View Full Version : CC Advice - What did you forget to pack ?

22nd Apr 2003, 20:49
Hi !

Well some of us are currently packing up to leave for training
(EK & GF).

We need some advice from the people that's been there and done it.

:ooh: What did you wish you didn't forget to take along for training or when moving to a different country ?

Any tips for us newbies ?

:O Thanks ! :O :O


23rd Apr 2003, 14:40
Hey congrats and welcome. I am with EK and love it. I think for me I am so glad I brought pictures of my mates and family and music cds etc.. just to bring a bit of home over here. Dubai has most things that you can get from home, marmite, vegemite, if your Aussie or English, even south african washing powder and softener ( sta soft) but it is more expensive than at home. A lot of the south africans when they fly to JNB for a stopover, stock up on this, and of course the great meat you guys have and wine. I always buy stuff from @ home cause it is great, but in DXB you can find everything, it will probably just cost a little more.

With EK, you don't have a chance to be homesick really, as when you get here you will either meet the rest of your batch that day or first thing the next morning..Then you have a DXB familiarisation tour and then on to training school for 6 weeks for SEP and service, and then out on the line for your 2 Supy flights and then it all begins! As everyone is the same boat as you, they have all moved home and know no- one , so it is easy to make friends. my advice is at the beginning take up on offers of going out socially etc, cause you widen your social cicle, you can pick and chose your friends later!
Hope this is some help. ;)

23rd Apr 2003, 15:10
Wow ! Thanks so much for some wonderful info ! It really helps.

Made a huge note to buy more film and making a list with all my buddy's contact details! :D :ok:

:D :D :D More info please...

How true is the following :

* You need a huge handbag (for extra packing) because the airline only allow you a single cabin bag on layovers.

* Take along about 50 pairs of stockings/pantihose/tights.

*Hairbands / clips has to be the same colour as your own hair, your hair is tied-up all the time... (:yuk: I love my long blonde hair lose)

*Your body swells up considerably on long haul flights. :uhoh:

*Male passengers often sexually harass female cc. How bad is this ?

* You're never with the same cc, different cc on each flight.

*You only work about 15 days a month... how does this work ?

also :

Where do you access the internet from...? Hotel / Internet Cafe ?

23rd Apr 2003, 16:20
hiya Shani,
congratulations on your job :)

Male passengers dont sexually harass, in my experience anyway, more like flirt with you... Be fun, but dont give them too much space... But if the worst comes to the worst tell the senior cabin crew member, maybe the captain, and get the problem removed :)

With a big airline there are more cabin crew, so there is less chance of working with the same people each time. Its the same with the pilots... The best you can do is try to get on with everyone then no matter who you are working with you can chat to someone... The worst thing to do would be to be couped up on an A330 for 10 hours while you get across to America with people you dont like..

I know the 15 days rule (i think its 50 hours for pilots) works so that you have time off to relax while you're not stressed in the air... I think it also has something to do with health and safety, if you are constantly accending to 35000ft for a month your hearing would start to deteriorate...

Im guessing they will have loads of Internet Cafes just like we do(I like in England..). Book an hour online, get some coffee, chat to us, and think about what a great life you have :O

Hope you have fun with your new job, just dont forgot home :)


24th Apr 2003, 19:27
Hi Carrioke

Im DXB bound in June for EK and just had a thought in addition to those already answered. Is all of the training conducted in uniform or is a certain amount of business attire required. I currently work in a uniform so i'll have to run out and buy all this stuff before i leave or is it not neccessary? Thanks for your advice so far.

Shani - good topic to raise.


24th Apr 2003, 20:32

With GF : only the first week in "business attire", thereafter we will be issued with uniforms. Not too sure about EK.

Luckily I already have to wear pants suits etc. for my current job so I didn't have to buy much. :O

Apparently clothing is quite expensive in the sandpit so buy as much as you can @ home before leaving, well that was just another excuse for me to go on a huge shopping spree the other day... teeheehee. :ok:

24th Apr 2003, 23:49
hey shani ,

it's so gr8 dat u came up wif dis topic.....m sure u already hv lots of tips nd a long list of what to pack...but i just wanna add somethings in ur list ya....u shld not forget to pack :

1) A good skincare(such as toner, moisturizer etc) ITS A MUST....bcoz when u r flying its vry important to own a good skin care...as our skin tend to get affected due to the cabin air which is vry dirty, unhealthy nd all d traveling...

