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Rex and the Media Release

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Old 9th Oct 2007, 20:28
  #21 (permalink)  
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Aussie, Rambo, Hog Driver, when did you actually apply to Aussie airlines?

We all know memories of HR departments are short and many administrators will not go through CVs that came in months ago unless they really really have to, and it looks like things aren't bad enough for that..

Maybe pilots who recently applies can share some of their experiences about responses..
Old 9th Oct 2007, 20:33
  #22 (permalink)  
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Rumour I heard was that VB had "updated" their hold file and subsequently lost many applications.
If your O.S mates have not heard it may be they have dropped off the Radar.
Re-apply and hopefully they will be more succesful
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Old 9th Oct 2007, 20:53
  #23 (permalink)  
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Keg, Love your work.

This looks like a cynical, rent seeking attempt to extort the next Federal government using regional Australia as the hostage, to gain another subsidy for profit.

Here they are boasting that their Return On Equity is 23% in the latest Investor Briefing.
‘Privatising profits, socialising the costs’ - Straight out of the National Party play book.
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Old 9th Oct 2007, 23:05
  #24 (permalink)  
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What Keg said.

I am a shareholder in Rex. At least until they release them out of hold and I can sell them.

In other large Companies, lack of Action from Management leading to such a poor situation for Shareholders would result in HEADS ROLLING.

Wun-Hung-Low has in the past indicated his displeasure in the management team he inherited.

--- quote from an email Oct 06:
i will be the first to agree that these managers will not be my first choice for my dream team of the perfect management team. i work with what i have and i think on balance we have done some pretty fabulous things in spite of obvious limitations on the part of most managers.

What a waste.
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Old 9th Oct 2007, 23:20
  #25 (permalink)  
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A very accurate summation of the situation !

When will these management faarkers wake up ???

"You reap what you sow" !........... hear hear !
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Old 9th Oct 2007, 23:42
  #26 (permalink)  
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"If the government can subsidise the education of lawyers, accountants engineers and other professionals, surely it can recognise that the piloting profession is equally worthy of assistance."

Should it be "If Rex can see the pay scales of lawyers, accountants, engineers and other professionals, surely it can recognise that the piloting profession is equally worthy of greater remuneration."

Its a start at least that they recognise it as a professional position, now they just have to recognise it in dollar terms.

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Old 9th Oct 2007, 23:53
  #27 (permalink)  
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And the AFAP, God bless their souls, sent me an email regarding the press release with the title:

Pilot shortage - The penny finally starts to drop
This was a REX press release issued today:
Pity the big pennies the members pay you are not working for our benefit...

Still they don't do anything to help the pilots already at REX.

No wonder NJS went to the TWU to get some REAL help!
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Old 10th Oct 2007, 00:25
  #28 (permalink)  
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Your post was rubbish.

There is a certain little reality that you and most posters to this thread insist on remaining breathtakingly ignorant about:

Rex cannot afford to pay the T&Cs posters here are demanding!

How many times do I have to say this? Don't you think it obvious, especially given that all other similar operators in Australia pay about the same?

You seem to think that upping the T&Cs is as simple a matter as flicking a switch. If it were that simple, don't you think the management would have done that? Obviously you think the management would rather threaten the existance of the company and their own jobs than flick that switch.

And how about a little more honesty? A number of posters are suggesting that with suitable T&C increases, the experienced pilots will remain at Rex.

This is simply not true. You know it, and management know it. The management have recognised that the cadet scheme will bring them far better return on the investment than paying it to the existing pilots.
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Old 10th Oct 2007, 00:36
  #29 (permalink)  
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The Bottom Line

What a load of PR Bull#*%t

Media Release " Rex has done all it could and we call on the Government" also quotes They have a very healthy financial position...

so then I don't know maybe >>> PAY MORE = KEEP MORE.. not rocket science

but that is not good for the annual Bonus review is it

... However the minning industry is not paying unskilled labourers well over 100 grand due to the goodness of their hearts... its due to the Operation needs then to keep turning = keep feeding the profits thru = shareholders happy

All these Virgin / Jetstar / Rex / others ..Management types :
Read the other posts here and over the last year or more

We overseas based aussies with more time than you can poke a stick at (realative to recruitment) and not yet grey... are sick of reading about the pilot shortage when our applications go unanswered...

So why is this so...

Don't recruit pilots who are used to being paid what they are worth ?....

Don't recruit pilots with more experience than the Management Pilots may pose a threat to their cosy position down the track.

Yes there are those ( minority) who may come in and tell them how to run a real airline ... but that is possible with any recruit given the ego's of many in this industry and just maybe that in itself (ego) helps explain the recruitment thinking of these Recruitment Managers.

" Stuff them all, They chose to leave Aus and go fly that Heavy O/S.. now after making some bucks they want to come home, they can Go Get Fu%#@d " -
We will cancel services rather than meet crewing demands with available Pilot applicants>>>> Genius

The Aussie mind at work / one hopes this is not the case !

Pilot Shortage ?? Aussies based outside Of home wanting to come home
in their 30s's many with widebody left/Right seat time or
Bizjet or ...the list just goes on.

