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Old 19th Dec 2005, 07:28
  #21 (permalink)  
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I wish yourself and your family the best for Christmas and the new year.
Enough Christmas cheer there for you?

Well, this thread is about leaving VB for EK, but when two guys with 15+ years experience in your airline ring you at home and ask about jobs in Oz its gotta make you wonder!

I may have been wrong about the passport issue, but others even state that it is a requirement to hand in your passport a few days before leaving permanently.

By the way Don - never assume how I vote with regard to union ballots.

No Qantas is not perfect but at least I've seen them move heaven and earth to help crew when their chips are down, have personal or family problems and have a network in place for this specific purpose.
Yes, things are changing in Oz and Qantas, but so is the rest of the world.

Also if you are going to be living and working as a pilot in Australia, Qantas provides a career path and not just a job and is most pilot's first choice if possible.
I consider myself fortunate but at the same time I openly criticise my employer when I think criticism is warranted.
No company is perfect by any standards and it is because we are passionate about our professions and take pride in our jobs and employer that we criticise them openly.

I imagine open and public criticism is not encouraged at Emirates.

At least we have some sort of industrial law in this country whereby contracts are binding legally and there is legislation in place to prevent unannounced changes.

No, our union or industrial system is far from perfect either, but at least we have the right to be part of one and there are mechanisms in place.

Both these friends and a close relative very high in the UAE banking system say its only a matter of time before a large number of Chinese staff (especially Techies and mechanics) are recruited.

Whether the Chinese will let them go is another point open to debate as skilled labour in China is already in short supply.

You ask me about facts?
Well thats it Don.
Like I said when Emirates senior check staff want to join either QF as second officers or Virgin Blue you gotta sit up and take notice.
That is a fact!!!
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Old 19th Dec 2005, 08:33
  #22 (permalink)  
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Thumbs down EK

"I imagine open and public criticism is not encouraged at Emirates."

TIMMEEEE, mate you could not be more correct!

Actually not to many of you guys would be aware of that, but unions are against the LAW in the UAE.

Couple of years ago, some Aussies got together to start a union in Emirates, of course management hear of it, and the most senior guy in that group was called in the the Chief pilot's office and was asked to give the names of the other guys that were planing to start a union.

Initialy he did refuse, but "the law" was explained to him, Unions are illegal in the UAE punish by jail.
I don't believe that that those guys would have gone to jail, but would have lost their jobs for sure and asked to leave Dubai within 24 hours.

Last but not least, if you try question the procedures or even the system in Emirates, "they" will tell you that maybe it is time for you to leave, plenty of people (mainy from Asia,India and Pakistan) are willing to take your place.....

Welcome to Emirates!

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Old 19th Dec 2005, 09:33
  #23 (permalink)  
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I suspect the reason you have to forfeit your passport a few days before you leave is to have the work visa etc cancelled in your passport. If you have your family there then their passports will have to go through the same process as they will have been granted visas on the basis of the bread winners employment. Nothing more, nothing less.

No agro intended.
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Old 19th Dec 2005, 10:37
  #24 (permalink)  
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Timmeeeeeee... I also know people at EK. Here's how it works:

Yes they do take your passport in Dubai before you leave. That's because Dubai is not really a country, it's more like a corporation in a company town, run by a few families. When you leave, they want your visa un-glued from your passport so that you cannot come back in except on a tourist visa, like everyone else.
only a matter of time before a large number of Chinese staff (especially Techies and mechanics) are recruited
Bet your gonads that they will be seeking pilots from China
Now think about what you said.

They are ALREADY seeking pilots from China and everywhere else. Even deepest darkest Africa where they have to send somene down to shake a tree. This has been so for several years and they are no longer picky. China has always been a target for recruitment but maybe the Chinese don't think it's polluted enough here for them?? Not enough cats running around? Who knows???

With the recent outbreak of aviation in China and the demand for even more pilots up there, from other sources, I don't think there's going to be an Asian Invasion of EK by Chinamen.

