View Full Version : Scamptons Buccaneer

Grob Driver
11th May 2003, 00:22
Hi Guy’s

Just wondered if anyone can shed a little light on the Buccaneer that resides here at Scampton?

I know it belongs to the OFMC, but does anyone know what they have planned for the aircraft? Today was the first time I’ve ever seen out and about on the base. I often see the SU22, but never the Buc!

Is she potentially capable of flight? Did she fly into Scampton, or did she make the journey by road?

Any info would be appreciated!

Grob Driver

Next time I see her, I’ll take a photo for you all…. Just been down there again but it looks like they’ve put her to bed… At least till next time!


11th May 2003, 03:57
Aparently, it's almost capable of flight but CAA rules prevent this at the moment. However, the 12 or so Hunters in the hangar are airworthy..

Heard a story from a mates sisters boyfriends uncles cat that the SU22 was still owned by the Germans and flew occasioannly! Not sure how true that is though..

Grob Driver
11th May 2003, 07:58
I didn’t know that there were as many hunters as that. I think next time the hangar doors are open, I’m going to have to try and get over there for a little nose about.

As for the SU22 flying… I’ve never seen it flying, or heard of it flying…. At least not in the last 18 months. Not to say it hasn’t though…. I’ve just never seen it!!

I wish that the Buccaneer could fly though…. It would be a wonderful sight to see!

12th May 2003, 07:00
The Bucc is under restoration to full airworthiness and HHA (not the OFMC as such) hope to fly her on the UK airshow scene.

The Su-22 does not fly but is kept in near airworthy condition.

The Hunters have been in store for a while now but several are now back to being airworthy and will be displaying this year (e.g. at the Kemble Classic Jet show in June).