View Full Version : QF Redundancies

17th Apr 2003, 17:35
QF announced today that cabin crew redundancies will be necessary in both Longahul (Sydney only)and Shorthaul (all bases). :ugh:

Initially the redundancies will be voluntary, with 'expression of interest' packs being released over the coming weeks. All people who take the redundancy package have to be out of the company by the end of June.

I will be curious to see what the package is this time, it has been less than two years since Longahaul were offered VR last.

It will also be interesting to see if they get the required numbers... It isnt a lot of time to reorganise your life (last time the people who took the package had several months before they had to leave).

Anyone know how many people have to go from each division?

18th Apr 2003, 06:36
Will the F/A redundancies have a flow on effect into other cabin services departments at QF? i.e will flight attendant trainers in the cabin crew training and development areas be cut back as well?

18th Apr 2003, 14:05

Except for a handfull of permanent EPs trainers, and admin people, the Learining and Development dept at QF cabin services is made up of current crew.

Just about all trainers and recruiters are crew, who are offered training/ recruitment opportunities as they arise. When they are not training, they go back to flying.

So I spose we will lose some of the current trainers, with the crew who take redundancies. They will be replaced by other crew who wish to go into training (it's pretty popular!).

If there is a cut back on the amount of training to be done, then the crew involved will just go back to flying.

Thats my guess anyway!

18th Apr 2003, 16:40
Hi Evacu8

Thanks for that. I was wondering how that worked. I always thought that if you were a trainer or worked in language development it was because you had received a promotion to that particular department and were therefore no longer flying.

Thanks kindly and all the best.