View Full Version : Smoking on Aircraft- Query on Past Rules

8th Jun 2003, 11:09

Being not able to remember smoking on an airline aircraft in Oz, I was curious about what rules there were regarding smoking, be it cigs, pipe or cr@ck (:eek: only joking) on airlines in Australia.

I know that smoking isn't allowed now, but when did the ban begin on domestic and intl flights (not just confined to AN TN & QF) ?

At what stage of flight was a passenger allowed to light up, and when did the smoke have to be extinguished?

I'm also curious about the surrounding rules such as smoking in airport terminals...presumably if smoking was allowed on the aeroplane then was smoking allowed all through the terminal, or only in designated areas?

I've also heard that there is a particular airline which flies out of SYD (MEL too I think, and just in case of it being perceived as an advertisement I'll leave out the name) which allows smoking on their aircraft. Are there any airlines which do actually allow smoking outbound from and inbound to Oz?

SixStar :)

Islander Jock
8th Jun 2003, 19:33
Can't remember exactly when but I think the ban on smoking on domestic flights occurred in the early or mid 80s. There was a protest at Sydney Airport about it with the participants dressing up as Nazis to represent some sort of twisted view they had about their rights being violated by the airlines. Coincidently a few German tourists were going through the airport terminal at the time and didn't see the funny side of it.:uhoh:

The RAAF also introduced their ban on smoking in all aircraft in 1986 so it was probably very close to when the airlines banned smoking. It was good on those torturous Pearce to Richmond flights in the back of a C130 to be able to go down the back and flash up a dart.

Smoking was restricted to cigarettes. Cigars and pipes were specifically singled out on the cabin announcement as not to be smoked on board. You also were not allowed to smoke in the aisles. From memory the NO SMOKING and FASTEN SEATBELT lights were switched simulatneously.

The ban on smoking in terminals came much later than the ban in aircraft although I can't recall exactly when.

The only airline I have been on in recent times that allowed smoking was Malaysian between KL and LHR but that was back in 1999 so not sure if they still do. QF I understand also used to allow smoking on their flights to and from Japan.

The reason I love flying Pipers and Islanders is that they cleverly designed that little flap window by the LH seat that sucks your smoke out. :D

8th Jun 2003, 20:13
I started at ansett as cabin crew in 1981 . I can recall that the no smoking sign was switched off approximately 5 minutes after take off and illuminated again at the same time as the fasten seat belt sign ., sometimes later. Smoking was permitted in the terminal and also with the captain's permission in the cockpit . I recall one captain
by the name " fang" who used to smoke cigars continuously in the cockpit at all legal times. Ash trays were provided inthe galley and on toilet doors .

I smoked in those days and it wasn't unusual on a quiet flight for 2 or 3 of us on a 727 to be in the back galley after the service puffing away.

Passive smoking? never heard of in those days !

9th Jun 2003, 07:10
Geezaz ! how YOUNG are some of the folks that post in here???:confused:
Still huffin away on the flight deck in AN in 1987.

9th Jun 2003, 18:52
Thanks for the replies http://www.stopstart.freeserve.co.uk/smilie/smokin.gif

Never smoked on an aircraft myself, however outside the terminals (no not on the ramp http://www.stopstart.freeserve.co.uk/smilie/silly.gif ) is a different matter. :8

By the way, I know that SYD (supposedly according to the website) has a smokers room in the intl, but do the other intl airports (BNE inparticular) have one?

Thanks again

SixStarAnsett http://www.stopstart.freeserve.co.uk/smilie/winky.gif

30/30 Green Light
10th Jun 2003, 14:01
Maybe it's a question of how old are some of us tinpis (3 Sevens?)As I recall smoking was banned around 87/88.No Smoking sign was usually at transition (climb & descent)I recall a captain who used to call for the Taxi check whilst reaching for his smokes for a quick pre-departure puff!
Brisbane Int'nl has a lovely little outdoor smoking area in the departure area.Most o/seas airports have an area,but you gotta be hard-core to use them. I once went into one at Don Muang and did'nt even need to light up to get my fix.

11th Jun 2003, 13:33
I did a flight a year or two ago on a Japanese military P-3... the fella's lit up shortly after takeoff, and most of them chain-smoked throughout the flight. They stopped only shortly before landing.

It was a little un-nerving to see the co-pilot flying around lighting one cigarette off the other whilst he was in control at 300ft over the water!

It gave me no longing at all for the 'good old days' of smoking on an aircraft - the atmosphere was like a night-club late on a Friday night, the kind of place where you cant touch your clothes the next morning because of the smell!

Islander Jock
11th Jun 2003, 19:56
Have recently been travelling through JNB and have noted that whilst South Africa has some pretty stingent no smoking rules, the international airport is providing some pretty good facilities for us niccotine addicts. ;)

They have renovated the smoking room which was little better that a gas chamber before. It now has a bar, excellent ventillation and nice comfy lounge chairs. Also the bar next door, which I can't recall the name of, has installed doors so that the smokers can sit inside close to the bar and flash up whilst the non smokers have their own area outside. Pretty well the same in a lot of restaraunts in town also. :ok:

Back in the good ol AN days, the "Golden Whingers" lounge at Perth domestic had a nice outdoor smoking area. But last time I flew within Aus with QF you have to go past security outside to get your fix. :(

12th Jun 2003, 07:27
Fish head & Islander Jock, - lol. Some great descriptions - storm window and nightclub scenes. I'm getting the visions.

Now, for the topic, i remember choofing away on a Kahiba cigar on QF to J'Burg in 1994, and that was the last year supposedly that one was able to light up. I think we were stuffed somewhere midway down the aisle.

I remember this clearly, because i got a BAD case of food poisoning as i dared to try the fish for the very first time in my life - and regretted it bitterly. Throwing up at the Sheraton in SA and NOT being able to eat that lovely looking breakfast the next day pissed me off.

All i could do was light up and have a puff! :(