Check out the ME forum. No shortage of references to the reality that the management claim to be overwhelmed with job-applicants BUT as you note, flights are being cancelled, transition courses are half-filled, interviews are not attended and people are leaving. If there were Chinamen everywhere this would not be the case.

By the way, no one else in the world refers to pilots as "techies" or "tech-crew".

Sorry for that crack about your wife but I still think those two guys are faggots....
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Old 19th Dec 2005, 23:57
  #25 (permalink)  
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Like most large airlines they do have a large IT devision. This is a big money earner with this mob under the banner of Mercator. The Indians are leaving for greener parstures back home as the money is not good here. Step in the Chinese workers. They are desperate not to increase costs and keep the work flow happening. That is regarded by many as technical.

Your "mates" have been here for 15 years. For Farks sake why wouldn't thay want to return home? Also coincides with a quite momentous period in the Australian aviation history doesn't it? They got what they voted for. If I'm still here in 15 years, shoot me.

Don't get me wrong, l am the victim of some bad Kiwi decisision making, as are a lot of ex AN people. I would rather not be here. But by the same token l now enjoy a wide-body command, and a command for me in AN was decades away, and the family are happy here too. And they are the most important thing to me.

However a lot of my comrades who joined your mob are nothing more than 2nd officers who do not enjoy their lot at all.

I could go on, like you do, about how badly they are treated with the great experience they have and they way they see their future, but l can't be bothered. Unlike like you.

You don't have to look over into the neighbours back yard to see something that smells when there is something very fishy and rotten in your own back yard.

And another thing. What is your interest and caring in what VB pilots choose as a career? My guess is absolutely nothing. You have a few "Check Captain Vise-president 2IC of the naff department" (Sorry was l miss-quoting you? Something you are very good at!) who have had a gut-full (and who can blame them after 15 years!) of EK and want to get home.

Don't you have any "mates" in VB who are actually doing it tough, and have had enough the pairing structures and rosters? There a lot of people who may just enjoy long-haul, and are not sure of there career progress under the vacuum cleaner man.

My advice to you TIMMEEE is pull your head in. Who gives a stuff what you and your "mates" reckon. If it's that bad, why don't your "mates" post here instead of you?

halas (and me two best mates)
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Old 21st Dec 2005, 08:38
  #26 (permalink)  
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Good to hear you're doing well and your family is enjoying the sand pit.
I'm also glad to hear that after the Ansett you faired well and have a command.

All that said Halas you seem to take offence at some plain truths.
Yes, your very senior pilots are really pissed off - thats a fact.
Yes - EK is looking to recruit pilots from China.
It hasnt happened yet but it will happen.
The banks are starting to get edgy about financing for all those aircraft orders which lack pilots and engineers - and routes for that matter.

My mates ring me and ask me about employemt in Oz - they tell me about their problems and I try to help by offering objective advice.
They couldnt be bothered posting on here because as they say it falls on deaf ears and they will vote with their feet.
They dont want to be further screwed over by those same people that think so highly of you that they amend your contract without your knowledge!!

Sound familiar??
Need I go on??

You tell me to pull my head in Halas..........whatever.
I dont give a rats ar$e and you are entitled to your opinion.
At least if I have a problem I can knock on senior managements door without fear of retribution and give them my two cents worth.

You talk about my back yard Halas.
I said before and I'll say it again - its not perfect but I am happy with my lot and see myself with a career rather than a medium to short term contract.

You obviously seem quite threatened and get all upset when a few home truths are mentioned, but then again doesnt anyone considering leaving a company such as VB to join EK deserve to know whats happening and what they are up against?????
You obviously think not and tell me to pull my head in.....very mature and professional!

This thread is about VB pilots joining EK - not about you Halas.

I do question why someone would go to EK when there seems to be alot of disgruntled, upset, uncertain and pissed off pilots in your company and the traffic seems to be flowing out of Emirates.
The "rats deserting the sinking ship" someone quoted but I wouldnt go that far.
Such rapid expansion in these days of uncertainty certainly has the Central Bank of the UAE very worried but you wouldnt read about it of course.

