View Full Version : Emirates Interview Next Week!

6th May 2003, 16:53
Hey Gang,

Can anyone (WORLDWIDE), tell me if you have recently had an interview with Emirates (the prelimanary). Mine is next week and I wanted to get an idea how many people they usually have at the groups session. I've been told sometimes up to 50 in the one session. Is this normal? If so how do they eliminate and at what stage of the interview (before the video, or after group activities????)....

Any info would be appreciated as I have my interview next week and I want to know what to expect as far as numbers go. I find it hard to believe they can assess with that many people in the one room.

Thanks in advance



7th May 2003, 11:10
Hi SocialFlyer and other Emirates hopefuls,

It was an open day in early April that I attended in Sydney. I will share with you now the process - being an open day, over 400 people turned up at about 9am. We had to line up and hand over a resume and our photos to the recruiters, we were given a number and asked to take a seat - this took about 4 hours to get everybody seated. Meanwhile, a video on Dubai and life as a flight attendant with Emirates was playing on a large screen. The recruiters explained that there were too many people to conduct interveiws on that day, so we were all given the opportunity to come back on one of the next five days to do the prelimanary stages. The rest of the afternoon was our opportunity to ask any questions we liked on Emirates and Dubai, then we went home.

Now, as I understand, the exercises for the group interviews were different on all five days, so all I will say is that the activities are fun - make sure you get involved and contribute but don't be overbearing or bossy. There was two rounds of group interviews and eliminations took place after each round.

The people who were left at the end were granted a final panel interview - these will be conducted when they return to Sydney (still waiting to find out when this will be), so I can't help you with this stage. We then filled in a psychological test.

SocialFlyer, I assume that you have been given an invite for your interview in Melbourne, so it is more than likely that if you get through to the last stage, your panel interview will be done on the same day, so be prepared for a long day.

Finally, just relax, enjoy the experience and be yourself.

Good Luck!

11th May 2003, 15:28
Guys :eek:

My EMIRATES preliminary interview is in three days........

Can anyone from the UK (or elsewhere) who attended the interviews held on Sunday give me any info as to how they conducted the interviews this time around???? Any changes to the standard process?????

Look forward to hearing from you.....

SocialFlyer :ok:

13th May 2003, 15:13
Hey Gang,

My Emirates interview is tomorrow :eek:

Good luck to anyone else in Melbourne who is attending, hopefully it's an enjoyable day. I'll post what was invloved in the process when I return (let's hope I'm there most the day).



13th May 2003, 18:14
I will attend the interview with EK next month!! :oh:

14th May 2003, 14:32

Hope it went well with the interview, I sent you a PM, check your inbox

xx Daisy

15th May 2003, 17:14
hey boyz and girls

social flyer bad luck buddy :mad: however there is always next time!!! ive been thru the process with them 3 times over the last 18 months..its hard work and not easy!! i unfortunately failed each time, however met some great people that i still keep in contact with 2day...networking at these things is the best!

qatar will be here in august and EK are always in oz on the hunt for some good aussie talent....

best of luck to those of you who made it thru the eliminations and hope u guys make it to Dubai



19th May 2003, 05:33
I have my final interview for Emirates in Sydney early June - wish me luck!!!

19th May 2003, 10:24

Just wondering if there is anyone out there wanting to share, their emirates interview experience. Like what questions were asked and what sort of activities you were required to participated. Good luck to everyone! Much appreciate some help!:D