View Full Version : Could we do as well?

15th Apr 2003, 14:14
Just a mark of respect to the men and women of the 507th Maintenance Company.

This was a maintenance group of cooks, suppliers and technicians following up days behind the front line who got ambushed. How many others, in their situation, would have surrendered, how many others would have fought, and for how long?

The point is not how well they fought, but how long and how bravely. Out of fifteen, nine fought till they died; out of the remaining six, three were wounded before they surrendered.

Not bad for a team of cooks and bottle washers. Go to war with them any time.

I'd like to add that the Iraqi soldiers who fought them treated them well, gave them medical care and obeyed the rules of war.

In the midst of combat it's nice to see bravery and respect, regardless of which side.

tony draper
15th Apr 2003, 15:38
Indeed,something that strikes me, re the UK anyway, we seem to be a bit reluctant to hand out gongs now.
What ever happened to Medals for acts above and beyond, or is this another field that political correctness and anti military sentiment at the upper levels holds sway?.

15th Apr 2003, 16:10
Well said, ORAC

Check 6
15th Apr 2003, 18:33
ORAC, your thoughtful comments are appreciated. Thank you.


15th Apr 2003, 19:56

Agree absolutely. :ok:

Interesting to note that they only surrendered when their weapons jammed due to being clogged with sand. Presumably, the M16 (or whatever variant they are now using).

Makes one wonder about the debate raging on another site about the British SA80 and its tendency to jam under similar circumstances. :uhoh:

Would tend to ruin one's day. :(

16th Apr 2003, 05:34
Nice post, ORAC - makes one wonder, though, why the well proven AK47 (or derivative) isn't made standard issue ....