View Full Version : Qr CSD's what do you think about them ?

30th Apr 2003, 17:53
some qatar airways CS's and CSD's make the life as hell for the crew working wiz them. can any of you guys hilite on that as it is not only the management who's to blaim here most the misary is caused by the senior crew as well. things could have been a lot better, or what do you think? :cool:

Hong Kong Layover
1st May 2003, 03:59
Its mostly not the CS' & CSD' to be blamed,its the management that should be blamed!

CS' & CSD' are simply trying to do their job and if the slightest thing goes wrong you know,what happens to them at the QR towers with that "thin/ugly/vain" idi@t on the 9th floor,followed by the snake(SK),coming into action to throw their weight arround.

Lots of good CSD' left the company,because they couldnt handle the nonsense here.others were (as usual) terminated or demoted!...I agree with you there are some crew with ego problems still flying as CSD' who are not fit to be in that place.

Because,of QR' "hire and fire" policy they are always short of crew.so they keep promoting crew who are not fit to be in that position.obviously,then everything on the flight is a mess.

I really wonder if QR will ever realise this.

Jim Spence
2nd May 2003, 08:11
The majority of QR's crew are excellent and are to be commended. (both senior and junior).

If you really want to see bad service and indifference, try flying with GF!

homesick rae
3rd May 2003, 00:34
wr r u?

yep, some made it hell..SK made me carry a bag of headsets and blankets ( talking B747 1996 here) from aft to fwd for no reason. i put my back out, spoke to thehocc and all his briefings were monitored after that! that's when he started to kiss the brown daisy!!

Jim Spence
3rd May 2003, 03:29
Homesick rae,

Why would anyone make you carry headsets and blankets just for the sake of it? I think you must be exaggerating, no?

I remember once on an Air 2000 flight from Glasgow to Corfu (talking 1991 vintage here), the CSD (or whatever AMM calls them) wasn't scared of publicly scolding the cabin crew over the P.A. when they didn't appear at their demo positions after the first command. (and she meant it - not said in jest or humour).

Thereafter, all the girls were immediately at positions with red faces to match the then red uniforms. It was a shame.


Hong Kong Layover
3rd May 2003, 04:55
Those were minor things compared to what he got the crew to do!

SK must have forgotten eating fruit compot in first class gally with "Tia maria" when on duty,and reading news papers in the B-747 upperdeck toilet,behind the back of cabin crew,whilst preaching them what to do "correct"!

3rd May 2003, 06:51
Hong Kong Lay-over,

stop talking ****.Why are you still there if it's that bad? I'm sure you will find a job where even you can get a promotion because of your big mouth. SK has always been very honoust to me, but it's just private factors that made me leave QR. In which company can you fly long haul,medium-haul and short haul together? There's not that many. I'm still in contact with SK and he understands why I left and won't be coming back at this point.
You might have been there for longer HKLO but you know when someone puts work into and when someone doesn't, so cut the crap. SK don't worry I got you back!!!!!!
Have a nice evening now!!!!!

Hong Kong Layover
4th May 2003, 06:59

your last statement alone proves,how much you know about SK!! where have you been all this time,sleeping? or has he favoured you like the other special people he has got in his list,simply because he is scared of secrets people already know about him.

I would very much like to know what you meant about me talking "****"?.....no man,I am not talking ****,there is no **** stories written here.they are the actual facts I am talking about! I dont write about issues I dont know.infact what was mentioned in my previous post took place when I flew with him!! so whats more??...so you call it ****??

SK could be your mate,could be in touch with you ...BIG DEAL!!!
but just because he is your friend and you stand by him does not mean a thing to me or to the people who know,who the SNAKE is!!

Where my job at QR and my promotions are concerned,...be informed I got my promotions for the dedication and hard work I put in to work and the air line and not by licking CEO' bottom like SK does or by making tea/coffee for the manegement on off days like SK did!

I also understand you are very hurt because of the truth I wrote about SK,but be informed,truth HURTS!!..and its common!!

SK is a full load of bull****! THE END!

4th May 2003, 08:20
Folks I understand that emotions are running high but pleeaazzeee could you keep your language in check. Is it really necessary to break into expletives to emphasize your point.

Carry on ladies.


4th May 2003, 19:11
Guys its common knowledge that QR sucks and some of the management suck even more but with all the carry on that goes on we could make a great tv show,imagine the drama,happiness,sadness secret liasons,backstabbing,romance,QR has it all?????????xxM.

oh and for late night viewing only,don't forget the "secret"parties that a lot of the female cabin crew go to,to have "fun" with their "boyfriends",ahh what goes on at these parties I have seen myself,,hhmmm!xxM.

5th May 2003, 09:04
Some of the CSD's are good I remember flying with quite a lot of them when we were all F2's and all the fun we had. But have to agree that some of the people who have just gotten CSD have a lot to be desired

Thought for some of you to think about. Some of these crew really need there jobs as a way of supporting familites back home. Thats why some are scared of doing things wrong, give the good one's a chance.

Whats the rumour that the Bouncer has just sacked a few CSD's recently along with a lot of other crew.

homesick rae
7th May 2003, 12:07

No exagerration: The headsets and blankets had to be bagged and left at the top of the steps for the caterers...it didn't matter which steps or at which door. SK had me carry ALL of the above ( 492 pax) to the L2 door and the steps there!) This is no exagerration...find out from a fellow national of SK, SR...

Promotions should be on merit and it was kinda the case when MT was there I guess.

But the assessment forms mean squat! CSD/ CS waste their time filling these in as they have no bearing on who gets promoted.

Dupont...wakey wakey...SK has a bad reputation in his previous company as well.

Snow white and the seven trollies HKL? Remember that?

Digna, some were like hitlers but some were young and LOVED the power!!!

Some had never flown before and were in charge of a B727 and 4 crew, all of whom had 5 or 6 years exoerience and probably were supervisors before...it just doesn't make sense.

The reason why some crew in QR do not want the responsibility is because they are scared! It is often better to just stay in the galley out the way and get the meals and drinks etc sorted out...cos you never know when the Mother Superior is going to pop up next!

Glad to be out! But would, as i think most would, consider going back if there was a TOTAL management reshuffle. Kick out AAB, BG, SK, PD and all the little worms...and QR would be great.

OK HAT's days were not so good service wise, but hey what a laugh we had...no pressure at all! And at least you could talk to the guy!

AS they say...what to do?

Good luck.