We could go on all day but I must fly so that I can be at home with my family on Christmas day.

Enough said and seasons greetings!!.

Last edited by TIMMEEEE; 21st Dec 2005 at 08:51.
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Old 22nd Dec 2005, 04:07
  #27 (permalink)  
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You are right that this is not about me and l never intended it to be.

Likewise why is a someone like you with no direct connection with VB or EK hijacking this thread?

You say.....

The EK senior pilots are pissed off,
Pilots will be coming from China,
The UAE Central Bank is worried.
Speak up in EK and fear retribution.
EK is not a career.

Not all the senior pilots are pissed off - fact
China can't get enough pilots themselves - fact
The Central Bank of UAE couldn't give a stuff as EK is registered in the UK - fact
Retribution is a very subjective term and happens every where- fact
EK is not a career for everyone, but it can be for some and is - fact

The sky is falling in!!!!!

Your last post is like all the others. A sensatialist opinion that is formed from either fabricated information, mis-quotes or the basis of two mates who are not happy, and that what ever they feed you is true.

That is certainly NOT FACT. As such l am not at all threatened by what you say.

(By the way, the biggest group of whingers in EK are not the Poms surprisingly. It's the Aussies. Very dissapointing when you hear of all the misery that they spread around.)

What worries me are the furphies you tell along with the vague and loose connection you have to the topic, whilst you preport to be some kind of expert on the topic, which entitles you to guide others in their decision making.

Your CRM skills are nothing short of breath taking. They expose just how mature and proffessional you are.

I have agreed that this place is not for every one, and it has more than a fair share of problems for anyone living here or contemplating the move

And if you are 'all sensative' to the term "pull your head in", which means, if you don't understand, mind-your-own-business, then get over it.

If anyone appears to feel threatened here, it is you.
Why else would you continue with the utter BS that you keep posting?

If you want any respect put some facts on the table. And that sir is something you can't do, because you are mearly an observer.

There is plenty happening in your own pond that you should waorry about, and as l said before, try and stay in your own back-yard. No one likes a busy-body!

Oh, and if that last line about Christmas was supposed to have been a jab? Bad luck! All the family are here to enjoy Christmas and new years. Might even go snow-skiing in the afternoon.

Enjoy your Christmas.


Edited for spelling

Last edited by halas; 10th Feb 2006 at 13:15.
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Old 22nd Dec 2005, 08:27
  #28 (permalink)  
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Gentlemen- just on the Chinese pilots, regardless of EK intentions, you will find no Chinese pilots on the payroll for one very simple reason.

They will not be given permission to leave China while the national carrier has a shortage themselves. They also have a training debt to their employer that will take almost 30 years to pay off, and cannot leave until it is. The premium (above local wages) being paid to foreign pilots in China is testament to the current shortage. The Prc is not the free world as we know it.

Taiwanese, Phillipino's etc are another story.
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Old 1st Jan 2006, 20:51
  #29 (permalink)  
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Re: Virgins off to Emirates

Keep off the roads there when its foggy,the ragheads still drive at 100mph in 200m viz thinking that allah will provide! Dickheads,and l know what its like having diverted and then being driven back to dubai in the murk
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Old 2nd Jan 2006, 01:28
  #30 (permalink)  
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Re: Virgins off to Emirates

Hey 74World

You said on page one,
"Who cares about the "No income tax" salary??? the only reason people are not paying income tax is because of the indirect taxes (high cost of living)!!!!! nothing is free in this world......"

