View Full Version : Emirates social life

9th Jul 2003, 12:28
Question for EK chaps:

Aside from the job, money, housing, etc. - what's the social side of life like in Dubai for non-married types?

Are there opportunities/places to meet single women or would one become frustrated and start eyeing-up the camels?

A high standard of living doesn't count for much if you can't "share" it with the fairer sex, right?

Just curious....

9th Jul 2003, 13:58
What was that old Clint Eastwood movie?

"Think Russian" saved the day. Same thoughts would end a drought in the desert.

Have heard from the single guys in Emirates you need two pieces of male apparatus. As the first one will wear out in a few months.

Ask One Ball. Single EK pilot who haunts the MidEast section. Look what has happend to him!

Not sure how American accents are received.

super aviator
10th Jul 2003, 04:46
Is there a few bars that have the usual out in DXB ???

Wine/Women/Song ????

If one went to work in DXB and split from long term girlfriend, would it be easy to hook up with a few ladies ???? and have a large amount of beer? etc ;)

10th Jul 2003, 04:58
Regardless of where it appears on the worlds atlas, Dubai really isn’t in the Middle East, it is happily in the year 2003.......

As far as wine/women/song goes, it’s a party capital………… although the Guinness isn’t all that good…… :):)


12th Jul 2003, 15:07
sounds like fun in DXB haha

23rd Jul 2003, 18:35
So do you guys out in DXB mingle with all the Flight Attendents ???

I.e get them drunk and take advantage of them ???

I hear there is a few good looking ones from all over the world!!!

hmmmmm swedish, aussie, uk, thai..............mmmmmmmmm

wheres the best bar where all the airport people hang out?


23rd Jul 2003, 21:39
:( :( :( you are one sad muppet:8 :8 :8

23rd Jul 2003, 22:07
The ******, ( Wives Away No Kids Eating Rubbish ) club is in full swing at the moment till the end of August with a lot of partying going on. Excellent deals around town on wine and song, not too sure about the women.:ok:

Fly Through
24th Jul 2003, 16:38
Every night seems to be ladies night round here at the mo. Try Carters on a Sunday night or Zinc just about any night of the week.

Best thing about Dubai..........1500 emirates hosties.

Worst thing about Dubai.............only 1500 emirates hosties :D

25th Jul 2003, 13:48
Can't agree with Mutt bout the Guinness as drank (and spilt) lots of Guinness at the Irish Village the other night and tasted good to me. The Irish Guinness expert who was with me was impressed also as he said the foam stuck to the glass all the way down which is a good sign???? Dunno bout that but it tasted good.

Also with the Emirates Hostie training college and accomodation over the road the Irish Village seemed to have its fair share of 6ft tall blondes.

26th Jul 2003, 11:29
Thanks for that ANSA.... sounds like a wonderful excuse for me to go back over there........ Although I think that i will have enough patience to wait until after the summer...... :)

Mutt. http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/guin.gif

26th Jul 2003, 18:00
it's the other way around, they make us drunk and then they take advantage of us.