View Full Version : JAA ATPL Air Law

11th Apr 2003, 18:58
Any of you chaps who have done the exam recently fancy flogging me the book/past papers etc for a few beer chits?

12th Apr 2003, 02:07
Never buy an out of date set of notes on Air Law, it is a false economy. Just give Alex Whittingham a call and do it properly!

'Past papers' are not available. Anyone who offers to sell you one would be committing a serious offence.

Hope that you managed to get a CAA IR completed before you were sentenced to your current post. If not, you will not be able to obtain a JAR-FCL ATPL(A) by the mil. accreditation route - CPL would be the limit unless you could talk your way back onto a suitable flight (not simulator). Otherwise, with just a CPL you would then have 36 months after licence issue to pass a Single Pilot IR in order to keep your ATPL theory credits.

PM if you need further gen.

12th Apr 2003, 03:43
I think what he meant was "feedback". Sorry fellah but I have already passed mine to a mate. Favourite areas for the exam seem to be things like:

1) The various conventions - Warsaw, Chicago, Hague, Tokyo.
2) ATC seperation criteria (yes I know - but the exams are written by a Portugese Air Trafficker!)
3) Annexes of the Chicago convention - ie Ch1 - Licensing, Ch 6 - Operation of Aircraft, Ch15 - AIS.
4) AIS
5) Altimeter setting procedures
6) Instrument Approach Procedures - phases of, construction of, seperation provided - they love this stuff, you just got to know it.
7) Minima for CAT I, II, 3A and 3B approaches
8) Runway lighting, spacing between lights, width of the crossbars, length of lighting from threshold, for Cat I, II and III runways. (Best stuff for this is on the CAA web site, you can view the relevant CAP with Adobe Acrobat).

PS - the best place to post when seeking exam tips is in the Wannabee's forum, because thats where us lot doing the exams hang out.

Good luck.

12th Apr 2003, 05:37

You have a PM regarding the IR. Am just looking for material to study while on the night shift, how often do they change the syllabus for the exam then?

12th Apr 2003, 15:27
The questions are obtained from the central JAA databank. A recent JAA change is to release 50% of the questions to Training Organisations authorised to conduct theoretical training.

Technically, the questions could change every time there is a change in licensing requirements; in reality, I doubt that would happen.

Give the guys at Bristol I ring, I would suggest - and do their Air Law module!

Thanks for your PM - see my reply.