View Full Version : Flight time

21st Mar 2003, 12:21
Hi chaps

what's the flight time for a B52 from the UK to Baghdad? Just trying to

plan my TV viewing.

21st Mar 2003, 12:30
They may not go to Baghdad - so it really depends on what range they release the cruise missiles from their targets.

adrian mole
21st Mar 2003, 12:53

According to the spectacled Sky News Defence Expert who can't tell the difference between a Sea Knight and a Chinook "It takes about 5 hrs 30 mins to Baghdad and 6 hrs 10 mins to Basra"

21st Mar 2003, 13:06
five and a half hours seems pretty fast to me, I would have
thought it would be much longer...so it would be, say, 16:00
Zulu at the earliest, 19:00 local and 08:00 PST - hmm seems
early in the evening to start the big one....

Update: a General on NBC here is saying 8 hours flying time to
get into place for the run...seems right to me

21st Mar 2003, 13:10
They may be on the way to Paris!;)

21st Mar 2003, 13:26
Is that the same Sky expert who can't tell the difference between Storm Shadow and Raptor, or another one??

21st Mar 2003, 15:17
Round trip about 14-18 hours, depends on routing (no France or Germany this time), head winds, whether they refuel from KC-135s or KC-10s etc etc.