2)Vitamins-bring along ur vitamins which u take regular...VITAMIN C is vry important so if u dont take any now better start taking as u need it ....Vit C is good for CC as lack of sleep nd all....other Vits that has been suggested for CC is Vit E or B complex (but not an essential thou-but its up 2 u if u wanna)....For the ladies pls bring ur painkillers for menstrual pains ya....)

3)Ur medications-if u have any....

4)Some1 told me 2 also bring an iron (small travel pack kinda) -i dunno whatva dis is necessary or not...anywas if u can find a small travel iron nd u hv space in ur luggage then no harm rite..

5)All ur favourite tolietries nd cosmetics or things....

6)if u r d religious kinda then bring along ur bible or rossary...

7) stationery-bring some good black nd blue pens, pencil nd note books as u need it during training...basically ur pencil box...

8)hair dryer-if u use it ...

9)lastly but not d least for the ladies - bring lots of sanitary napkins or tampoons (ur favourite brands) just to be d safe side ya if u dunt get it there......

basically bring all ur things that u cant leave without.....

all d best nd god bless,


25th Apr 2003, 00:14
hiya guys,
can someone please convert the above to english :)
i can read it because i have some convos. with loads of people that talk like that - but can everyone understand it :p

25th Apr 2003, 15:09
Thanks Har'z ! :O

I understood everything !

For those who are following this thread, I've received some private messages with some answers and tips. Here goes...

* No need to buy a huge handbag, you are supplied with one. You can take as much as you want on overnights, they give you a cabin bag, and hanging wardrobe too. So for a 3 day trip you could take handbag, cabin bag, hanging wardrobe and on a 10day trip you could take suitcase and handbag. :ok: Get a good suitcase, black oyster Samsonite or Delsey is the best.

* "when you arrive they give you an allowance, not much for the first week. basically covers food but you will definitely need your own money if you want to have a life, like dinners out, movies, taxis, shopping, internet cafe (there are lots) etc. I think you get a training salary, but its not much. so be prepared for at least a month with not much cash flow"

* "mobile phones, take you mobile as you can buy a prepaid chip to have access in bahrain. if you want worldwide acces you have to sign up with batelco phone co. and pay a deposit of BD100. then you have roaming and sms everywhere. "

*" youll stay inthe guest house with your training mates for the duration of the training school and company transport will pick you up and drop you off. then you will move to an apartment. most probably you will get to choose to live with somone, but you will be seperated as this hardly ever happens. you will live with one or two others. if you can afford it, its great to get a car. changes your life there. taxis are a pain and walking on the street you always get hassled for a lift. not dangerously, just annoying. i got a car after about 2 months and it was the best thing i ever did there. it kind of feels more like home, but the company transport is ok, as long as you dont live too far from op's and always get dropped home last.!!!!"

*" I can safely say that being a "Gulfy" will be an experience you will never
forget. My advice is come to Bahrain with the intention of enjoying it while you are here, but also moving on after 2-3 years, and you will then probably be doing the sensible thing. Another problem is the peer pressure to "socialise" with the male
GF pilots & stewards while flying, and the local Arab men while in Bahrain (on a paid basis if you want - no offence intended, just warning you). If you have a boyfriend (usually Bahraini or US Navy - and watch out for married guys claiming with great conviction to be single) to be faithfull too, well it will be hard on you both when you are out of Bahrain 8 days out
10. "

* Arabs are event-orientated people as apposed to time-orientated. The event of getting together is far more important thatn the schedule of the event. Although you will be expected to be on time for an appointment, do not necessarily expect the same in reverse. Be prepared to be kept waiting or even for a last-minute postponement that you will only be notified of on your arrival for the meeting. Learn to relax. The pace and lifestyle is very different and it will be an adjustment.

* Remember always that you are a guest in a foreign country. Behave in terms of the rules and customs, and respect the locals in their own country.

* Long skirts or long trousers, and T-shirts or shirts with sleeves covering at least the upper arm should be worn in any area that is predominantly Arab.

*Take a mixture of clothes, in summer the heat and humidity is unbearable, while in winter it can get cold, take a few jumpers and a jacket, jeans, whateva, but loadsa bikinis ! :cool:

* Work dress code :
Men : A tie or smart open-neck shirt is recommended for office work. A suit is not necessary, unless visiting high profile locals.

Women : May wear knee length skirts or dresses, or trousers. Sleeves must coer the upper arm.

* Bring small home memorabilia and curios with you - they all of a sudden become meaningful when you're away from home, and they are also of huge interest to people living there that has never been to your country.

