View Full Version : Firefight on live TV

6th Apr 2003, 04:50
Blimey....Fox News just showed a scrap on the outskirts of Baghdad, live etc, between an armoured column and some Iraqi's attempting a hit-and-run in Toyotas....if you've never seen what a .50cal can do to a Landcruiser, watch this clip if they show it again. Very rarely in the world of war corresponding, do you get to see both sides firing at each other in person, in the same frames, where you can see the actual troops moving on both sides (a famous clip from Tarawa springs to mind). Clearly not worth a round from the 120mm's, if they can even depress the main gun that far on level ground. Attacking an MA1-A in a Toyota is indeed "suicide"...

Sorry, don't know how to provide links, etc...