View Full Version : Impulse Qantaslink

11th Apr 2003, 06:26
Hi All,

Can anyone tell me where I could find some history on Impulse?

Thankyou.....greatly appreciated

Cheers FT

11th Apr 2003, 07:59
Just to add to the above ques......could anyone please tell me what sectors Impulse are flying currently.....where will the BNE base ppl be flying to....how many o/nites do they have......and what are the salaries/conditions like??

If you would prefer not to post the more delicate info on the forum, pls feel free to pvt me!!

Thanks so much in advance!!


11th Apr 2003, 09:10
Flying triplet there is a pm for you.

QF skywalker
11th Apr 2003, 11:23
Looks like that makes at least 3 of us going to the brisbane impulse interviews next week !

impulse wont confirm if it is BNE or OOL or SYD based.

11th Apr 2003, 12:18
Hey guys

Will be attending the interview on Tuesday, look forward to seeing everyone.


11th Apr 2003, 15:13
At the moment BNE (or should I say SEQ!?) crew are getting 6-8 away nights a month.

SYD FAs are getting 10-14 away nights a month and we are all knackered. PSRs in SYD are working less.

Money is very decent given the workload onboard and single a/c endorsement. I have the new EBA if anyone would like me to email it. Just PM me.

BNE and OOL base are one and the same (well sort of) and known as SEQ. OOL flying will cease within the next 6 months apparently. We can only hope :D

Good luck at your interviews everyone! Impulse FAs (well all that I have met in since I started in 2000 - everyone) are all great people. Lots of experience from many different backgrounds:
(Air Kenya, BA, QF, Eastern, AN, Southern, Impulse (the real one!), Gulf Air, Emirates, SQ, UA, KD, Mac air, Compass, Continental, Sri Lanka, Qatar, Skywest, Air Nuigini, RAAF, British Midland, Air 2000, EAC, Maersk, Flightwest.....)

We have a fairly even mix of boys and girls (too many straight boys :rolleyes: ) and are a fairly young bunch (average age 27-ish I am guessing) but have a whole bunch of Nannas and ofcourse "The Mother's Club".

We always have a lot of fun and the Tech Crew are pretty decent too.

So good luck people and let me know if you want the EBA.

QF skywalker
13th Apr 2003, 13:30

can you please elaborate on your comments about the ceasing of OOL flights ? Do you mean that SEQ impulse crew will not have to drive to either BNE or OOL depending on the roster, or that impulse will not fly to OOL full stop ?

Please answer ! The negative about this position is the fact that you would have to drive to either airport for work each day depending on how impulse roster you and that is not favourable.

qf skywalker

14th Apr 2003, 07:00
My understanding of the situation from talking to SEQ crew is that if you live closer to OOL you are rostered day trips out of OOL and 3 and 4 day trips out of BNE.

If you live in BNE you are rostered most flying out of BNE. You can be called to operate out of either port.

Everyone is saying Impulse will stop flying to OOL from August. The a/c could be better used elsewhere. (With bigger planes going to OOL - all Y/C 767).

There are FAs in many airlines that commute across the country or drive for two hours to start work. Life is about choices, QFskywalker. You decide - no one will force you to do anything.

14th Apr 2003, 10:20
Hey Ditzyboy and Anflyfgirl,

Check ur pm's!



QF skywalker
17th Apr 2003, 10:00
how did you all go ? anyone successful to the 2nd stage ?

I noticed 5 virgin blue girls at my session all trying to jump ship, and lot's of ex ansett. All very nice people.

Hope some of you had some luck

17th Apr 2003, 14:22
Why would anyone want to work for an Airline that gives you no flying benfits? especially when the pay is no good.


17th Apr 2003, 15:32

if they really love the job they would do it regardless of money or airline benefits....impulse now have staff travel anyways...so its a bit of a bonus i guess!

i know i would do it regardless of money, i'd do it cause i wanna do it..not how much money or what the airline may give me...

ps-and before anyone starts gng off in here I am being nice and polite in my response!!!!!:D :D

17th Apr 2003, 22:32
Hey NickMelb I totally agree with you! :-)

I would do anything to be able to work in a dynamic industry that allows you to meet and work with new people everyday and be faced with many challenging opportunities to try and put a smile on other peoples faces with a great team that has a great reputation. What more rewarding job could anyone ask for?

Mr Seatback 2
18th Apr 2003, 21:36
Actually, Snow, the pay is quite good for a regional airline.

Short Haul take home pay in the first year is less per fortnight that Impulse crew. Given that Impulse crew now have Career Progression, Staff Travel, etc. we are in a great position. The industry is changing very rapidly, and our conditions and pay are amongst the best.

At least, I believe that you referring to Impulse pay - please correct me if I am wrong.

There are much harder jobs in worse industries that pay far less for the job we perform...just ask nurses, hospitality staff, police, etc.

19th Apr 2003, 07:21
snow -
Wow! I wish I was a secretary and had all the flying benefits you did!

Really, Mate, why don't you check out the facts and get yourself informed before saying such things?

Yeh and the pay? I am getting double what I got on the ground for working less and getting all the benefits etc... And last time I checked the Impulse chicks were on better money than new birds at Short Haul. Not to mention the single a/c endorsement on brand new a/c with a higher FA to pax ratio and only one class of service.

