View Full Version : saudi arabian airlines cabin crew

16th Apr 2003, 00:14
id liek to know what are the advanteges of working with saudi arabian airlines as a cabin crew
pay, days off ....???
thks for answers

16th Apr 2003, 00:36
advanteges of working with saudi arabian airlines as a cabin crew

Advantages....... umm, i dont think that there are any........


16th Apr 2003, 02:34
what do u mean about that mutt
can u explain to me plz

Hong Kong Layover
17th Apr 2003, 17:07
Depends realy on individuals.I know lots of crew who worked for saudia and now working for other air lines in the gulf including Qatar air ways,and they actualy miss it now!

Strict rules,needless to say! horible uniform, lots of benifits, fantastic layovers and also basing and maternity leave (paid) are some of what I know.

Hong Kong Layover.