*Make sure your personal papers (will, tax clearance, medical aid scheme, pension fund, rental agreement if you're leasing property, bank account, power of attorney) have been attended to before you leave.:bored:

*Come with an open mind - everything is new and very different, but know that it will be an adjustment and your move will go smoothly.

*There are mosquitoes! Bring Tabard (mozzie repellant)! :ooh:

*Be prepared for a total change of lifestyle. Saturdays and Sundays will now be working days and Fridays the holy day. The working hours are longer, and your weekends shorter. :eek:

*"the courses for ALL airlines are tough bcos if ur not used to airline terms it can be hard (but hey everyone starts sumwhere!) its a really intense course they start early and sometimes finish about 2-3pm as the weather gets unbearable and most arabs rest in the afternoon then return to work but u normally start about 7.30am.finish 2-3pm then get back to ur apartment and study maybe for an exam the following day..there are always exams most days.you have to learn all of the equipment and locations on the aircraft and maybe train for more than one type of aircraft.exp.A300+A320 aircrafts..ones bigger than the other.they cannot normally have more than 12 people on a course as it would be difficult to teach so many so the norm is 12.its better this way when its a small group.a few people did fail a couple of the exams on my course but they resat them and were ok..they were from india and didnt have brilliant english.the trainers want you to pass so will normally help in any way they can.Even though ive done it b4 i still find it tough cos its the remembering that gets me..like having to know ur emergency drills WORD FOR WORD! in case of a crash landing or a ditching on water etc...u do really have to study hard.(im not trying to put u off!)"

* "regarding the swimming..all airlines require u to do this..i had to swim two full lengths then grab a lifejacket put it on whilst treading water and blow it up while i had it on..then swim to the side of the pool and get out.thats it.also you have to put up a life raft in the water in a team in case of crashing on water..this would probably be on a seperate day.u know what i mean by liferaft? the inflatable thing thats kept in the doors of all aircraft..this is quite fun"

*"you will have to buy a pair of indoor cabin shoes, black and with heel of no more than 1/12 inch. also you will need to take things like a bottle opener,calculator,scissors,tippex and tape...this is for use on the flights (galley kit)"

* Don't forget this in your hand-luggage : wallet, ID, ticket, passport, camera and film, cell phone (turned off!) , change of clothes in case of lost luggage, phone book with essential contact numbers, Multi-vit's, eye drops, copies of important documents like prescriptions etc., extra pair of socks :hmm:

:ok: Shani

Gulf Air FA Girls Night Out

:D(I loved this !!!):D

Part One

It's 11:00pm in Henry's, and your friends buy you another drink. Your friends who aren't flying tomorrow. You get up to leave, but then you say to yourself, "As long as I get seven hours sleep I'll be fine."

Part Two

It's midnight, and you've just spent an hour arguing that Mavis should leave Derek in Coronation Street. Right about then a little devil appears on your shoulder, and you look at your watch and think to yourself, "It's still early and we're having a laugh, besides as long as I get five hours sleep I'm fine."

Part Three

It's 1:00am, and you've switched from halves of lager to halves of tequila. You've just spent an hour arguing that Mavis should stick by Derek. You look around and spot a pilot you told to go parachuting without a parachute five times on the last block and think,"That's the hottest Captain in Gulf Air". On the way to the Ladies you give the American sailor at the end of the bar a big kiss just because you love his accent. You and your friends start having drunken fantasies - "Say, if we buy our own airline, we can stick together for ever". You notice that the devil is a bit bigger than he was .... and he's buying. You start to leave, but then squint at your watch and say to yourself, "As long as I get three hours' sleep - and a complete change of blood .... I'm fine."

Part Four

It's 3:00am in TC's, and the devil is bartending. You decide to leave Derek. Ten Arabs - all Managing Directors - have given you their Business Cards and told you "You are the most beautiful girl in the world ... I love you ... Call me on my mobile tomorrow ... Of course I'm not married!". You've ignored ten Americans. For last orders you get a bottle of Vodka and a Coke. On the way to the Ladies you elbow the American sailor at the end of the bar just because you hate his accent. You look around and spot an Arab gentleman in a Thobe and try to discover if he wears anything underneath. You finally stagger outside. Somebody says he knows an all night Hotel Bar in the Souk area, you tell yourself, "Well, since I'm up this late, I might as well stay up all night!"

