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Old 20th Jun 2014, 22:33
  #1981 (permalink)  
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Deviance normalised.

Voltaire "The action taken by CasA provides that the applicant must pay to prove his stated previously satisfactory condition and clearly moves the burden of proof from the regulator to the pilot and fails to give the DAME the recommended freedoms to exercise his/her ability to renew aviation medical certificates. If the DAME recommends the pilot be further assessed it is his responsibility, not CasA’s."
CASA seem to have mastered this art, reverse onus. We say you are and you must prove us wrong...It's uncertain how many times Robin Speed (RoLIA) and others, particularly in the USA have railed against the rule of the regulator, rather than that of law. We seem to have almost come to accept this, turning it into a 'normalised deviance'. In safety culture the identification of a normalised deviance is essential; much time, money and effort is spent identifying, correcting and educating industry in this matter; it is a true stealth killer.

Yet 'we' sit idly by, watching companies, jobs, careers, lives been flushed away while our basic rights and democratic principles are progressively eroded, in the name of a few who decide when, where and how the mystique of aviation safety may be applied; to achieve the right outcome.

The rule of law is an overarching principle which ensures that Australians are governed by laws which their elected representatives make and which reflect the rule of law. It requires that the laws are administered justly and fairly.’
- Robin Speed, RoLIA President
Tragic really in an independent sovereign nation. Yet the good ship CASA just sails on as we stand by, fluttering our handkerchiefs – "Full and By Mister Maggot". "Aye aye sir, full and by it is".

Toot toot.

Full and By. Said of a sailing vessel when all sails are drawing full and the course steered is as close to the wind as possible. Sometimes known as sailing by and large.
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Old 21st Jun 2014, 02:30
  #1982 (permalink)  
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Interesting Letter to the Editor of the Canberra Times dated 21 June 14:
Out of control
Harvard University legal historian Harold Berman wrote in his book Law and Revolution that bureaucratic administrative law is the greatest single threat to the Western legal tradition.

His thesis is that the Western legal system is the result of six revolutions (1) Papal; (2) Reformation; (3) English; (4) American; (5) French; and (6) Russian.

There is now a seventh: administrative law. It is universal. Administrative law is written by the executive and enforced by nearly autonomous bodies and agencies.

Administrative law judges, judicial officers and bureaucrats ... operate under the Napoleonic code: guilty until proven innocent at your own expense.

The constitution has been superseded by administrative law. The bureaucracies make the rules, not Parliament. All over the world bureaucracies have expanded their control over individuals, corporations and private institutions. Almost nobody understands this.

We have surrendered control over our legal system to administrative law judges and salaried bureaucrats. The state wins. Lawyers win. Bureaucrats win. State-accredited victimologies win. The rest of us lose.
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Old 21st Jun 2014, 05:38
  #1983 (permalink)  
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His thesis is that the Western legal system is the result of six revolutions (1) Papal; (2) Reformation; (3) English; (4) American; (5) French; and (6) Russian.

There is now a seventh: administrative law.
look carefully around the world and you will see the inevitable consequence of the progression outlined above.
preservation of individual rights by the gun, it is called anarchy by the people who seek to control by administrative law.

watch out CAsA big heads make easy targets.
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Old 21st Jun 2014, 22:22
  #1984 (permalink)  
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Could it be that the punters dissatisfaction in democracies around the world with their ruling elite, is a direct result of the rule of the regulator?
Maybe this is reflected in voting patterns both here and in Europe where fringe radical parties are increasingly being voted for, because of general frustration by the people that their voices are not being heard or ignored.

A warning for the Miniscule perhaps?, well maybe not, he's just fence sitting till retirement so why would he care, but for sure his successor.

CAsA rules by regulation, they are misusing this power,

They are not consulting all those they regulate,

They ignore the wishes and opinions of those they regulate. Those people have most of the experience, knowledge and expertise and they are cynically ignored!!

The GA industry is in its death throes, regional Airlines have their back to the wall, The majors? well QANTAS could be said to be a basket case, but it aint just bad management that's bringing them down, Air New Zealand manages to turn a profit, but their cost base is so much lower because of sensible regulations.

If CAsA is allowed to continue as they are, the Australian people may start asking why their airfares are the highest in the world, as they were back in the two airline days, and why they cant understand a word of what the guy in the front is saying on the PA, or the cabin crew for that matter.
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Old 22nd Jun 2014, 20:52
  #1985 (permalink)  
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Comets and comments.

