View Full Version : DAmbusters Training Routes

10th Jul 2003, 16:54
Morning Chaps & Chapesses,

Does anyone have any routes the Dambusters used around the UK when training? I've heard they used Derwent Resevoir (in the peak district nr Sheffield) as one 'pretend' target, does anyone have any others - or know if they had set routes?

Ta in advance

10th Jul 2003, 19:06
They also used Abberton Reservoir near Colchester in Essex, but not the nearby Hanningfield as that was only built post war.

10th Jul 2003, 19:46
Derwent Valley Dams included the Derwent, Ladybower and Howden Dams. See: http://www.sykesssillysite.co.uk/617.htm

They also used Reculver Bay, near Margate for "bouncing" tests.

During testing, Barnes Wallis destroyed the Nant-Y-Gro dam near Rhayader, in Wales

country calls
11th Jul 2003, 00:31
Check out this months 'Flypast' magazine if you can, as this has a bit of relevant info in.

12th Jul 2003, 05:23
I believe that they also used Eyebrook in Leicestershire at some point.

13th Jul 2003, 03:31

Try and get hold of a copy of A Lincolnshire Echo Special Publication, Tuesday 8th April 2003. Called The Dambusters at Sixty. Contains lot of good stuff.
This is a Tabloid size newspaper publication running to 48 pages.
Cost £1 and should still be available from :-
Lincolnshire Echo
Brayford Wharf East


14th Jul 2003, 06:06
A shame the German municipalities would'nt allow the last flyable Lancasters to re-enact the 60th anniversary of the Dams Raid over the Mohne and the Eder. I would have loved to see it.

'Country calls', are you sure it was this month's issue of "Flypast" or was it April/May? I'd like to order it, just not sure which month it was featured.

14th Jul 2003, 15:33
B767300ER, due to the wonderful calendar of the magazine world, it is the August 2003 edition, which was on sale from 1st July!!:confused:

http://www.flypast.com/current_issue/dambusters.html :ok:

15th Jul 2003, 03:10
Cheers for all the help guys....I knew Pprune would help out!

Iron City
15th Jul 2003, 21:51

Do the municipalities have a veto on this kind of stuff? I would have thought that flying aircraft (okay a military ones) under VFR over a particular place should not be so difficult but permission would be from DFS or someone.

In return the restored He- 111s, Do-17s and Bf-109s could be collected to do a 60th anniversary reenactment of the Blitz on London, or maybe Coventry, I think there is a new cathedral there now to make a great initial point.