View Full Version : What do I wear 4 training??

28th Apr 2003, 21:31
Hi everyone.

I start training with My Travel Sun 4th May, and just wondered what to wear for training. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Also, is anyone else starting their training with My Travel on the 4th??


28th Apr 2003, 22:27
Smart casual works best.

Some airlines provide you with the uniform soon after you start the course. Then you could be wearing uniform! - no problem.


Hong Kong Layover
29th Apr 2003, 02:07
Office wear in my opinion would be best.

Your company should also provide you with overralls and stuff like that for training,if practicals are involved.

Good luck!

29th Apr 2003, 07:43
For your first day, i would wear office style clothes. dont worry excessively about grooming though as this will be part of your training and probably done early on in the course to give u time to perfect it to company standards. In my training, it was covered on day 2, and we had to be of "uniform standard" before we were allowed wear the uniform to training.

30th Apr 2003, 02:42

Well I have nearly completed my training course with MyTravel get my wings on Friday!

On the course they would expect you to wear smart civvies, so for the ladies that would be skirt or trousers and a top but no denim or leather.

They will normally size up your uniform and order it on the first day.

Following that the next two weeks are SEP's training so again just smart civvies. When you go to Cheadle it's smart casual and you will be allowed to wear trainers as you will do doors, smoke and fire training as well as slides.... don't worry they also provide overalls.

Then when you move on to cabin service, your uniform should have arrived and you will then have to be in uniform! Don't worry the day before they go over all the do's and don'ts and give you a copy of the the uniform manual!

Hope this helps if you have any questions just drop me a line, i'll be more than happy to help!