Like any well mannered comet, the management of matters aeronautical appear to have remained within their preordained orbit. Which is reassuring, knowing that as the comet passes from view, it will, soon or late return; bright as ever.

Now that the machinations of government change, Senate change and review have all passed and the 'paper road' has been properly tabled; what will the debate produce and how far away is it? The 'crew' don't seem in a mood to mess about with matters; I just wonder how much longer it will be before we see the result. They can't poodle about too much longer, can they? – new DAS and all that, big changes proposed etc. Seems to me the longer they fiddle, the more opportunity for the murky Machiavellian distract, divert and dilute process to operate.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Patience Grasshopper. Selah.
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Old 24th Jun 2014, 11:00
  #1986 (permalink)  
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Bureau ASIBs - Scoped for safety benefit to industry or the 4Bs?

{4Bs – Beancounter Beaker’s Budgetary Benefit}

After reading through the latest... Aviation Short Investigation Bulletin - 31... I have some serious concerns about the true motivations for such a concept and whether the bureau...

As stated under the title ‘About this Bulletin’ (page 45):

“There are times when more detailed information about the circumstances of the occurrence allows the ATSB to make a more informed decision both about whether to investigate at all and, if so, what necessary resources are required (investigation level). In addition, further publically available information on accidents and serious incidents increases safety awareness in the industry and enables improved research activities and analysis of safety trends, leading to more targeted safety education…”

…are truly scoping for maximum safety benefit/education or for bureau budgetary benefit, highlighted in bullet point 4 (page 46):
• In cases where the initial decision was to conduct a full investigation, but which, after the preliminary evidence collection and review phase, later suggested that further resources are not warranted, the investigation may be finalised with a short factual report.
With the true reason on why Beaker even bothers in the next bullet point:
• It assists Australia to more fully comply with its obligations under ICAO Annex 13 to investigate all aviation accidents and serious incidents.
Scrolling through the Jet & Turboprop ‘Serious Incidents’, all of which involved HCRPT operators, one wonders if Beaker’s scoping crew have scoped out of existence all the real causal chain factors involved?? Some of the cursory ‘safety messages’ beggar belief, with the operators involved being the only true beneficiaries of the lessons learnt, reflected in their proactive actions taken.

These HCRPT operators fortunately have the added benefit of having (mostly) their own safety departments & SMS to initiate a more thorough investigation into these incidents.

Not so the poor buggers in the Piston Aircraft section, the most disturbing of which was the grossly under investigated and under reported; Collision with terrain involving a Cessna 210, VH-HGZ where the pilot & pax were quite literally seconds from death and both, according to the report, seriously injured. Yet all the bureau had to say in response was…

“…ATSB comment
From the photographs provided by the operator (Figure 2), the ATSB assessed that a connecting rod appeared to have broken and separated from the crankshaft, resulting in a hole in the crankcase. This precipitated a catastrophic engine failure. The smoke entering the cockpit was likely to have been from burning oil…”

…no safety summary, no significant factors, no nothing really??

In agreement with “K” that in combination with the ATR prelim report, the YMIA investigation (love in) and the bureau ASRR submission etc…

“…The ATSB submission, like Oliver simply asks for more porridge and can be as easily dismissed as the pathetic (bloody disgraceful) – press release – doled out as an 'interim' report on the ATR incident. Annexe 19 - indeed…”

absolutely bloody disgraceful...

There may be no industry trust when it comes to the regulator but after recent evidence can anyone truly believe what is coming out of the bureau??

From ASRR submission (my bold):
The ATSB relies on industry to report accidents and incidents and for its close cooperation during the conduct of investigation. While it is clearly important for the ATSB and CASA to work cooperatively in the mutual interests of aviation safety, it is also important that the ATSB’s independence and role as the no-blame safety investigator remains distinct from the role of the regulator.

Notwithstanding the legitimate need for the ATSB and CASA to share safety information in pursuit of those mutual interests (which needs to be entirely transparent to industry, including with a clear understanding as to how such information will be used and what limitations and protections will apply), any perceived merging of the ATSB and CASA roles creates potential to undermine the confidence industry has to both report openly to the ATSB and to cooperate in the conduct of investigations.{Comment: Certainly got that last bit right}
And apparently (at the time of writing their submission) it is only going to get worse for GA accident/incident investigation:
Of the $23.9m funded to the ATSB in 2013–14, around $1.6m (7 per cent) has been allocated towards safety awareness, education and research activity. On current forward estimates, it will be very difficult to maintain this level of funding unless further funds are diverted from investigation resources or provided from an external source.
Yet that happened with the tragic disappearance of MH370. However the true motives for the bureau being actively involved are questionable and whether it will mean more resources for the bureau’s main remit (i.e. TSI) is equally debateable.

