View Full Version : Pornography

17th Jun 2003, 21:24

I am joining Gulf Air as a flight attendant soon, and I just wanted to know how strict Bahrain and the UAE are in regards to pornography. I know you are not allowed it, but how do they check?

I don't want to bring any porn, I just want to bring a DVD with some short films on it (my friend made one and I helped), and I know one film has a scene showing anal sex, just for a few seconds. So you all know I am not a pervert, these films were screened in public gardens all across Australia. I also want to bring another 2 DVDs which I haven't watched yet, and I don't think they have any sex, but these days you never know.

Also, do they mind if you have anything pirated, like CD's for personal use?

Thank you for all serious replies


17th Jun 2003, 22:29
Bonjour mj, everybody in the gulf has pirated movies but they are just regular ones,so i would seriously think twice about bringing porn into an Arabic country,u could get in BIG trouble,leave it at home Mxx.

17th Jun 2003, 23:55
From personal experience:
My wife has never had anything checked, whereas I get the full treatment every time. Must be my gorgeous face. I have had video tapes removed for watching (at the time), but if you have a quantity of VHS cassettes, they will be consficated and returned to you later. I don't believe anything will happen to you if they are confiscated (especially as a newbie), but you have to think like this; if you ever get into any bother down the track (upset boyfriend/whatever), this is exactly the kind of thing that could get you into trouble (ie. used against you). Things are becoming more liberal by the day (eg. they are no longer blacking out the mag ads featuring models in underwear), so I wouldn't sweat about it. After all, DVDs can look a lot like software, can't they? Bring them, but understand the limits (it'll all become a lot clearer when you get here).

Bagshaw Crusher
18th Jun 2003, 01:24
Satellite TV has porn channels available in Bahrain.

There is no escape!

Welcome Mary Jane.

18th Jun 2003, 03:32
Easy answer, if you have any doubts...... LEAVE THE DVD AT HOME.....

Its never worth losing your job.......


PS... alternatively mail them to me and i will censor them for you... :):)

18th Jun 2003, 08:47
Just drop a copy in the mail and I will make sure it is suitable for viewing in the Middle East....if not I will help you market it on the Homey Channels....


18th Jun 2003, 21:32
Usually, the BAH airport will x-ray baggage before putting it on the carocell (sp?). They do this to detect two things in general: Electronics, and VHS tapes (they usually catch those every time). They will put a little plastic tag on the handle to tell the customs people there is something inside requiring examination. I have brought in numerous DVD's into BAH on a number of occasions (movies, comedies, cartoons) without any problem since the x-rays can't detect them. So it is up to you.

19th Jun 2003, 02:09
this american friend of mine has been living there for quite sometime now (Bahrain) and his computer bag would have one or two porn cds. as far as i am concerned, he never had n e trouble getting it through. as someone already has said, there r porn channels in Satellite t.v, so, there you go.

dont blame me if they put u behind bars if caught, though :ok:

all the best with the smuggle.


19th Jun 2003, 17:30
Hang on Mary J, let me get this right -

You and your friend made a movie that included anal sex, then in was shown in public gardens all over oz!!

Bl**dy hell, I think i have been away from the world too long. Must admit though, I can't help but wonder what role you played in this movie? Which leads me on to wish that you were coming to work in our airline.

Good luck with the smuggle, I've got away with it a few times myself. If you make it, maybe we could do a swap??!!

19th Jun 2003, 21:36
Is the viewing of pornography on the net legal? Many within Gulf suggest it is.

Legal no, and filter through by the server, yes.

Satellite TV has porn channels available in Bahrain.

Same things here.

Bagshaw Crusher
19th Jun 2003, 22:06
Mary Jane

For that to occur in a Melbourne park it must be homosexual. Not sure if that would go down too well.

19th Jun 2003, 23:21
I live in AUH (abu dhabi) as well and I know nothing of these porn channels on sattelite tv. Where, how???

As to the net and porn, I have heard guys use AOL to get round the proxy server filters but most of us just use Kazaa and the like to get our fill. Not that I'd do anything like that being a married man and all

A bit of imaginative packing with cd's/dvd's etc, ie. Inside computer software packaging maybe. and you should have no problems. To be honest I've gone through Dubai twice and still aren't sure where customs is, cos noone looked at my bags at all.

20th Jun 2003, 19:26
Bagshaw crusher:
The official reason should be the state security:). Anyway, all the porn and crack websites I've tried was secured with an “access denied” message from the local ISP (Etisalat). Probably an international call to your ISP could do the job.

You're right with Kazaa. I’ve download the last 007, and the new James Bond girls appears very cooperative and got much too familiar with the hero.:8
For the satellite, I’m connected to a French provider (TPS) with hotbird. Mainly for Kids and French news channel. With a normal receiver (I suppose it is normal) and a hacked card I have direct access to the pay per view channel, including porn stuffs. Check the “classifieds” from Gulf news for TV, sat and dish installer. If you don’t find MP, I’ll give you my own retailer (don’t know anything about English channel).