View Full Version : Virgin Express Recruitment

homesick rae
8th May 2003, 22:38
Makes me chuckle...

Applied, mainly out of curiousity, to Virgin Express ad for crew based in Orly.

Today I had 2 replies from 2 different recruitment team staff. One asked me to resend the file I had sent, which I did and received a "thank you"...

The other thanked me for my interest and hard work in preparing my CV and documents, but they were sorry that there were "no suitable vacancies in your area" and could they keep my application on file?

What gets me is that when a person applies for a job they are usually aware where the job is! No?

The fact that I live elsewhere automatically renders me unsuitable for the position! Why?

I wrote back saying that i was aware of the locus of the position and that I was considering relocating.

THEY wrote back and said: "you asked, said you were in xxxx and we told you there are no positions in that area...which question remains open?"

I again replied telling them I applied for the job because I ma suitable AND interested and again that I am thinking about relocating...sorry to ramble but it really angers me when good, good people apply and for all the wrong reasons they get no further than a "sorry"...It happens too often.

What is up with recruitment teams these days? Do they not read CVs and letters and look at the big picture?

Anyone at Virgin Express shed some light?