View Full Version : Dubai

2nd Jul 2003, 16:55
Hi there
I am just looking for some information I am coming up to Dubai next week for a second round of interviews with Emirates for a position on the ground based in NZ.
Can someone tell me how much your dollar buys up there eg meals etc just wondering how much I need to bring probably there for two to three days Iv'e been told.
Thanks for any replies.

2nd Jul 2003, 21:42
Hi cnsnz!

First: Good luck for the the interview! :ok:

About prices... Dubai varies widely - you can get a lunchbuffet from as little as 10 Dhs upwards. Otherwise: A meal at MacDonalds is around 12-16 Dhs, a scoop of icecream (open from Häagen Dasz) 5 Dhs, a maindish at various restaurants (Chillies, TGFI, ... usually 25-40 Dhs. Alcohol is pretty expensive - so if you plan on going out take that in to account. Good thing is: credit cards are widely accepted - at shops as well as restaurants.

1 US$= 3.67 Dhs

Come here, have fun! Enjoy your time!! :D