Sidewinder from Ben (PT recent article: MH370: The news vacuum brings out the vacuous):
However in the rotation into regular view of this other piece of news the ATSB, the source of the stories on at least two recent rotations through the news media, is just trying to leverage publicity. This coming from an organisation which has recently been discredited by the Abbott Government’s review of Australian Air Safety Regulations for its digracefully botched report into the Pel-Air crash is more than a bit nauseating.

The responsible Minister, or perhaps the PM, needs to apply boot to backside when it comes to the ATSB. This is an agency that couldn’t even retrieve a flight data recorder from a known location in 30 metres of water off Norfolk Island after the Pel-Air ambulance flight was ditched just before it would have exhausted its fuel, and is implicated in a Senate report as having suppressed or dismissed evidence that the failed oversight of the operator by CASA, Australia’s safety regulator, might have been a factor in the crash occurring.

For the sake of Australia’s reputation in air safety matters, someone needs to drop a cone of silence over the ATSB, and get it to redo what is an absurb accident report before it chooses to strut its stuff on the MH370 world stage.
Yes Miniscule boot to backside please (like now) or hand it to Barnaby..

SOB...TICK TOCK Miniscule!
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Old 24th Jun 2014, 21:42
  #1987 (permalink)  
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Objection M'lud.

A ramble - Apart from disputing the putative value of a three tier legislative system; one of the few debatable recommendations of the Forsyth report was item 20.

20. The Australian Transport Safety Bureau transfers its safety education function to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.
I believe we have seen enough 'aberrations' recently to realise that the ATSB reports have reached an all time low; even by Beaker Aberration Standards of the Beyond all Reason Model. Forsyth was very 'kind' to the ATSB on the Pel Air imbroglio (delightful word for cock-up); since then, in what can only be seen as a 'finger' to industry and Senate, ATSB have provided two truly dreadful reports; the interim ATR and the C 210. Let's face it; ATSB are not at the top of their game.

However; general industry relies heavily on ATSB reports for 'education', it does not look to CASA. See here on Pprune; ATSB publish and if the troops can winnow out the 'safety message' from the chaff; there is discussion, like an extension of the 'Crash Comic'. Some of the sane, rational discussions are of benefit to all, especially the 'new-bee's'. I have not, to date seen a CASA generated 'safety' oriented missive mentioned; let alone discussed.

It's fine for the companies with a SMS, they can sort out the issues internally and sharpen their game: but they do not publish (why wudjah?) so 'industry' misses out of the refinements and practices which have resulted from 'internal' audit and investigation – no quarrel with this, just saying.

Then we arrive at the Coroner recommendations; there really are a lot of them. Some good, insightful and valuable; others 'not so'. But CASA blithely ignore them all, not deigning to 'educate' industry as to why coroners recommendations are rejected, or indeed why they have been accepted and the reasoning for changes made to facilitate the recommendation. You need to dig deep to find the responses, even deeper to find the changes. Not a good look...

ATSB, will survive the Beaker years and, with a bit of push, start producing the first class material we used to enjoy and rely on. The next logical step (IMO) is to simply expand 'good' reports into 'educational' documents which could suggest or recommend procedures, practice and comment on the lessons learnt from less than salutary experience.

CASA is not the DCA and do not produce anything to match the much revered "Crash comic"; the current 'rag' has not ever been worth reading, being of as much practical value as one wet sock. Nope, give the "Comic" to ATSB as natural extension of the accident report system; cheap, cheerful and above all; valuable. CASA simply squander the resource. Hell I'd chip in a few bucks to help offset the cost; but if I pay, I want the service...

Right then – back to my knitting. (Ear warmers for elephants today– big project...).
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Old 27th Jun 2014, 09:43
  #1988 (permalink)  
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Anyone have any news on the draft or final report by the Canadian TSB on the ATSBeaker? I think Beaker committed till the end of June at last Senate Estimates. Should be an interesting read.
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Old 28th Jun 2014, 21:13
  #1989 (permalink)  
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Not too bad a thing?

Departmental Secretaries
Thursday, 26 June 2014

Prime Minister

The Governor-General today approved the reappointment of Mr Mike Mrdak as Secretary to the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development for a period of three years and the appointment of Ms Jane Halton PSM as Secretary of the Department of Finance for a period of five years.

