View Full Version : VB recruiting again

cloud nine
4th Apr 2003, 14:20
Just received this email, although I am not going to attend, I thought I'd let you all know.

Good luck to those that wish to apply.

X Cloudy

We would like to thank you for applying on line to us at Virgin Blue.
We are currently recruiting for cabin crew based in Brisbane and would
like you to attend an assessment centre on either of the following dates.

Date: Monday 28th April 2003

Time: Sessions run for one hour commencing at 10:00am, 11:30am, 1:30pm
and 3:00pm

Date: Tuesday 29th April 2003
Time: Sessions run for one hour commencing at 09:00am, 10:30am, 1:00pm

Venue: Virgin Blue Head Office Buliding, Centenary Place, 131 Barry
Parade, Fortitude Valley.

The assessment centre will include information about cabin crew, group
activities and an opportunity for candidates to meet with the Recruitment

If you would like to attend please email your reply to the Recruitment
Team at by 5pm on Friday 11 April 2003 and
indicate which DATE AND TIME you prefer. Please note, emails made after
the closing date will not be responded to. Your email should include the

*Residential Address
*Preferred session time
*Best telephone contact number

All candidates will receive a confirmation email and further details about
what to bring.

Please Note! Sessions are limited and filling fast.

Kind Regards

Virgin Blue Recruitment Team

Cloud nine, we know you did it for very generous purposes, but it's not safe to display personal contacts on the Forum. For this reason it has been edited.

joni girl
4th Apr 2003, 15:23
I'm sorry but I would rather stick hot needles in my eyes than attend another virginblue interview. I have never been to a more unprofessional interview in my life. After performing like a seal for over an hour I walked away thinking how do they choose people for interviews after that.

I have had experience with two airlines and I recieved an email saying I was unsuccessful because I didn't meet the essential criteria. I'm sorry but they should have just told the truth and said it was because I didn't look like Elle Mcpherson.

Captain Lou P
4th Apr 2003, 17:32
Hi JG,
I do think the recruitment methods at DJ are unconventional, but then again, Virgin Blue is not your conventional airline! It's good for some and not good for others. If you really believe that all, or even most DJ cabin crew look like models, think again. Sorry, but your assertion is simply not true.

cloud nine
4th Apr 2003, 17:51
LOL,been there done that 2 years ago. I dont think its for me. But have plenty of friends that work for VB and love it.

I guess it depends on what you are looking for. Its good for some, not so good for others.

All in all, for sure, if I wasn't already flying I would def apply again.

Once again, god luck to all that apply.

joni girl
4th Apr 2003, 18:03
So answer me this, the last time I flew virgin we were coming into land in PER and about 10 minutes into decsent the capt. comes over the PA and asks the cabin crew to prepare the cabin for landing. It was at this time the cabin supervisor (who looked about 12) made the decision to hop on the PA and ask the cabin crew to go to their air aerobics position. I couldn't see the point with only 10 minutes to land and I made the comment to my partner that I would prefer them to do as the capt asked and prepare the cabin. After their little aerobics session they then rushed through the cabin and sat down.

All I am saying is that there is a time for fun and games and a time to be serious.

The hot chocolate was fantastic I was just left wondering if they took their jobs seriously.

4th Apr 2003, 22:42
Cloud Nine,

Even though your posting was for the right reasons, I think posting the letter you had emailed to you with the recruiters email address may create a few problems. Firstly that email was sent to you personally and not meant to be broadcasted on a forum. Problem now is that the recruiters name and personal email you have displayed will receive many emails, hence she will investigate where people received her details. Perhaps you should remove that.

To Joni Girl,

Having worked for Virgin in the past (non cabin crew position) I believe that the cabin crew take safety very seriously and training and line checks always occur. Numerous times when I've travelled with Qantas I've seen many unsafe practices ie.. cabin crew running for their seats during landing, not wearing seat belts, leaving milk crates lying around, leaving crew bags on chairs.... So I guess it just means ALL airlines have their faults and just because Virgin is not your "typical" airline they should not be categorised as bad practice... Perhaps the fact that you were not offered a position with Virgin is why you are so bitter towards them!!