....Yeah I know .." Flogging a dead horse "
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Old 10th Oct 2007, 01:00
  #30 (permalink)  
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Straight out of the National Party play book.
Surely you meant Labour Party play book?
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Old 10th Oct 2007, 01:04
  #31 (permalink)  
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Welcome back aircraft, I hope you’ve acquired a nice tan.
Rex cannot afford to pay the T&Cs posters here are demanding!
This says otherwise.
Profit after tax up by 50.4% to $23.6M
Don’t know about this though
Lowest flight cancellations
Which would certainly affect their outlook for
Projected earnings growth of 10% for FY07/08
This latest press release was nothing more than a public slap in the face to all of Rex’s current pilots. You might be right after all. It doesn’t matter how much Rex pays now because the pilots won’t stay with a company that despises them. The management mentality obviously wont change.
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Old 10th Oct 2007, 01:14
  #32 (permalink)  
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Aircraft, there are two camps that are widely opposed and you're in the one with big areas of open ground between tents. In my opinion, I don't think Rex can NOT afford to pay pilots more. It's as simple as that. If they can't afford to be in business, then they don't deserve to be in business. If fuel prices go up by 100%, they can afford to pay that. They have to! They are a small fish in a big pond with no influence over fuel prices. What's so different when the price of pilots goes up? They can bleat and bemoan the shortage, appeal to the government and start a cadet scheme. They can blame other airlines for "poaching" their crews. At the end of the day, they're cancelling flights for lack of crew. If they can't afford to pay pilots more, then so be it. They'll simply go out of business. It seems to be a classic case of "cutting off your nose to spite your face".
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Old 10th Oct 2007, 01:16
  #33 (permalink)  

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I'm going to borrow a great saying from a colleague on Qrewroom.

Being monstered by aircraft is like being gummed by a two day old puppy.

I thought you were an advocate of supply and demand? REX doesn't have the supply, they need to pay more. Obviously they need to find the money from somewhere. I'm sure the shareholders would accept a cent or two less per dividend adn pay the pilots more rather than park aeroplanes and get no dividend at all.

Alternatively they can cut the terms and conditions of the management....they're obviously a dime a dozen considering that these ones couldn't foresee or do anything about a looming pilot shortage in time to avoid parking aeroplanes.
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Old 10th Oct 2007, 01:21
  #34 (permalink)  
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Maybe that's the problem Keg...bonuses tied to share price. Dividends go down. Share price goes down. Cost of capital goes up and bonuses go down.
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Old 10th Oct 2007, 01:33
  #35 (permalink)  
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Lodown...whilst that maybe a component of management bonuses, surely profit is the main driving factor.

Cancelled flights equals lost opportunity for revenue which equals lost profit.

Unless of course they were flights undersubscribed by pax and would not have turned a profit in the first place.
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Old 10th Oct 2007, 01:39
  #36 (permalink)  
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and then..

I believe the current "crisis" is two fold.
First, local airlines have had it so good for so long they are very reluctant to try and meet international T&Cs, meaning local pilots flock overseas for better paying jobs etc. This in effect causes a flow on effect at home causing the local airlines to pillage the regionals as they know they will fly the big shinny jets for the going rate. etc etc.
Secondly, the big guys have managed to rape this industry/career so much that young guys/gals no longer see a return for the big investment needed to become a pilot. As was mentioned, get a degree, work Mon-Fri and earn as brainer!!!
My point, the airlines are to blame for the current crisis, the government has helped them out over the years and our cries of foul play have been ignored. (Whinging glorified bus drivers) The profits of these companies are still soaring and they dare ask the government for help!!!! No doubt it will be our fault again!!!
REX: Increase your T&Cs, yes less profits next year. To compete with airlines, how about lifestyle rostering, part time, roster share, profit share, free jumpseat travel and weekend penalty rates. Might just attract some senior guys, fed up with the international flying, come ack to enjoy some good old fashion regional flying without the crap rosters etc etc!!
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Old 10th Oct 2007, 01:55
  #37 (permalink)  
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The solution I believe is not only salary, although they will have to increase and should as they have declined in real terms since '89(no I'm not involved in that dispute on either side) but also one which can offer an improved lifestyle. At present all operators see staff as a liability not an asset and treat them with something akin to utter contempt. F&D limits are'nt limits anymore but targets no matter how ridiculous a roster it produces and pilots basically are expected to show incredible flexibility in accepting changes for no benefit.
There is no reputable union at present, although the NJS pilots seem to be having some joy with their union so that may be a bit harsh, but if there was I suspect it would'nt matter under the present regime in Canberra. What is needed is more input from staff, after all most staff want to see their operator succeed not only for job security but for personal gain as well. That I fear is extremely unlikely as we have a mutual loathing, management treat staff appallingly and in return they are hated for it - all very mature!
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Old 10th Oct 2007, 02:07
  #38 (permalink)  
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Why is it that supply and demand or the "we need to pay the big money to management to attract the people we need" applies to management positions yet the same principle does not apply to the pilots? If REX cannot find pilots at the current pay level surely the wages must rise? And don't forget that REX are hardly coming off a high base wage. Given the cost of a license REX's salaries are well below what would be considered big salaries. I have read your stuff of price elasticity but using that logic REX will just park aeroplanes.

Management teams across the country need to deal with reality. They want people to fund their training and expect to pay them very badly. After 50 years things have come full circle. Either you pay the money for self funded pilots or you pay for all the training and keep salaries at a lower level. I don't see any alternative, as importing pilots won't be an option because there aren't any to import. I suppose you just park you gear against the fence.
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Old 10th Oct 2007, 03:13
  #39 (permalink)  
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Being monstered by aircraft is like being gummed by a two day old puppy.
Keg, I believe it actually "like being savaged by a dead sheep"
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Old 10th Oct 2007, 03:16
  #40 (permalink)  
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Ladies & Gentlemen, fellow highly esteemed ppruners, I am truly puzzeled as to why, with such a high collective IQ, anyone here actually dignifies Aircrafts fragrently ludicrous posts with a response, let alone reads them - the mind boggles
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