View Full Version : Question for cabin crew

4th May 2003, 09:10
Is there a forum for pilots to meet cabin crew during layovers? I'm one of those freight dogs flying in Asia. Sure would like to have dinner/drinks/etc with some pretty cabin crews. Any suggestions or advice? Thanks. :)

capt cynical
4th May 2003, 16:57
CLIFF; do us all a favour and go and fall off one.:*

4th May 2003, 18:24
Hey Cliff, I am not aware of any such forum, but maybe someone else does know about one. There's a lot of knowledge on this forum, who knows eh?

The life of a freight dog has always sounded "tough but lonesome" to me. In our mob the 747 pilots can opt for 6 months freighting, and they are always guys who are a bit different from the rest, a bit more free spirited.
Also the ones with who deeply appreciate a good party and are never stingy with the rounds.
For them it's easier than for you probably, seeing how they are part of a "normal" ;) operation and as such knwo the pilots and FAs of the passenger flights. AND where we hang out in various cities.

No idea how to help you find pretty stews (or ugly ones for that matter; you do know that fun is not dependant on looks and boob size?) but wish you good luck in your quest for something more entertaining than room service & CNN en-route. :ok:

5th May 2003, 00:44
I am sure that if you had asked to meet "nice people" instead of "pretty" ones, you would have been luckier.
I'd know what to expect going out with someone who wants to go out with "pretty CC" :rolleyes: (yawns)

5th May 2003, 07:30
Easy guys!!! I am sure that since Cliff is not used to seeing ANY cabin crew we will all look PRETTY to him.....right??
Ask the hotels where you layover if any other crews layover there and if so- is there a crew room?? If there is a crew room and you come bearing gifts ( is wine/beer) you will receive a friendly welcome from everyone. Otherwise ask around where the "crew hangouts" are in various cities- Narita always has the cage and the truck, for example.

homesick rae
9th May 2003, 03:30
In DXB the Evergreen and Flying Tigers crew were always down in the Premiere night club at the Hyatt. If i got talking to one of them I would always introduce them to the gals...maybe that's why my friends deserted me!