Mr Mrdak has led the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development with distinction over the last five years and I congratulate him on his reappointment. Mr David Tune PSM proposes to retire as Secretary of the Department of Finance on 28 June 2014.

Since joining the Australian Public Service in 1976, Mr Tune has had a long and distinguished career. I thank him for his extensive contribution to the Australian community and wish him well in his retirement.
There is no doubt Mike Mrdak has earned reappointment; the work he gets through in estimates, shepherding the mumbling and stumbling is enough justification. He is a doughty defender, a tough adversary and has a mind like a steel trap. Just wish we could recruit him to the IOS.

Aye well – Un-begrudged congratulations are in order.

Play nice you lot......

Last edited by Kharon; 28th Jun 2014 at 21:27.
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Old 29th Jun 2014, 01:12
  #1990 (permalink)  
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Does Mrdak deserve this ??

I will bite K:

2008 - Incharge of Pink Batts disaster under then PM - Kevin Rudd

2009 - In "charge" of atsb "aberrant" PelAir report, as under Dept. Infrastructure;

2009 - In "charge" of casa and the breach [Senate Inquiry] of TSI Act - recommended for investigation [wonder where that is up to and is the AFP about to report??]

2012 - Serious Senate inquiry starts into two of his "departments" - casa and atsb

2013 [May] - 27 Negative findings by Senate into mrdak "sub- departments"

2013 [November] ASRR Inquiry into atsb and casa

2014 [May] mccomick resigns , but given a life-line by the unapproachable casa board.

2014 [June] 37 serious reccomendations and disgust shown by Aviation Industry of particularly casa, but also atsb although Department was not targeted to a great degree - directly;

June 30 2014 - The aviation community holds it's breath to get a proper response to the aviation communities requirements by the Minister and - hang on - big mike gets a further gurnsey, with no blood shown.

A big We......ll.

Last edited by Up-into-the-air; 29th Jun 2014 at 08:59. Reason: editorial
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Old 29th Jun 2014, 02:26
  #1991 (permalink)  
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Farcical reappointment

There is no doubt Mike Mrdak has earned reappointment; the work he gets through in estimates, shepherding the mumbling and stumbling is enough justification. He is a doughty defender, a tough adversary and has a mind like a steel trap. Just wish we could recruit him to the IOS.
Aye well – Un-begrudged congratulations are in order
Kharon, you've lost the plot. Pumpkin Head is part of the problem. He has refused to 'act' on CAsA, the CAsA Board, ATSBeaker, or any of the issues in play. MM is what I refer to as an enabler. His reappoimmet is a disgrace, and no doubt serves as an indicator at the highest level that very little will change at CAsA or ATSBeaker except maybe a face or two at the top. Let's see how he performs within the next 3 years when a giant smoking hole occurs.
This is pony pooh at its worst

Tick Tock and oink oink
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Old 29th Jun 2014, 03:56
  #1992 (permalink)  
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Kharon, you've lost the plot.
Who?- me. Nah mate; the thick plottens. It's a strange situation all things considered and remarkable given the upcoming barney over airport leases and the like. There is still the ICAC angle to add to the equation, the AFP look-see at the TSI breaches and a couple of other minor issues which, all together make a fairly thick stew. There is also the Barnaby dynamic, should the DPM go tech and need to spend time in the workshop, then events may take an interesting turn. See, I like MM right where he is, had he been shuffled off to another sheltered workshop it would mean having to sort out a different hand of cards, on the run, at short notice. We can recognise his pugmarks and mark his predictable track; so no, it's not too bad a thing at all.

Yup. Marbles all present and correct. Although UITA seems to have lost some: facts grasshopper; facts.....
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Old 29th Jun 2014, 04:11
  #1993 (permalink)  
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You can't get change coming from the top if the top doesn't change! Following the logic that its better to keep incompetence in place because his incompetence is a known quantity, then Dolan should stay and so should McCormick.
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Old 29th Jun 2014, 04:55
  #1994 (permalink)  
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Mildly disagree LL; the MM is first and foremost a political animal; if the changes are enforced 'from above', where the really, truly horsepower resides; then they will travel down to IOS level. If the MM application of change is as 'good' as his resistance to it, then all will be well; lest his masters thump him for buggering up their good work.
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Old 29th Jun 2014, 05:34
  #1995 (permalink)  
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You can't get change coming from the top if the top doesn't change! Following the logic that its better to keep incompetence in place because his incompetence is a known quantity, then Dolan should stay and so should McCormick.
Based on the evidence and the understanding I have at hand, I have to agree with Lookleft on this point. Change must start at the top, if it doesn't then it won't filter down the line.
However, I may not have all the necessary info to make the statement I did about Pumpkin Head, if this is so then I humbly apologise. Maybe MM has had some robust KPI's built into his new 3 year contract which includes overseeing the dismantling and restructure of FF and ATSB?
I guess time will tell, but I cannot hide my concerns about his reappointment.
Either way I am a little edgy today. Frank borrowed the Houseboat and got the motor snagged on some FOD in the Styx River. Apparently he hit the safe that all the IOS Forsythe submissions are locked in. Someone naughty tried to dispose of it. Either way I am stressing that the Houseboat won't be serviceable until Monday, and with 2 Engineers off with the flu I am going to have to pull an all nighter, and I know that you have a lot of pax booked in for Monday morning 'K'.

