View Full Version : The best flying weather

30th May 2003, 15:42
The weather pattern that I look for is a cold front followed by high pressure.

The frontal system cleans the air and the high pressure gives smooth flying and amazing visibility. But..... only for a few days. Then it turns to the bright sunshine with low haze we currently have in the South East.

Any other preferences?

30th May 2003, 15:49
Those beautiful frosty January days.

The grass is crunchy under foot, the cockpit stays nice and cool, the a/c doesn't get covered in dead flies, the skies are less busy, the radio isn't congested with "life story tellers", the vis' is normally superb, no bumpy thermals (and therefore no gliders popping up), the a/c performance is at its best and finally..................................................the full english breakfast tastes far better!

30th May 2003, 22:02
Any day where it's not p!ssing down, cloudbase is over 1000', wind is less than gale force and vis is >5km. Even two out of four is a pleasant change...

30th May 2003, 22:04
Any day I can get airborne!

31st May 2003, 02:31
I look for wind that is less than 20 kts and no more than 7Kts x-wind. Vis I prefer >8K and I like the clouds as high as possible or non existant. Outside of this range I either dont fly or take an instructor. The best vis and scenery in the UK is in the Scottish highlands but occassionally the wind is too much up there though they do get zero wind at times.