View Full Version : ExecuJet Middle East

13th Aug 2003, 15:46
Anyone know what the pilot hiring policy with ExecuJet ME really is? Their coporate web-site says one thing and then....

Heard of someone locally that was dinged cause he/she wasn't "type rated" even though he/she had over 1000 hrs. in the make (just not the model) that they were hiring for...

Heard later that they just hired someone else locally with "0" yep "0" hrs. jet time to fly a large jet in their fleet...

What's the real story anyone??



naughty but nice
13th Aug 2003, 19:55
Hi there,
I am desperately trying to find work in the private sector and would like to know if this EXECUJET company are looking for cabin crew? is there an email address for them or a website?
Thankyou. NBN.:p

13th Aug 2003, 22:17
:rolleyes: think you have a chance if you are in Dubai-believe they only take from there-not necesarily nationals;)

13th Aug 2003, 22:18
Check you PM...


16th Aug 2003, 13:02
Is there anyone here that knows more about this operation??

23rd Aug 2003, 03:59
gonna be a little devil cos I know a thing or two about this

chap in dubai got an interview with them but had NO jet time, just turboprop on Beech 1900....

and he got the job.

currently in US doing type rating.

...how much more you want to know?

23rd Aug 2003, 15:49
That sounds exactly like what I had heard....

So, wagtails, you know what it really took? I chap I knew had about 1200 hrs. on the Lear and they refused to even interview him... Did this guys know someone in there?


24th Aug 2003, 06:45
Are you a friend of the "big Willie"?

Are you a South African?

Do you goose step?

Yes to one of the above would be a plus.

Yes to all 3, then I think you might be in with a chance.

My observation.

24th Aug 2003, 15:52
Pretty sad though for a company that tries to have such a professional outlook!


24th Aug 2003, 17:12
Welcome back from wherever..........I got two of the three........not getting anywhere though:bored: :uhoh: :\

28th Aug 2003, 01:47
don't know that much....

but did hear that the chap in question was related to someone who knew someone:ugh: :ugh:

sounds like the old addage: it's not what you know, but who.......

28th Aug 2003, 16:25

"friend of..." who would you employ for a position in which the
wrong personality can cause enormous damage, more so than in an airline, a person you know to be reliable or a complete stranger?

"south african..." Lufthansa pilots tend to be Germans, B.A. drivers tend to be Brits. Funny, Alitalia seems to prefer italians.

"goose-step..." oh yes, compulsory. We also wear really cool black-leather uniform trenchcoats and salute one another.

We're not quite as bad as you think, pal.


28th Aug 2003, 18:36
Bit on the defensive aren't we??

Was just stating facts.

Pal??, don't think so.:yuk: :yuk: :yuk:

28th Aug 2003, 18:57
:( come on chaps-getting abit bitchy now isn't it.....:*

29th Aug 2003, 10:01

I will not be baited into a petty slanging match conducted with shoot-from-the-shadows bravery. A rational person will agree that your 'facts' seem a little skewed by your perspective. Oh, and after reading your last line I must agree with you - I would find it hard to befriend a personality such as yours. Much harder still to entrust you with a multi-million dollar aircraft engaged in a high-pressure, remote operation. You have adequately demonstrated to all and sundry just why not everybody is suited to our working environment.

Enough said.


29th Aug 2003, 17:45

The name sums it up really.

Over and out.

29th Aug 2003, 18:41
So what you are saying is that you guys would rather hire a pilot based on just personality?

What's safety got to do with someone that's nice to "hang out" with? There's surely a reason that most airlines are these days requiring jet time before you can even step into their door.

Besides from what I hear, this guy with 1200 hrs. Lear time was not even offered a meeting or interview, how would they have judged his character anyways?

It's just very discomforting to hear that you would hire a prop driver rather than a jet qualified pilot to fly your CL604. Oh and talking about high-pressure, flying 1900s in a scheduled op. gave this guy no such experience.

I think you'd feel the same way if you were in the shoes of this Lear pilot, considering that when he applied, he was looking to get into your LR60 anyways....

Good luck however you guys do it....

29th Aug 2003, 19:19
:confused: can we just clarify that the chap who got the job (with Beech time).... went into which a/c ???

Lr25ec... sounds like "he's" more than a mate by the vigorous way that you are defending him:yuk: :rolleyes:
I also think that Bug said "a person you know to be reliable "
so no I don't believe he said "is that they would rather hire a pilot based on just personality? "

:uhoh: Don't know a lot about this situation---and don't really care ....but it does sound like there are some pi**ed off teddies at the fact that they didn't get a job there.......and no don't come back with...... well if that's how they are I don't want to work for/with them, because we all know that that is c**p.:E
We all know that when the chips are down,as now ,that it isn't what but who---that's life , it sucks but get on with it or get out of it!!!!!!!!:{


30th Aug 2003, 00:40
...he got the challanger 604 (I think, but not absolutely certain)

30th Aug 2003, 01:13
:) so if he did ---good luck to him.He got a lucky break and WE all need one at some stage:ok:
Lucky B**stard:{

30th Aug 2003, 10:03
Please, give the guy a break, I know it's hard to understand that the guy got the job with absolutely nil jet experience. I work in this part of the world and it's not what you know but who you know.
Don't be bitter and move on.

6th Sep 2003, 16:10
Check your PM please....

7th Sep 2003, 09:33

Have done so, seems nothing's arrived.


7th Sep 2003, 17:03
Sent it again....



8th Sep 2003, 15:37
Another one coming your way...



8th Sep 2003, 16:03
:confused: :confused: :confused: can we expect to hear an announcement soon ?:ok::E :ok:

8th Sep 2003, 19:20
we all try... i'm hoping so for sure....


8th Sep 2003, 20:10
;) got our fingers crossed for you ......xxx:ok:

9th Sep 2003, 00:35
appreciate the support and encouragement.... not just that close yet, i'll keep you posted though.... :ok:

21st Jun 2005, 16:18

Oh I almost forgot. The right handshake will be a big help.

22nd Jun 2005, 19:08
Is Captain W. Van Zyl still part of the Execujet Group?? Would be interested to know.