View Full Version : Bag boys, go large in the bar tonight

22nd Mar 2003, 10:35
From one ex bag boy, to all the boys and families, sincere condolences, haven't found out if its my mates yet but i will drink to you all tonight in FAA fashion. Civvie now but all the boys are still in my thoughts


22nd Mar 2003, 12:40
sorry if this message got up any bodies heckles, SPUDULIKE, it was meant as a quick way to say to the wives, (who all use this site to get info', even though most of it is eroneous to say the least) that i was thinking of them, i still have some very good friends on that flight and news of which i have none so wind your neck in lumpy or sampson bar might pay thy a visit, if this offends anyone else i offer them my sincere apologies
:( :( :(