Part Five

It's 5:00am in the Aradous. You've spent an hour trying to drink 25 pints of Heineken to get a free Polo shirt and have just discovered that Mohammed ("But WHICH Mohammed!!") wrote his bleeper number in large indelible letters on the front of your white top. The bar is full of dubious characters who have apparently never seen a white girl before and are having a staring competition. This is the kind of bar that even the devil wouldn't touch ("Sorry, lunch date with Hitler"). You're now drinking some thick blue liquid that looks like something from a Romulan wedding reception. You see the Captain, fresh stitches in his head, and say, "I'm gonna marry him". Just then, one of your friends stands up and screams, Let's drive to Saudi!!!", then passes out. As you're carried out of the bar, you say to yourself, "As long as I get twenty-nine hours' sleep tomorrow .... I'll be fine."

Part Six

It's 9:00am at the Captain's house. You wake up on the couch with a cricked neck and a raging thirst. You desperately search for the Aqua Cool and drink a quart straight from the tap, washing down four Panadol. You decide to sneak out and hail a taxi. You crawl outside and the sun shines down on you, frying your eyes like a vampire taking too long getting back to the coffin. Passer's by look at you and wonder "Who's Mohammed?". This is when you utter the Gulf Air Girls moto "I SWEAR THAT I WILL NEVER DO THIS AGAIN", and some girls even add:"...and this time, I really mean it!!!"

Hong Kong Layover
25th Apr 2003, 21:43
Baggage -Take stuff only up to the weight allowance
So you dont have to beg at the checking counter!

other stuff-Understandable you are curiose,but dont worry about
all those.it is not what it appears to be.go and
get to know.

Final -Dont get carried away! be sensible at all times!

26th Apr 2003, 03:35

Now, I would (and also my F/Os) eagerly be waiting for you give us update on the bar issue. Do let us know if you end up being with.hehe the Capt or Mohammad (good question. Which 1? I know so many. oh god! ) or whoever.

Was talking to a yankee friend of mine last night and he has been living in Bahrain for the past 10 years due to his parents job with the local intl schol. He told me that the local cab drivers have serious fascination towards White chicks (his g/f from Iowa was reportedly approached by one of 'em) !!! Really cant offer any advise in that, can i? :hmm:

Enjoy your Cactas tour in the wild.....
p:s- & the F/O thing was a joke.....:}

26th Apr 2003, 20:52
Hi Richie-rich.

I promise to keep the Ppruners up to date and will also post some pics on my website asap !

The Girls Night Out story wasn't me ! It's just what someone sent me and I thought it was really good. :O I must admit, I am really looking forward to closely inspecting some of the US sailor boys, but there's something about a man in a dress that's not yet appealing for me, so i think i'll give all the "Mohammed's" a miss for the time being.... :D :ok:

Can't wait to go !!!

26th Apr 2003, 21:09
Take some Jurlique Soothing Foot lotion - a real refresher after those long hours on yr feet , which at first will really kick be obvious until you get used to the stand and smile life of an f/a!
I flew regional, so I guess this could be a real lifesaver after an 8-11 hour shift. You can even put in on over your stockings - not visible at all and no mess.keep in your day bagand very refreshing and soothing for those aching tootsies!

good Luck :ok:
p.s avoid those Capatain Mohammeds! lol;)

26th Apr 2003, 21:17
OH i dont know...i quiet like a few men in dress and captain mohameds :O

26th Apr 2003, 21:55
Wassap? just heard that a lot of yanks have built nests around Qatar, Bahrain region. The best person to ask would probably be HongKong Layover. His indepth and accurate info. has truly made him an icon in this site. ;)

Also, Do post ur website add. Cant wait to start "visualizing" u with Mohammads. :*

If I were to leave my place for a while and settle somewhere else, then I definitely wouldnt wanna forget to kick in some Khakis. Helped me profoundly during my sejour in Dubai.

Hope to catch u there sometimes.


P:S- har'z, Are you so much into msn like me?

27th Apr 2003, 16:47

For those who are leaving for bahrain.....I just want to know that how much bag allowance one can take???? If i bring a laptop will i have to pay tax allowance or anything when i arrive in bahrain or abu dhabi????? just curious....

take care,


p/s:hope everyone understands what i am writting here as previously some had problem..they thought i was writting french or what??;) just that some of us are so used writting like dat due to sms and other IT /Telecommunications advancement influences ..:p .....So we tend to write in short sentences and words due to lack of time and space...sorry ya for those who had a problem reading my previous post...will try to write in long sentences...ha ha ha ha

all the best and have a nice day:ok:

28th Apr 2003, 15:14
ok, here's my link, but please don't tease me, some of the pics on my site are really embarrassing due to copious amounts of alcohold being consumed before they were taken, it's just a friendship site where I post pics of all the parties my friends and I go to.
Girlfriends Website (http://www.clubvenus.4t.com)

Somebody please help poor Har'z with her question, she's leaving very soon !!!