Information is power........ :rolleyes:

19th Apr 2003, 09:03
I would LOVE to be flying for Impulse even if it had no travel benefits or not! They have very nice aircraft and a really warm and friendly crew and great reputation for it! As a flight attendant isn't that just what you want? With the nature of applying for a position as a flight attendant ...if salary is a big issue then good luck trying to find a position with the salary you want, you are really going to be restricting yourself.

19th Apr 2003, 09:15
Hi Guys,

I just received a letter inviting me to attend an interview with Impulse in Sydney on the 28th of April... Could anyone please give me some information about the interview process.. Apparently the process runs for an hour and a half, and then if successful I will have to return the next day.... Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Also could I get some info about the where the bases are and destinations they fly to. The internet site doesnt give any infomation... How many people are usually in the group interview???????

Thank you in advance


23rd Apr 2003, 11:05
Guys, a bit more on the Pulse...
Impulse now have 4 bases; SEQ, SYD, MEL & HBA! Each month the flying varies but is pretty constant.
The talk about SEQ base is that flying ex BNE will be 3-4 day trips comprising of mainly PPP/ROK/MKY flying although rumours suggest Mt Isa is about to be added. The flying ex OOL will be day trips and the days quite long.
Rosters should be published today so any SEQ based crew who utilise PPRUNE may be able to confirm that.
As for the talk re pay and benefits etc...the pay is more than sufficient given the single a/c endorsement, single class and very undemanding QF service of a box! We have access to full QF staff travel including the staff web site which makes booking and travelling a breeze.
Its quite simple people....if you don't think you'll be happy in this job then don't apply!! There are many many people who still dream to be cabin crew!!

QF skywalker
23rd Apr 2003, 14:45
QUOTE "Its quite simple people....if you don't think you'll be happy in this job then don't apply!! There are many many people who still dream to be cabin crew!! "

Blokehostie - I'm not sure if you were having a dig at me for my questions about impulse....but, I have a right to ask these question and not be told to not apply if I dont think I would like it. Impulse were less than informative with their repsonses to questions from candidates regarding proprosed flying for crew from the new SEQ base and they couldn't even say if the BNE candidates would be based in HBA/MEL/SYD or SEQ. I would rather quit my job for an employer who knew the answers to these questions and it's clearly obvious in some regards that impulse don't really know what's going on - not trying to be offensive but it's true - even their own staff will tell you that - OOL based formed, OOL based closed, OOL base opened again and now rumours are ( see ditzy boys post ) that OOL flying will be stopped, I accept that it is a ever changing airline environment and that QF S/h also do not tell you where you are based but a little more info from impulse as to exactly what is going on would have been appreciated.


24th Apr 2003, 07:13
Sorry guys, wrong Airline.

24th Apr 2003, 12:47
The OOL base was always classed as TEMPORARY this time round. Was made quite clear to all involved.

Why would Impulse tell you at an interview that flying ex-BNE was all glamourous low hour 3 day trips? What happens when QF change the 717 schedule and have it doing SYD-BNE shuttles (just an EXAMPLE!!!)? All 4 sector day trips ex-BNE. You would all jump up and down and say "But you as a company told us we would be doing 3 day trips...." You get my point?

Expectations only lead to dissappointment. Impulse are simply covering their a$$ by not making promisies they can't keep. Very clever indeed. I doubt any airline in such a position (at the total mercy of the parent's scheduling and resource control) would make any such statements.

Impulse are trying (being the operative word! :D) to look out for the needs of its employees as best as possible. It learnt this lesson the first time OOL closed. They don't just rush out and do things when they have no control over the company's direction.

24th Apr 2003, 13:00
Just wanted to say good luck to all those who went and or going for their second round interviews with Impulse. Would love to hear how you all went!!!!!!!!!!

Keep smiling and happy flying................FT:O

26th Apr 2003, 10:20
Hi Guys!!

Was fortunate enough to have a second round (panel) interview in Brisbane about 10 days ago.....anyone else in the same situation??

Secondly, if you are (or know of someone who did) has anyone heard any news from those interviews??

Best of luck to the SYD ppl with their group interviews on Monday!


26th Apr 2003, 11:20
Brisbvegasboy check your PM!!

Cheers FT:O

29th Apr 2003, 09:06
Sorry Ditzyboy, if I got you alarmed, wrong Airline. ;)

29th Apr 2003, 11:07
No need to apologise Snow. What airline were you talking about?

I was a little heavy handed in my response.... I was having a bad day :D

30th Apr 2003, 08:21
Whats happening at Impulse ? Is it true that a Senior Manager
has suddenly left ? Jump or push ?

Mr Seatback 2
30th Apr 2003, 08:33
I think I know who you are referring to...

Yes, the former Flight Attendant Manager I believe leaves in the next few days (since the restructure of the FA dept occurred, she has since been managing recruitment for Impulse Cabin Crew)...

Just one of those things I guess...as part of the restructure, the position was to be based in SYD. As she was based in BNE with her family, it's my understanding she put family first.

BUT...having said that, things change very fast here - she may end up staying given all the movement and new positions being created around the company!

Big changes at the little pulse!

30th Apr 2003, 08:59
Hey guys,

Does anyone in the know have any info regarding the recent interviews for Impulse held in BNE??

We were told that contact would be made in 1-2 weeks - with that time being up today........

