View Full Version : Colour vision - SODA in Australia

8th Jul 2003, 10:42
Hi guys,

I have failed the Ischihara & Farnsworth tests, and the next (and final I believe) step is to go out to the airport & identify colours from the tower light gun. 3 lights at 300m and 3 lights at 500m apparently, not allowed to get any incorrect.

I believe this is done in the US as well as Australia, and not sure what other places.

My question: what is the best time of day to do this test?
1. Bright sunny day
2. Dull cloudy day
3. Night

Any further information on this test would be most appreciated.

12th Jul 2003, 13:24
Hi Badds
I suggest before you take the test contact Dr Arthur Pape of Geelong phone 03 52781122, he has worked for years for colour blind pilots in oz and around the world. Best of luck. Cheers Q

21st Jul 2003, 06:37
Thanks QNIM, will do...

Any further suggestions / comments anyone?