View Full Version : Recently recruited Gulf Air cabin crew

9th Apr 2003, 11:16
Hello Pruners,

I had signed my contract for Gulf Air 3 weeks ago and in the contract they had not mentioned when we will be leaving for Bahrain. The offices here in Bangkok also dont have a clue.I am very curious bcoz of the iraq war and the SARs.

Does any recruited GA cabin crew have the information as when we will be leaving as I was given the information that all the recently recruited applicants will be trained together

Waiting for ure reply

9th Apr 2003, 14:36
Hi Nikky !

We're in the same boat, only I was recruited in Durban, South Africa. Keep in mind that they are probably giving everyone a week or two to make a decision about accepting the contract and for all the signed contracts to reach their offices, and then they have to start the process of obtaining visa's, tickets etc. I waited 20 days before I got my contract, so I'm expecting another (even longer) wait to receive my training date and tickets....

I am in touch with some other girls from Singapore, Australia, UK and another girl from Thailand that are also waiting for their training dates, it's wonderful to be able to share the (very little) information we have amongst ourselves.

Add me to your messenger list : [email protected]

or write email and please keep in touch !

Good luck and hang in there !:O


11th Apr 2003, 10:41
Hello Shani
Thanx for replying.
Really nice to get to know you.

I have a good news for you. Yesterday the recruitment manager was here in Bangkok to recruit 30 more people and i have been given the information that he said that itz either nxt month or June and July would be the latest that all the choosen applicants would leave for training.

Keep in touch
You can also mail me at [email protected]

11th Apr 2003, 14:19
Hey Nicky !

I've added you to my messenger list. Thanks for the great news !

I'm amazed at how many girls they've recruited thus far, from all over the world. That's probably why the whole recruitment process is taking a bit longer than anticipated.

Hang in there girl, chat to you later !


peanut pusher
12th Apr 2003, 08:24
Friend just back from the Gulf (Ex Ansett) told me 500 crew have resigned in the last 5 months. It wasn't her cup of tea but have a great time and cherish this great dream job.