View Full Version : Getting Hired at Qatar

23rd May 2003, 13:38
What's the trick to getting hired at Qatar Airways? I had an interview last year that seemed to go pretty well. Did the sim check the next day. It wasn't a terrible performance, but was not my best either.

A few weeks later I was told that I was not selected. So, a few months later I tried to re-apply. And, have continued to try for the past year.

I've sent countless resumes and applications. Furthermore, I understand that QR is in need of experienced pilots. With over 12000 hours and close to 9000 command hours, I think I meet the definition of experienced.

So, someone, please tell me what is the trick to getting their attention?

Thanks in advance.

[email protected]

23rd May 2003, 22:57
If you're a woman, sleeping with the Head of HR helps (allegedly). If you're a guy, not sure.

23rd May 2003, 23:49
ECAM This....

There are no tricks, I feel you f**cked up your SIM ride as per the SIM Instructor, so based on his report they will never call you again.

More over Qatar Air is getting few chaps from SIA through teir advisor. If you know MdV ex SIA guy than its fine may be you have some chance otherwise forget it baby,,,,,,,,better luck some where else......after all Doha is not the last place on earth to work.

24th May 2003, 01:57
I didn't think the sim ride was THAT bad. Given that I had been enroute to Dubai for 20 hours, and was in a time zone with 11 hours difference from my home, it could have been much worse.

I'd been flying (Left Seat) the A320 for the past several years and had instructed on the machine. And, as mentioned, the Ride was not terrible.

Is it QR policy to "Write Off" any candidates who have previously been interviewed and sim tested?

If so, I'll stop trying. Otherwise, I truly like the company, the country and the people and would enjoy being there.

24th May 2003, 23:34

I never said you have been written off by Qataris............

What I said was what I heard from people working there is that they don't call you for an Interview 2nd time and if you have not heard so far then you may not hear at all from them

Anyway good lucky friend

1st Jun 2003, 16:46
Good luck mate.... sad that non pilots have a better say when it comes to recruitment of pilots. Oh Yes.. Parvez and MSF decides even on pilots.... wonder if they know how a/c fly?

4th Jun 2003, 16:05
Who are Parvez and MSF? Or if appropriate, what is Parvez and MSF?

homesick rae
4th Jun 2003, 20:30
parvez is Human Remains "manager"...:(

8th Jun 2003, 02:43
Indian leader:cool:

8th Jun 2003, 15:44
well he certainly isnt going crazy recruiting Indains.
of the 20 odd Indain A320 rated Captians who applied over the last one year,exactly one was selected,and he too left "under a cloud" within a month.
like ECAM this says, some of them had pretty decent check rides on the sim in Dubai.
Most of them do remember to wear thier Uniform Caps when they leave home(and occassionally have their shoes polished too)
And considering that these guys practically live and fly in the Middle East (including Doha),that seems a bit odd.

things at QR sure seem to be getting "curiouser and curiouser"

9th Jun 2003, 12:36
If i was you; i would try Capt. Siddiqi directly! a very nice man or Capt.Nassim, ask to speak with Azra and then find your way to these two gentlemen.

they are both very understanding. I honestly don't think Parvez has a saying for pilot recruitment

cheers mate!:cool: :ok:

15th Jun 2003, 21:20
I've received an email from Qatar Airways in response to my application saying that I've been shortlisted.

Does anyone know if that is the standard response or if it's the reality? How long should I expect to wait until they will contact me?

Thanks for any info. Dirtbiker.