View Full Version : Southend Vulcan

29th Jun 2003, 02:49
Dropped in to Southend today, doing a practice land away (doing it solo next time), and while I had a cuppa I could see they were towing the Vulcan out of its parking spot.

When I taxied past it (about ten to two) it looked like they were fuelling it.

Anyone know if they were doing any taxi runs? I would have loved to have seen (and heard) that!

29th Jun 2003, 06:12
I don't know any details of this occasion, but in '98 doing my QXC from Stapleford-Lydd-Southend, I was taxiing for departure with the Vulcan thundering down the runway.

The only thing missing was the radio call "after the Vulcan, line up runway 24"

29th Jun 2003, 16:57
The Vulc did two fast taxis on the last Bank Holiday weekend which was the Southend Air Show. I believe it will do two fast taxis either next Sunday or the week after. It is a regular sight being towed out for engine runs and the a/c is a credit to the team.