View Full Version : CaribJet at DUS

6th May 2003, 20:39
Anyone know whats happening with the CaribJet L1011 freighter parked at DUS.

Is it broken or in storage?

7th May 2003, 23:34
CBJ Cargo, the cargo arm of Caribjet, will soon receive its second L-1011. The aircraft involved is N102CK (msn 1198), which was ferried to Amman on February 26 for heavy maintenance by JORAMCO.

It will likely be re-registered in Antigua. If the company's plan to build a hub at Dusseldorf comes to fruition, they will acquire three additional ex-Kitty Hawk L-1011-200Fs.

8th May 2003, 00:44
Be aware however, that the renumeration offered may not be what it seems initially.
Past experience by crews with Caribjet have generally not been all that favorable, especially for the longer term.

9th May 2003, 01:54
Thanks 411A

I heard that & that as non of the crews are flying so no income!

I heard the crews are all moonlighting DHL & TAP

20th May 2003, 16:02
A friend told me that the parking fees for that thing in DUS is about 5k Euro by now. Itīs still parked there.:confused:

Also heard a rumour that the company is trying to put it on an AOC in Jordan. Who knows...?

21st May 2003, 04:38
Guess the a/c is not going anywhere until the fees are paid. Seems others are chasing the operator/owner also...
Maybe the "Hub" at DUS is a bit far off!
I think 411A hit the nail on the head!

28th May 2003, 07:50
I guess they have some big problems with people chasing them for dough, euros or dollars!

Crews, techs & vendors are on their rear!

Word travels fast...amateur operation!

Sad..another bites the dust!

Hot Rod
29th May 2003, 04:58
411A is right for sure.
And what is this "the cargo arm of Caribjet"?, makes it sound like a big company... They donīt have any other business.
I guess they are still registered in Antigue, with the official adress of the company beeing an empty lot in St Johns, Antigua. Then a "real" office in Belgium.
Are the Perremans still with them? If so, please send them to hospital for a long long time. A lot of people will be very happy then.
I worked for them some years ago (Air India) and I must admit that I liked it but lost some money in the end and got treated like ****. Times are different now with less jobs available, I know that.
A friendly advice: If the company starts to fall, try to get your money and get out of there (I know, easy said...). Dont let them leave the crew without pay again.
All the best to all 1011 guys out there from Sunny Sweden!:cool:

30th May 2003, 09:14
Hot Rod,

Actually, there really IS a CaribJet office in Saint Johns. #60 Nevis Street...'tis a (hmmm, how to say this politely) mail fordwarding and secretarial service with about 40 plaques of 'registered offices' on the wall.
Called in and asked...and no one had seen anyone from CaribJet in at least four years.

Hardly surprising.

They have another L10 in AMM undergoing maintenance...wonder if Jamco has been paid?

Hot Rod
1st Jun 2003, 15:01
Hmmm, interesting...
I have two photos, taken in approx 1995 by an ex Caribjet employee, showing #60 Nevis Street in St Johns, Antigua as an empty lot. He was there on vacation, it had nothing to do with the company. But that was many moons ago so thing might have changed...
If youīre interested, 411A, I can scan and mail them to you.

1st Jun 2003, 23:43
Hot Rod,
Saw the photo(s) in mid '96, and yes was a vacant lot. But next to it is a building without a number, personally went in and asked, and there was the plaque on the wall, along with many others.

4th Jun 2003, 03:08
Quote below from the "FlyTristar" website May 27th.
CaribJet is CBJ Cargo which is all part of Lanta Aviation.
Unfortunately there are quite a few people all unpaid.
Wonder what will pop-up next!
411A hit the nail on the head!

Editor's Message: Some sad news for the TriStar again. Newcomers Northeast and CBJ Cargo have suspended operations, while ATA has grounded another two examples.

Hot Rod
5th Jun 2003, 04:27
OK, 411A, thanks for that info, I didnīt know that...:D

9th Jun 2003, 23:14
troubleshooter - your mate is one of many that have been screwed by this guy. He owes my friend (a L1011 captain) 000's in unpaid wages.

Guess that the aircraft is not going to go anywhere in a hurry.

I hope the boys at DUS have a good contact to but a "slightly used " L1011 to get back the parking money there!!!

12th Jun 2003, 17:05

sent you a pm.


25th Jun 2003, 03:30
Was at DUS last week and saw the old Caribjet freighter surrounded by Fire Crews!

Anyone know what happened?

Was it hit by lightning?

28th Jun 2003, 00:44
parking fees are so high by now that the airport in dus decided to give it for free to the local fire dept. to exercise...:p

5th Jul 2003, 03:48
Mystery Solved.

Heard the old bus was leaking fuel from the engines and something noxious from the tail......

The airport folks are not too happy about it!