29th Apr 2003, 07:43
Shani, Make sure to pack a battery powered alarm clock. This is a lifesaver- never count on hotel wakeup calls, or your electric alarm clock!!

29th Apr 2003, 09:25
oh wow!!!!! loads of valuable tips here............the only one i can give you is go there light!!!!! Dont carry loads of stuff with you.........trust me as you start travelling you will be coming back with loads more goodies from all your layovers and you will start accumulating so much stuff and when the time comes for you to leave most likely you will start giving it all away. Honestly for all us living in the middle east will agree that shopping here is fabulous!!!!!! Everything is quite cheap plus its amazing just how much you can bargain for the electronics......also remember no taxes here so you can imagine jus how much you save up. Also dont stock up and carry lots of toiletries with you........Jus what you need for the moment. You will get everything there a lot cheaper plus once you start flying you will start picking up so much from different places that before you know it you will have stocked up on a years supply of all kinds of stuff.

But the most important advice i can give you is to SAVE from your first salary onwards........coz if you don start at the begining it will be years before you ever get down to it. Yes you want to go out there and enjoy yourself but its jus so so easy to spend that salary of yours in one day when you have worked the whole month for it. You are in this job for a reason and when you choose to walk away from it in the future that savings in your account will help you to do so with confidence and security.

Good luck.............

29th Apr 2003, 16:38
wow thats really a great advice regarding saving... it is soo true.....speaking from experience its always better to start saving fr the begining even its little u can save..but do save ya...

anywas for those who are leaving to bahrain, the amount of baggage allowance we are allowed is 70kgs.......bringing a laptop is not a problem or any electronic goods into middle eastern as its all tax free ...........

all d best,

tc and god bless,


30th Apr 2003, 14:52
We've heard from a friend who have just arrived in Bahrain for training and here are two more tips :

1. Don't forget your passport sized photographs ! You actually need 36 photos (instead of the 24 at first).

2. Don't forget to take along your copy of your signed contract, your CV, copies of all your certificates, testimonials, letters of reference etc. and of course more copies of your passport.

She sounds very happy and seems to like it there. She's staying in a nice hotel with 3 other girls.

Training is 6 weeks.. 1st week introduction and on sunday they will start training which is sun-thurs , from 7 am-3pm.......they will start wearing the uniform soon...

She is going for the medical check up tomorrow and also have to do one in abu dhabi later on...


7th May 2003, 16:59

There's nothing wrong with men in skirts as long as they are tartan. As to the question "What's worn under the Kilt" the answer is "Nothing lassie, it's all in perfect working order" ;)

If you see a good looking guy in Henry's wearing a Kilt it's probably me :E

BTW Hashing is a great way of getting some excersize, drinking beer and meeting new friends especially the Bahrain Black Hash which runs on Saturdays.

On On

7th May 2003, 17:54
Well I can't wait to see the kilt.. erm i meant the place called "Henry's", will be in Bahrain next week, we're so excited !!!

Hey ! maybe you can show us around !?


12th May 2003, 19:34

Would love nothing more than to show you around, but I'd have to bring the wife along or she would kill me.

My wife spent 16 years with Gulf Air the last 2 in the Training School as an instructor so I know that you are going to be very very busy over the next few weeks.

Once you get your wings let us know where the Wings party is gonna be and we may come along.

Just remember one thing, if you go to Sherlock Holmes Bar remember to sh@g Steve the manager because just about every other new girl in the last 4 years has done :yuk: :yuk: :}
"Or so he tells us" ;)

When you do get some time free and you want to try the Hash on Saturdays then send me a private message and I will send you the details.

Oh and one last thing, if you want to contact other South Africans in Bahrain you can start by calling Mushrooms Bistro and asking for Jonathan, he knows them all.

On On


12th May 2003, 21:34
Even though we haven't got our exact flight times yet :sad: , we do know that we'll leave this Thursday and we're having Bon Voyage parties nearly every day now ! We'll be very glad to meet some South Africans once we've settled in, thanks for the contact !

:uhoh: Errrmmm, I don't think Steve will have any luck with us, we're two pretty conservative Southies here, but especially not now that we know he's the resident unpaid gigolo :} :p :ooh: of Bahrain.... :yuk: :D