View Full Version : BEXAIR - Parallel thread

naughty but nice
14th Aug 2003, 05:23
I have just sent off my details to Bexair on the off chance they may have an opening for a flight attendant...
Wondering if anyone has any experience with this company...?
if some of you have read a few of my other posts u will see im desperately trying to find private flying in the middleast/UAE area..if anyone can help with any more companies for me to try or websites to check out that would be fab!
its proving more difficult to get into this type of flying and its driving me MAD:}
Good luck to everyone else whos on the job trail.:ok:

homesick rae
14th Aug 2003, 05:29
faxed them over a year ago, although they were not known as Bexair then, and also called them a few times but no reply!!!:uhoh: :confused:

15th Aug 2003, 00:32
the only rumours I've heard are not good:\
Still no AOC-operating on their third or forth extension:hmm: ops not exactly sharp cookies:uhoh: and management like to pi** on customers and outsourcer's alike:bored:
If I were you n-b-n don't!!!:sad:

Send me a pm-might be able to push you in a suitable direction.:ok:

High Altitudes
13th Jun 2004, 09:56
I visited BEXAIR durring the Formula One in Bahrain. They have the best services, best set-up and best facility that i have ever seen.

They are holding a perminant AOC (from what I heard?)

I heard that they hired new recruits who tried to abuse the company but lucky for bexair they managed to get rid of them all.

The company seems well and professionally managed :ok:

13th Jun 2004, 11:52
Yes, HA. You are DEFINITELY Bexair management!

13th Jun 2004, 14:18
....or maybe from Canada? You must fit in nicely!

13th Jun 2004, 16:48
HA you must stop smoking the weed....

However I can say that yes they do have the best facilities, and best service...in Barhain....

They to the best of my knowledge still do not have a AOC.....

Chinny any suitable directions for me too.....PM.....


14th Jun 2004, 08:34
Dear High Altitudes,

What do you mean that company was lucky to get rid off new hires?

I heard that they hired new recruits who tried to abuse the company but lucky for bexair they managed to get rid of them all.

The company seems well and professionally managed

Is company well runned when people are running away?


Antipodean Angel
20th Jun 2004, 16:36
`Naughty but nice,i will agree that during formula one the entire Bexair experience was outstanding! This was largely due to the staff who allegedlly took advantage.......
My best advice to anyone thinking about future employment with Bexair is:Be prepared for bad management,non payment of allowances,little or no safety training (s.e.p),total disregard for employee input and lets face it the amount of money the company owes to ex-staff,staff,and many logistic companys i would bet my life you would not have a job for very long!!!!
Can also tell you there are court cases underway,both in Bahrain and overseas...

To the Bexair management,just incase you have tuned in.....staff taking advantage?
When you can not recognise a great team (the best you will ever have) - you and the company are doomed!!!
Enjoy the ride while it lasts......

Cabin Dragon
24th Jun 2004, 10:37
So I wasted the postage for my CV then, AA? :uhoh:

Seems you had a bad time

15th Jul 2004, 18:14
Cabin Dragon,
Have you received any answer from Bexair? Maybe you are lucky if not, as I understand nobody received they pay for a long time...

Cabin Dragon
15th Jul 2004, 20:39
No response at all, Kopeloi. From what I know now, I'd sooner work the streets. At least that is cash business!