I take the time to disagree with this, yes high cost of living, but compared to what. A regional Australian town, but compared to Sydney, Melbourne or even the way Brisvegas is going , no it is not high. Considering the company financially supports the very large majority of your housing and living cost. Taxes, actually, Aussies, Kiwi’s, Yanks, Poms pay there personal income taxes. In Oz, the gov taxes your income to pay for public services, (and double tax you with fees, surcharges and levies). A simple ‘tax’ on exported oil is plenty to supply these countries with plenty of revenue. So matey, next time you fill up your car, just think,,,,,,you have just paid the Virgin Emirates boys taxes.
Live on Australia.
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Old 2nd Jan 2006, 03:42
  #31 (permalink)  

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Re: Virgins off to Emirates

As the father of two much loved, half Arabic sons, I take offense at the term raghead. I'd liken it to boong, abo, spic, wog, dago, nigger, etc. That is, it's hardly a complimentary term, can easily be taken to be racist, and is disrespectful.
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Old 2nd Jan 2006, 05:37
  #32 (permalink)  
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Talking Re: Virgins off to Emirates

Hey Ejector,

No I wasn't trying to compare the cost of living with Oz, of course it is way higher.......why not compare it to India and Bangladesh in your ex?

I was thinking about the cost of living in Europe (not counting UK of course)!

Don't get me wrong, EK is not a bad company, just that the money is crap, people have a good lifestyle but after even 20 years (if they can put up with DXB) they won't walk out rich men!

I don't have the figures but it would be interesting to know how many people have resigned from QF or NZ last year......I'm sure a lot more have left EK...
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Old 2nd Jan 2006, 09:41
  #33 (permalink)  
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Devil Derogatory Remarks

Not to mention Skippy/Skip, Gubba(spl?), Aussie/white c##t/pr##k/s##t etc. These are just a few of the names bandied around towards Anglo's at Jarsephine's school. And an all girls' school at that (And why do we have to call ourselves Anglo's??) That's another term used by "non Anglo's".....

Not having a go at ya, Clarrie, and by no means endorsing what the other person wrote that prompted your response. Just pointing out that it happens both ways, but can't be justified under any circumstances
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Old 2nd Jan 2006, 10:05
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Re: Virgins off to Emirates

Onya 'Jarse, yuh white prig. (tell Jarsephine to "maintain the rage")

Back onto topic... very intriguing to watch the decks of cards shuffle between airlines but one thing is for sure, EK is not the great carrot of allure it once was (indeed alot has changed everywhere).

Good to see things are changing though...

Difficult to know which way to turn, as we all have different tolerances and comfort zones... happy hunting!
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Old 2nd Jan 2006, 11:00
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Re: Virgins off to Emirates

Hope your recovering well Jarse and looking forward to flying with you soon you 'bloodnut whitey' .
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Old 2nd Jan 2006, 11:24
  #36 (permalink)  
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Re: Virgins off to Emirates

Originally Posted by Captain Sand Dune
The Saudis hold the passports of foreigners. That's where the confusion may have come from.
Only if you're overnighting from outside the country.
I've done several Hajj's both based in Jeddah and outside it, and the only time they take your passport is when you come in from outside the country.

(Unless it's changed recently)
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Old 3rd Jan 2006, 01:03
  #37 (permalink)  

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Re: Virgins off to Emirates

G'day Jarse,

I agree, there is no justification. Though I admit I haven't heard any of the slang for anglos and thus didn't think to include an example.

Darwin is the most cosmopolitan city I have lived in, or visited. Some 50+% of the NT poulation have a language other than English as their native tongue, I was told the other day. Acceptance of other peoples up here is very widespread, apart from some red-neckie anti aboriginal sentiment.

Last edited by Capt Claret; 3rd Jan 2006 at 01:14.
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Old 3rd Jan 2006, 07:23
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Re: Virgins off to Emirates


Sandy lived, worked and played in that part of the sandpit for many years. His flying was not with an airline, and what he states is the truth, for those that reside there.

Have a Happy New year Sandy, hope the country music is not driving you mad.

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Old 5th Jan 2006, 04:29
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Re: Virgins off to Emirates

Foreign Worker, my understanding is that if you hold citizensip of a country, you also hold a passport; I don't think it's voluntary. An exception MAY be dual citizenship where you don't actually collect a passport of your second country.

Do you mean she was securing "residency" as opposed to "citizenship" ??
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Old 6th Jan 2006, 04:03
  #40 (permalink)  
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Re: Virgins off to Emirates

But they get driven to work in Plash Audi's..........
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