Toot toot
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Old 29th Jun 2014, 08:39
  #1996 (permalink)  
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Devil 38 recommendations?


2014 [June] 38 serious reccomendations
Bugga! I just replied to 37 ASRR recommendations and now you tell me I missed one!

Where it and what does it say?
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Old 29th Jun 2014, 09:15
  #1997 (permalink)  
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Appreciate the edit!!
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Old 30th Jun 2014, 21:04
  #1998 (permalink)  
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CVD and matters medical.

In case you missed it or have not been following, the whole sad tale is – HERE - . Get behind it if you feel you can; all in, a good cause.

The CVDPA folk have launched a petition calling for Minister Truss to intervene in the current dispute:

Petition to the Hon Warren Truss MP (Deputy Prime Minister & Minister for Infrastructure & Regional Development): To Intervene in the battle between colour defective pilots and CASA which threatens to destroy hundreds of careers
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Old 4th Jul 2014, 20:31
  #1999 (permalink)  
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Worlds worst rumour.

As is my wont, I had a quiet one with P7 a.k.a. TOM last evening; it's the only time in a long time I didn't enjoy my ale. He was generous enough to buy the first and allow me the pleasure of it, all was well until round two turned up.

TOM: " Sorry mate, but I'm going to ruin your day".

K: "Oh aye". (anticipating for some pawky, humorous gambit).

TOM " Yup, DOLAN is to be reappointed to ATSB, seems they are going to pass it off as an 'interim' measure, until the stench dissipates; then, make it for the full five years". "It's whispered that if the TSBC report is just 'not too bad', he's in."

Happily, TOM had the grace not to speak until my ale was on the bar top; so no spillage or choking, I just stood there, like one o'clock half struck staring at it. Eventually -

K: " Nah, your pulling my leg", says I more in hope than belief, "Shirley not".

TOM: "'tis but a rumour at this stage" says he, quietly and kindly "but it's on the cards, why don't we wait and see, finish that and I'll get us another, there's a good lad".

Well, it spoiled my evening, even got beaten at darts (Blind Freddy); it seemed to be a long walk home, the battered Nav bag heavier than usual as I contemplated another five years of ATSB reports from the parsimonious, incredibly flawed source. IMO Dolan should have resigned after Pel Air: any honourable man would have done so, from shame. The only bright spot is that I no longer have to read the published drivel; nope I can just ignore it.

If this very ugly rumour is proven true, we are in a hole, a very deep one. What is this minuscule saying to us? Gee whiz, I hope it's just a rumour; but expect the worst and hope for the best won't work if this is aberration is foisted on industry. It was bad enough before, but now with reappointment tacitly approving past behaviour, in the words of the bard – "we're Farked". Well and truly, for all money.

A prayer to a pagan god – please don't let happen, please don't let it be true. etc. etc.....

Sotto voce - Toot.
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Old 4th Jul 2014, 22:48
  #2000 (permalink)  
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Tell me its not so!!!

Hell's Bell's Kharon, I heard a rumour that the miniscule was suffering from dementia, maybe its true!!! Maybe when he has those little turns where he doesn't know who or where he is, his minder puts a pen in his hand and says " Just sign at the bottom , there's a good boy". Or is the idiot determined to make Australia an even bigger world laughing stock?

A chill wind just blew across my thoughts, what if they reappoint the Skull??

Armageddon for the industry.

After all those negative submissions to the Wusses inquiry, the CAsA enforcers will be busy, we all know the ones, heavy set, shaven heads, no necks, wearing dark suits and ray bans, you see them sitting at the back of the AAT and protest meetings taking notes and photo's or lurking behind hangers at air shows.

The Skull will have his revenge!!

Last edited by thorn bird; 5th Jul 2014 at 02:42.
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