View Full Version : NAPs - To take or not to take?

22nd Mar 2003, 17:57
Anyone got any good gen or views on NAPs taking (or not) and health risks etc.?

22nd Mar 2003, 18:11
This question passed my mind so I asked my pharmacist wife to do some research. The following is from the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Vol. 266 No. 5, August 7, 1991


Pyridostigmine used as a nerve agent pretreatment under wartime conditions
J. R. Keeler, C. G. Hurst and M. A. Dunn
US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. 21010-5425.

OBJECTIVE. To determine the adverse effects of pretreatment with pyridostigmine bromide for nerve agent exposure during wartime. DESIGN. A retrospective study. SETTING. Southwest Asia. PARTICIPANTS. Personnel who provided medical support to the XVIII Airborne Corps. These medical officers supplied information pertaining to symptoms and disposition of 41,650 soldiers who received pyridostigmine at the onset of hostilities of Operation Desert Storm. INTERVENTION. Pyridostigmine bromide, 30 mg orally, was self-administered every 8 hours while under the threat of nerve agent attack (for 1 to 7 days). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE. Physiologic changes attributable to pyridostigmine that resulted in need for medical attention, discontinuation of the drug, hospitalization, and/or evacuation from Southwest Asia. RESULTS. About half of the population noted physiologic changes that were not incapacitating, such as increased flatus, abdominal cramps, soft stools, and urinary urgency. Approximately 1% of the soldiers believed they had effects that warranted medical attention, but fewer than 0.1% had effects sufficient to discontinue the drug. Nonincapacitating symptoms often occurred; however, military mission performance was not impaired. CONCLUSION. While under the threat of nerve agent attack, pyridostigmine can be administered to virtually all soldiers.

Good enough for me and it's better than nerve agent poisoning, which is exactly what you will get if you OD on NAPS as it works the same way by blocking the nerve messages but NAPS can be broken down by the body whereas Organo-Phosphates (basis of nerve agents) cannot.


But then again you have been ordered to take them;)

The Gorilla
22nd Mar 2003, 18:40
But it is still an unlicensed drug in the UK!!

You have to make your own minds up, just like the Anthrax issue.

It made me quite ill in Gulf war 1, so I disobeyed orders and stopped taking it. Orders which the company denies giving.

Stan Bydike
22nd Mar 2003, 18:48

And how long was the study you refer to over. It recognises short term effects but doesn't discuss the 1 month- 6 month etc effect.

22nd Mar 2003, 19:25
That is the only info she could find. Not the full text, only the abstract.

The drug is licensed for use in treatment in some illnesses in the UK but not for NAPS as it would be very difficult to run clinical trials using live nerve agents!!


22nd Mar 2003, 19:33
If "ordered" to take NAPS can you decline, i.e is it the same as jabs?

P.S WW, I am sure when I was there the airfield elevation was 513ft, no doubt it is now lower as the result of rising seas due to global warming!!

23rd Mar 2003, 02:50
So which do you think is worse: the side effects of taking NAPS, or the side effects of nerve agent poisoning?
I took mine in '91 and they didn't cause me any ill effects. Wibble :=

23rd Mar 2003, 10:02
Took mine like a good boy in '91. Had problems within hours. Persisted on and off for 2 weeks. Suffered significant stomach problems which remain with me to this day. Diagnosed with IBS as a direct result of taking NAPS and receive a war pension for my troubles.

Id rather have a 'normal' digestive system. But then some people will have allergies that others do not. I suggest that it is, as with many things in life, a balance of risk.

In any event, to those who are in a place requiring the use of NAPS, good luck, God speed and be assured that the thoughts and prayers of a great many people are with you.

23rd Mar 2003, 20:02
Ah Vulture, long time no hear. How come your still in the UK? Or are you a civvy now?