03
  #98 (permalink)  
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A manager blaming his workforce for the fact that management can't manage their workforce......yep, classic ASA
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Old 23rd Oct 2012, 08:41
  #99 (permalink)  
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Perhaps Greg needs to get his secretary to do a spell and grammar check before hitting the "send" button to his minions.

Since when have we had an "international day of the air traffic controller"? Whilst they do a great job, I thought these days were reserved for such important things as cancer days, "speak like a pirate" and "Cleanup Australia". (Yes, that was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek).

Pull the other one, Mr. Atkins

Last edited by Hugh Jarse; 23rd Oct 2012 at 08:42.
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Old 23rd Oct 2012, 09:15
  #100 (permalink)  
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This type of situation has become all to regular on weekends, so clearly some action will be taken.

Someones going to be called to the principle’s office. Cant give you to much info, but those of you dont get the hint are perhaps ignoring the rant’s of those who score the daily double: Leadership skills of a garden snail as well as illiterate.
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