View Full Version : TransGulf Express

21st Aug 2003, 10:33
Hi folks

I am wondering the outcome of TransGulf

Express interviews in Canada. I was in

for the interview they told me I will hear

from them in a week time,but up to know

I haven't heard a thing. I am curious if

anybody (pilots,mechanics,FA) received

any job offers.



22nd Aug 2003, 04:43
Did you get my e-mail?

22nd Aug 2003, 05:33
Who are Transgulf express and what are their plans?????


22nd Aug 2003, 05:37
Hi Wrenchbender

negative on your email, please send me

another one. I am interested in what

you have to share.


23rd Aug 2003, 01:53
Hi Mutt

TransGulf Express is a new start up airline in the Middle

East out of Sharjah "low cost operation", went to Canada

conducted interviews for "pilots,Fa,Mechs." Starting some time

in Sept. I think 18th not sure though, starting first with 3 A320s

and ending with 6 by year end.

I hope this will help ;) !



23rd Aug 2003, 15:56
Is this a different company to Air Arabia, or a name change??
Air Arabia also Sharjah with similar types and time frame.........?

23rd Aug 2003, 16:01
Check your PM. Thanks!


24th Aug 2003, 00:02

TransGulf Express is not Air Arabia 2

different companies, similar fleet from

what I hear!

I hope this helps.


Jet Joc
24th Aug 2003, 21:04
How about a website or contact#'s:ooh:

25th Aug 2003, 06:06
Jet Joc

Sorry mate I wish I had one I would have

contacted them long time ago and would

have gladly provided it.

I will definitely be on the lookout for

either (phone or site)



Hajj Man
25th Aug 2003, 09:36
Try these Jet Joc:

[email protected] TransGulf Express

[email protected] Air Arabia.

See Ya

Hajj Man


junkyard dog
25th Aug 2003, 12:04
Why on earth would transgulf express go and conduct interveiws in Canada ?
this is weard , no web site , no email for this airline , no nothing.

25th Aug 2003, 12:49
Lets see, at last count we have Trans Gulf, Air Arabia, Pluto Airlines and Meena Jet, all start-up airlines out of SHJ.
Where are they all going to park!

26th Aug 2003, 00:24
junkyard dog

The reason TGE went to Canada is because there is a lot of

highly trained (pilots,FAs,Mechs) that have been laid off

from Air Canada as we speak as well as a lot of X-Canada

3000 crews. Needless to say TGE consultant is well reputable

Air Canada Captain well respected with many years of

experience in the industry, so there you have it.

I hope this will answer your Q!

regards ;)

Willie Everlearn
26th Aug 2003, 05:39
There are three 'start ups' in Sharjah. Ask yourself how a tiny emirate like Sharjah can start up that many 'low cost' airlines???? Right next door to Emirates.

Shaikh al Thani hasn't spun a fan on a number of aircraft since he started years ago. If you talk to any of these outfits? Lots of BS short on substance.

Personally, I'd stay away from it.

.. a word to the wise.

why Canada for interviews????
just taking advantage, that's all.

good luck to all, just the same



...what has ex-Air Canada captain got to do with anything.

First of all Air Canada pilots are 'rare' in the Emirates and second of all Air Canada pilots know squat about Sharjah.

None of these three operations make an ounce of sense.

...but, that's just my opinion and nothing more.


26th Aug 2003, 12:20
Willie Everlearn

Gday....mate with respect to the 3
startups out of the tiny Emirates state,
I kind of think it is tight for everybody
to operate if everybody does go head
and start. I agree with "4holerpoler"
I think he was the one to say earlier
on this topic that if any of them would
last given the financial profile so far
from what we see, it would be Air
Arabia since its goverment backed, and
in the middle east it means alot!

TGE if does start it will demonsrate a
new concept in flying in the middle east
since it will be the first ever airline in
the region flying no frills.

"why Canada for interviews????
just taking advantage, that's all". I
don't dispute that it could very well be
part of the bigger picture that we don't

(...what has ex-Air Canada captain got
to do with anything.) I never
mentioned anything about x-Air
Canada Captain Willi... what I said was
a current Air Canada Captain.......that's
what TGE rep. was saying to all of the
us waiting for their interviews when
somone asked Why Canada For

Willi...I really don't know if there are
any AC pilots in the Emirates as we
speak and it dosen't concern me, but I
do know there are a number of
Canadian chaps down in the sandpit
flying for EK,GF,QR as well as "corpt.

