View Full Version : Air-Drop works!

28th Mar 2003, 17:11
After being told for years that large scale para assaults are a thing of the past it seems the US/UK have proved the critics wrong. Over a thousand troops reported dropped on the Northern front, as well as extensive smaller drops of special forces and equipment and who knows a MOAB or two!

So are there still any critics out there?

Well done to all those involved, and good luck.

28th Mar 2003, 20:19
They looked a bit silly, though, in their sand coloured fatigues in the middle of lush green fields..:}
Are they expecting to move to more sandy areas shortly?

28th Mar 2003, 22:14
The friendly Kurds and US SF on the ground who had spent months preparing the strip were heard muttering 'Why didn't they just land?'

Huron Topp
28th Mar 2003, 22:15
The whole damned thing seemed rather silly to me. Journos of course reporting that troopies had "secured" the airstrip. News I saw had a retired General commenting, "Secured? Damned place has been secure since '92!". And who, pray tell, met these intrepid beanie wearers upon landing? CNN!!!:ouch: "Welcome to Iraq, soldier." The ultimate reality show.

28th Mar 2003, 22:20
They may as well get into desert kit now, they have an approach march of 50 miles to do before they get to the front...if they're not just there to warn the Turks off