Captain Lou P
5th Apr 2003, 07:32
Sorry JG, your response in no way defends your previous assertion. It shows how some crew may make poor judgements/decisions (shock horror!), but it is irrelevant to your previous point.

PS. N78, call you soon mate!

cloud nine
11th Apr 2003, 15:03
Thanks Flyblue for editing my original post.


Nick 78,

Doll, I hope you didn't lose too much beauty sleep over me "broadcasting" so much top secret, sensative information.:eek: :eek: :eek:

11th Apr 2003, 17:07
Cloud Nine,

Obiously sarcasm is your specialty,

"Losing beauty sleep"

I honestly don't care if you display every contact detail in the airline industry, however I was simply respecting the privacy and confidentiality of individuals who are not part of this forum. Imagine every person sent the recruiter an email. I dont think she would be too happy to receive 1000 emails asking for a job. I apologise if you can't handle people picking up on your faults....


11th Apr 2003, 23:24
I received the same email a few days ago.

This is after I attended an "assesment" session about a year ago. I was actually suprised to get invited back.
Do they think my singing and dancing has improved over the last 12 months? I am being serious here, what could I do better now than I did last time? As much as I was embarrased at the assesment, I did laugh through the whole thing because I couldn't believe I was actually doing the tasks they gave me. It certainly brought me out of my shell.
But again, why invite me back? And for an assesment in a different city. If I hadn't gone for DJ in the past I would spend the money going to BNE for the assesment. I am not going this time because as I said, they are not going to see anything different from me than they did previously.
It would have been nice to have sat down with the interviewers, not be put on show.

I'm sure this question has been asked here many times, but what exactly are they looking for in that assesment? We don't get to speak to anyone so I can only guess it's based on your interaction with other candidates, or your performance. I'm not perfect in any sense but I warmed with all the other candidates and chatted with them all. I laughed, I gave input to the scenarios, I even made up a song.

Believe me I am not disapointed because I am flying now anyway, it just intreagues me as to why I am invited back.

Can anyone from DJ shed some light?? Thanks.

joni girl
12th Apr 2003, 14:22
Wrong Nick78, I am not bitter at not being offered a position. At the time of the interview I was and still am flying. I went along to see what the interview process was like.

All I can say is 'get a life' and let someone express an opinion that is different to yours.

(and say whatever you want, I won't respond because I have no interest in your know it all replys).

12th Apr 2003, 15:58
GOOD ON YA Joni Girl??????

cloud nine
12th Apr 2003, 22:44
Wrong again Nick 78! I hardley consider cutting and pasting someones email address "one of my faults". Your very quick to slander and give your immature opinons on anyones that differs to yours.

Sure, we have all read posts that we may not agree with. But, to tell someone what to post and what not to post is just comes across as you being a bossy know it all! That is why we have moderators on this site. No one tells you not to post all those irelevant personal messages that you post, such as you knowing such and such, or you asking them to call or private message you. Thats why there is a PM facility on this site, for exactley that, sending private messages.

I just hope that for your sake, you do not have this "know it all" attitude when you go to interviews. Because being so quick to voice your opionion and shoot others down is really not a good trait to have.

And as Joni girl wrote, you can say what ever else you want, but you will not be getting anymore replies from me. It's not worth the time. Now lets all follow Biscuit Chuckers good advise and return this topic back to the good intentions that it was meant.

QF skywalker
13th Apr 2003, 13:55

I can beat your record doll, I was invited back 1 week after my group interview for another stage 1 group interview - true. ( and by the way I hadn't even received a rejection letter from the first one yet - GOOD GOD ! )

If your singing and dancing has not changed in one year I would love to see what they expected out of me one week after !

Nick78 why aren't you flying for virgin blue ? surely with all your virgin airline experience and "friends" you would be flying by now ? Exactly how long have you been trying for ?

and another thing, the details of the virgin blue recruitment team are "hardly" confidential, no offence.....but.....nearly anyone you talk to has had an interview for cabin crew with them. You always hear of family friends or friends of friends going for a cabin crew interview, they have been all over oz looking for crew !

regards to all,and good luck to the VB candidates

SkYwAlKeR :8