View Full Version : What A Dump!!!!

14th Apr 2003, 21:35
Been watching quite a bit of SKY TV lately at all the pictures of Iraq. What a dump! Second largest oilfield in the world my ar$e! It looks like Dundee without the fog!

I don't think Saddam was really running the country, I think it must have been British Waste-of-space to have made such a pigs-ar$e of that much cash and still not have finished the job! And where are all the women? And what the hell are the idiots looting incubators for? And why burn down a luxurious building and then go home to a half-delapidated mud-shack? Have these idiots never been to school? They tolerate 25 years of poverty under a regime and then reinforce their poverty under freedom by destroying their means of production! It's rubbish.

Syria's supposed to be nice though, anybody fancy the Autumn there? They've got a 'Saddam', whatever that is!:\

Sideshow Bob
14th Apr 2003, 23:27
You think thats a dump, you should see where we've been living for the last 6 weeks. it looks like the "Changing Rooms" team have been here and Lawrence LLywellan-Bowen was left alone to finish the job and we have to clean our own bathrooms. War's hell, off to Baskin Robins for another ice cream. Anyone for mint chocolate chip.

15th Apr 2003, 00:17
Hopefully you'll have logged the obligatry 1000hrs watching the Fashion channel by now so they might let you come home soon! The real clincher is being able to drive to work in less than 25 mins without getting 20 lashes for speeding.

Toddington Ted
15th Apr 2003, 06:00
Yes it was a dump, my first visit to the big sandpit, but, I was impressed with the Baskin Robbins (the kids did not believe me!) and I must admit to being grateful for 2 things: 1 - I didn't have to fly over potentially hostile territory every day or night in F3s or anything else for that matter, and 2 - its nice to be back home in Lincolnshire! (what, already!?) By the way, much impressed with those USMC Grumman EW aircraft (Prowlers) out there quite a party bus with 4 cosy looking seats!)

15th Apr 2003, 19:42
I thought they were filming in Riyadh:E

Bear 555
16th Apr 2003, 20:10
If it was Riyadh, then you would be having 20 lashes for NOT speeding - 120kmh is far too pedestrian. Especially on the King Fahd 'highway sprint' every morning!
