View Full Version : MD11's for DHL

Air Mike 957
2nd Apr 2003, 23:52
Heard a tasty little rumour that DHL might be looking for a number of MD11 aircraft to operate on longhaul services to the states,anybody else heard anything?

3rd Apr 2003, 01:34
Why would it be a "tasty" rumour? Just another aircraft. Like all these rumours, believe it when its parked, in all its yellow glory, on the ramp @ EMA or BRU!;)

3rd Apr 2003, 04:30
Contract for the dry lease of three MD11's was signed on 22nd March and delivery of first aircraft due mid July.Others following before end of year.

Here's the thing though.A/C to be Irish registered.Apparantely they are selecting crews already.

3rd Apr 2003, 17:12
Are they looking for MD11 drivers? If yes where could one apply?
any infos on TErm,s & Conditions, rosters...?

3rd Apr 2003, 17:15
The MD11 saga has been going on for some time now, not just for the pond route but also to connect Europe to the Far East. As far as I am aware, it has not yet been finalised & all options are still open (owned, leased, contracted, etc.)

Will it happen? Probably. Is it time to start looking for jobs? Not yet but watch the usual spaces.

3rd Apr 2003, 17:19
I presume this would be to replace Gemini. Would be in line with the group rebranding integrating Danzas, Dhl and elements of the German Post office under the new yellow red scheme.

almost professional
3rd Apr 2003, 17:42
the rumour around our neck of the woods involves Lufthansa MD11's , possibly replacing/suplementing the Gemini aircraft-anyone know anything on those lines?

3rd Apr 2003, 21:23
Wishful rumours abound in DHL air offices at EMA, and on their routes and aircraft amongst crews........ all about MD11's.

(I have removed the last of this post to stop me being lynched by Mr Angry from Purley! as it was a bit politically charged.)

Good Man. Hogg

4th Apr 2003, 09:26
No Tailscrape it isn't.
Not since we told him you were going to Monarch................:p

4th Apr 2003, 17:03
Not on a six month contract I'm not!:yuk:

Air Mike 957
4th Apr 2003, 18:12
when you think about it the MD11 could be a very good deal for DHL,Varig and Swiss both have large fleets of MD11's and both airlines are fighting for their financial lives at the moment and if either airlines could dispose of a number of MD11's for a reasonable price then it would appear to make commercial sence.

On one point though,a good friend of mine whom flies for Gemini said that they have a contract with DHL that does not come up for renewal until some time middle of next year,so perhaps DHL is going to do it themself from some time next year,lets hope so eh! How nice to see an operation that seems to be expanding rather than the usual reduction.

neil armstrong
4th Apr 2003, 18:12
If they come they will problably be flown by LufthansaCargo
,they have a agreement with DP/DHL thay they ship there Europe freight on DHL and i wouldnt be surprised if they will start flying the pond for us.
As for a new type ,when will the first 767 come??.
I dont really care, first i have to learn to fly the 757:D .


Mr Angry from Purley
5th Apr 2003, 00:34
Tailscrape XX

99.6% despatch reliability Mar 03 aint that bad?


5th Apr 2003, 18:00
Mr Angry,

Is this not an anonymous forum?!? Yep tis anonymous. Hogg

As for the 99.6% despatch reliability, that figure was issued last night in an email after I had posted here. i guess the despatch improvement may have something to do with last month's email from management about what to do if you get a snag around push time.....

Figures are just fine for quoting, however I know how many little bits and bobs go wrong on a nightly basis (at least when I fly). As do you. Because we see them first hand!

If you can't handle a bit of tongue in cheek humour...... I suppose I should shut up! Hope I did not cause offence

7th Apr 2003, 01:12
Apparently DHL UK getting a new type of aircraft on AOC.

'Not as big as a 747, but not that much smaller'. This quote comes from a CAA ops inspector.

Wouldn't say the type but I guess this thread answers my question.

10th Apr 2003, 06:59
When I heard this rumour it was that they were going on the Irish reg.........

Air Mike 957
10th Apr 2003, 17:44
Maybe the ACL pilots are back in business,does ACL as a company still hold an AOC to operate heavy jet aircraft?

Has there ever been an MD11 on yhe irish register,I remember seeing one in Shannon a few years back but not sure if it was EI REG or not.....:D

non sched
10th Apr 2003, 18:18
The -11 in Ireland was probably a World plane leased to Aer Lingus.

15th Apr 2003, 11:07
I remember seeing one on the grass at Dublin!!;)

19th Apr 2003, 19:26
Garuda Indonesia had a few MD-11s on the irish register if I remember well, leased from GPA I guess.


20th Apr 2003, 18:37
They gonna want an F/E's?

You may say the MD 11 is a two crew affair but Gemini seem to have three on there's.

And while we are on the subject of F/E jobs.........what will happen to EAT 727 F/E,s when the aircraft finally goes?

Are they being trained on the A300?
If so does anyone know if or when EAT are running a type course as there are a lot of out of work ACL guys still looking to get back in the sky.

At the time of redundancy in January, various efforts were made to try and get employment for ACL guys with a promise that when a course on the bus is run, they will be given a chance.

Inge Van Betts in EAT personnel has given little away, but hinted recently that August may be a time for recruitment.

Any info greatly received.


Flip Flop Flyer
21st Apr 2003, 16:19
3-Man MD11

Might be wrong, wouldn't be the first time, but aren't you required to have a relief pilot on +8 hour flights? There is no F/E station on the MD11, presumeably the 3rd guy is the relief pilot, or wot?

21st Apr 2003, 23:26
World Airways certainly operate their MD11s with a three pilot crew on long sectors.