View Full Version : ex. Transjet

9th Jun 2003, 07:12
Hi everybody!
First, I would like to tell you about a website I'm working on about Transjet Airways. The URL is http://www.transjet.tk

Now to the question! Is there anyone of you who know something about these B742s at Arlanda? When are there scheduled for checks and repairs? Who are the next leasers; cause there is a company which signed a contract for them? I would give much for a chance to get a last look in these wonderful birds before they leave :sad:

/Daniel "Frazer" Mattsson

10th Jun 2003, 18:21
Have you done a website purely to follow up on the 747's?

11th Jun 2003, 00:54
Not really, but because the 74 is my favorite a/c-type, the site is more dedicated to them than to the MDs + the 74s are still at Arn.

16th Jun 2003, 06:41
Does anyone know the status of the company Finova Capital, which is the owner of these 747s? I read that they were in economical trouble and some said that they went bankrupt. Anyone know?

16th Jun 2003, 21:45
Your site doesn't seem to be working.

17th Jun 2003, 01:33
Works for me!:hmm:

17th Jun 2003, 15:33
It seems I can't get into that site of yours either!:confused:

Weren't you up for a right seat on one of them 742's?

17th Jun 2003, 15:52
Try it now, without the dot (.) :ok:

17th Jun 2003, 20:54
Nice layout. The facts are a bit scarce though, aren't they?

18th Jun 2003, 18:21
Well, I don't know what people want to know about TJ. What do YOU wanna know?

20th Jun 2003, 07:58
I already know all there is to know ;)

21st Aug 2003, 08:36
Finova Capital, the current owner of the three 74s at Arlanda-Airport, took part of a meeting with the Swedish aviation administration about the future of the aircrafts at Arlanda airport. Finova made clear that their intensions was to lease out the aircrafts as soon as possible, but if their not gone by last September, they will be moved to parking Kilo.
If anyone of you guys hear something about any potential buyers, could you please post that info here ;)

17th Sep 2003, 17:06
Yesterday, the three 74s where moved from apron M. Two of them (SE-RBN & SE-RBH) is now parked at R10 and the third (SE-RBP) at apron K.

Pictures from this event can be found here:
www.transjet.tk (http://www.transjet.tk)

/Daniel "Frazer" Mattsson