"Air Canada pilots know squat about
Sharjah"......I would have to disagree
with you on that one Willi....a number
of the guys with AC right now started
their careers out in Kuwait, Bahrain,
Abu Dhabi.....to get experience before
coming back to Canada!

I hope I cleared the air.......


regards :ok:

junkyard dog
26th Aug 2003, 21:24
I was wondering if I am A320 rated and played ice hockey would TGE take me?

Willie Everlearn
27th Aug 2003, 00:49

Thanks for setting me straight mate :ok:
...sorry about the ex-Air Canada ref. Bit of a clanger, eh? I obviously mis-read the post.

Having cut my teeth out there, I'd have to agree with you that TGE stand the best chance of getting off the ground out of the three.
Still doesn't compute my friend.
You can take all the money you like in this world to start a LCC even in the Emirates....you still need a passenger base and SHJ is sorely lacking in that regard.

Being CDN myself, I'm well aware of the number of CDNs at EK, QR, and GF. Let's not forget KA. TGE simply pales by comparison to the aforementioned. Right?

I'm still waiting to see a major down sizing at EK (including flight crew). Eventually, reality will overcome ego and someone will come to their $en$e$. While I sincerely wish them well, (it's a fantastic airline) it is one airline that simply doesn't add up. Despite awards. Again, you have to carry the right number of fare paying passengers to be a success. Despite the PR job they like to do, "I'm from Missouri". EK loads have always had me scratching my head. Finding reliable financial info on EK is like finding diamonds in your back yard. It takes a lot of digging and disappointment.

GF is being dismantled fostering disatisfaction among crew. This will eventually reflect in service as human nature takes it's hold.
GAMCO is starting a new airline in AUH. (WHAT????) More problems for GF.
Three LCCs in SHJ?? Won't work. Full stop.

At a time when the world is watching certain behaviors and events in 'that part of the world'.

Cross your fingers and wish them well.
I still say it won't work. IMHO



27th Aug 2003, 08:27
Willie Everlearn

Gday......Thanks for correcting me and
adding KA to the list.

"Having cut my teeth out there, I'd have to agree with you that TGE stand the best chance of getting off the ground out of the three.
Sharjah???".......you meant Air Arabia,
eh!......I understand, no sweat.

Willie .......I agree with what you are saying 100% from a business stand,at
the same time it seems to me national
airlines in the middle east no matter how bad they perform due to their poor managments, they always seem to have cash flowing in,and I think the
reason is because they are looked upon as national "pride honour" rather
than a businees......I agree the traffic is not there!

Willie....it is going to be an interesting
one to see, this whole Sharjah thing.
TGE is coming to the table with only
$10m/US no knowledge who is the
backer beside Mr. Helman's share of
35%, MenaJet is putting $50m/US
with a strong backing from a wealthy
Saudi firm, Air Arabia is coming to the table with the best backing $$$$$ and a lots of it (goverment of Sharjah).......

......it will be sure an interesting one
to watch.

By the way the one that will be
starting by GAMECO is called Elithad
A.340/330 operation! Government backed as well.

Willi....I will cross my legs and wish they tell me where I stand after the
interview (what the hell is going on!)
since they haven't replied contarary to
their promise.

I need a job in the sandpit to taste a
tax free salary for a change.......

I will chat to you later,eh! :p

;) :ok:

Willie Everlearn
27th Aug 2003, 21:04

Good luck mate.
I'd go back there in a heartbeat if it were up to me.
The Emirates is a fantastic place to live.


27th Aug 2003, 22:41
Willie Everlearn

Hi mate......thanks for your boost, I have been there too on a

visit and I like it too, matter fact I can stay there until retirment

that would be O next........150 years .... :p from now! :{

cheers, eh ;)

Willie Everlearn
29th Aug 2003, 09:42

I sure hope these ex-ACers don't show up to work in SHJ unless they leave BOTH the "I'm an Air Canada Pilot", and the ACPA mentality behind. It won't work in the Emirates and it is certain to end in tears.

It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks and I certainly know from experience how difficult it can be to shed the old Company persona flight crew absorb after years with the same carrier. The new carrier will expect everyone joining to absorb the NEW company persona and culture. Something the ex-ers are likely to kick at from day one. (Human Factors: Listed under human nature)

Standby is standby over there. Not like in Canada where you get to play games and pass it off to Junior Pilot. I'm sure most AC pros are well aware of how it works.

But at least they'd be a well trained and well qualified bunch.

Hate to sound like a 'doubting Thomas', but I've seen and heard the horror stories of how these ex-AC and ex-ACJ operate and (in some cases) it hasn't been pretty.

...just the same,

Success to all!!! :ok:

Willie Everlearn
31st Aug 2003, 09:01

Thanks for the gen.
First of all, I think it sucks that anyone gets laid off.
Second of all, it's a shame that AC has ended up where it is. But I think we both know why they are where they are and in the shape they're in.
Thirdly, I hate it that so many pilots in Canada have to drop everything and pack up to leave the country every 5 years cause the airline industry in Canada is so F'd up.

It's important that those who choose to go to SHJ and try something new aren't being sold yet another bad bill of goods.

Here's to a tax-free environment and a more positive rate-of-climb.


"PS. ever spend time in CYQM,CYSB or CYQR"

TAF Oscar
1st Sep 2003, 01:32
From the Gulf Daily News today:


Bahrain destination for Sharjah airline


BAHRAIN is to be one of the first destinations for a new government-owned, low-cost airline from Sharjah, air arabia.

Bahraini aviation veteran Adel Ali has joined as chief executive of the airline, which will operate daily flights between Sharjah and Bahrain, starting October 28.

The new airline will be the third national carrier from the UAE, said Mr Ali, former vice-president of Gulf Air.

While Gulf Air is the national carrier of Abu Dhabi, and Emirates that of Dubai, air arabia will be the national carrier of Sharjah, he told the GDN.

"This will be the first low-cost airline owned by a Gulf country and our prime aim is to make air travel affordable to the public," said Mr Ali.

"Besides Bahrain, air arabia will also operate initially to Muscat, Doha, Kuwait, Beirut and Shiraz in Iran.

"Our objective is to stimulate new market segments and not to compete with other GCC carriers."

Mr Ali said the airline would offer high quality service using brand new A320 aircraft, to be leased from Airbus Industries.

"We shall take delivery of the first two aircraft in October. Two more will join the fleet in October next year and another two by early 2005," he revealed.

"The pricing structure will be based on supply and demand. We shall follow the low-cost business model, introduced by some airlines in the West.

"The fare will be cheaper for people who book early. Most of the bookings will be made through the Internet."

The airline will focus on affordability, reliability and ease of travel for the public, said Mr Ali.

"To make the travel affordable to all class of people, we shall not include meals in the ticket," he added.

"Those who want food on board can buy it separately. We shall be operating an all economy class airline."

Though the A320 has a capacity of 189, air arabia will have a configuration of only 150 economy class seats to make seating very comfortable, said Mr Ali.

"We hope our fares will encourage not only Arab nationals but also the expatriates living in the region to undertake more inter-Gulf travel," he continued.

"Our long-term plan includes operations to Saudi Arabia and the sub-continent.

"The airline will have a total of 150 employees, including a multi-national cabin crew. We are in the final stages of recruitment."

Mr Ali said he was grateful to Bahrain's Civil Aviation Affairs for its prompt and positive response in granting traffic rights to air arabia.

"We shall soon establish an office in Bahrain. We are currently evaluating the structure of representations for the new airline in the kingdom," he revealed.

UAE Supreme Council member and the Ruler of Sharjah Dr Shaikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qassimi earlier said in a Press statement that air arabia would be owned by Sharjah International Airport Authority and the Sharjah Civil Aviation Department, with an operating capital of BD5 million.

He said the airline would forge strategic alliances with several Arab and international companies.

Mr Ali, 43, had worked for British Airways (BA) for two decades, before joining Gulf Air in January 2001 as its vice-president - commercial and customer services.

He took up the senior management position with the national carrier, after resigning the senior position of BA's Middle East and North Africa operations general manager.

Mr Ali was BA's first Bahraini manager to head one of the airline's four newly created territories after the company completed a major re-organisation in early 1999.