View Full Version : Is John Howard Doing The Right Thing

20th Mar 2003, 10:25
It has arrived.What can we do.:( I lost my dream job a year ago with Ansett,however I hoped to get a job with QF or someone that would take me on.Like many ex AN people that is not looking good at this stage.I just hope that this war is over very fast so us that are waiting may get the call that we all want to get on with our lifes.:p := :*

20th Mar 2003, 13:32
Um... has he ever done the right thing???


this is humour guys... one thing i try not to do is talk about politics!!!

21st Mar 2003, 08:54
Evacuate, I too am on the shortlist.
I also have a younger brother who is now on seven days notice to go to war - he is 20 years old.
I think your concerns are shallow and selfish.

That said I log on to this forum to read about CC issues, not to express, or read Political opinions - this is not the place.

21st Mar 2003, 09:43
I am in agreement with skypryncess , You are worrying about your job being lost whilst your neighbour may well be in danger of their lives being lost. Have you lost the big picture? You may not have noticed it, (indeed, from your post I would bet on it), but right now the world is on 'hold'. Pray that the fighting is soon over and that all your countrymen and women return safely.

This is not the place the for political comment that your post title suggests, but just to answer your question, Yes, JH has got it right and why not go out into the streets and ask all those noisy protesters what alternatives they are offering to the reign of terror that Saddam Hussein has over his peole, killing thousands, without remorse? See you in a merged post of thousands in Jet Blast.

21st Mar 2003, 10:30
I have managed to hold my tongue for a long time now.

I have nothing but respect for the ex crew of Ansett aircraft however it seems that a minority (and I sincerely hope it is only a minority) feel that they have the right to be employed above everyone else and complain that they haven't above anyone else.

As someone who was interviewing in the hospitality industry after Ansett closed, I can only say I was shocked at how many ex-ansett staff expected to march into jobs just because of who they were, above others who dererved the positions just as much and it truely showed.

Not only did Ansett closing cost your jobs but it also cost the jobs of many more in the industry, right down to the low levels of general aviation and hospitality where the progression into airlines came to a very suddern halt. Even now people are still seriously effected by this, yet I'm sure very few of you see this.

May I also remind you how many peoples jobs in the same industry were directly effected by the terrorist events of 11/9, yet they have not been given the same support as any of you.

I have had the opportunity to work with ex Ansett staff since its closure and these particular staff have gotten on with their lives and while Ansett will always be in their memory, they are where they are now because they have moved on and support new companies and industries.. these are the people who are the true inspiration from the ex Ansett group of companies.

Whilst I'm sure we all wish you the best of luck with Qantas and your future employment prospects, it is also time that you and the minority of others showed respect for not only the people you are working around but also people on the other side of the world fighting to protect your very way of life. If this delays you getting a job by 6 months then that is a small price to pay for knowing that even one life may have been saved on the other side of the world.

Prehaps before you have the opportunity to "move on" with your life, you should re-discover the empathy and community spirit that I'm sure made you a fantastic Flight Attendant with Ansett.

21st Mar 2003, 16:20
Thanks stormywx for such a spot on posting....as much as our own concerns are still of importance, there are greater issues which are are now at stake...

21st Mar 2003, 23:00
I also agree stormywx.....although this is not quite in keeping with the thread topic, I have held my tongue many times when the (hopefully) minority of ex Ansett workers with the Australia owes me attitude get on the band wagon.
Get a grip - aviation has been hit hard everywhere, unfortunately companies go out of business, downsize and make people redundant with no more then a thank-you for coming, all over the world all the time.
Australia currently seems to be one of a very very few going from strength to strength, in the Airline industry - even with the Qantas rumours of mass lay-off due to war.
Australian Airlines recruiting/ increasing overseas routes and Virgin Blue soon to take to the skies on overseas flights are also constantly employing staff in lots of areas.
Repeating the above - take a look at the big picture and be thankful you live in a country allowing you the freedom and security you currently enjoy.


22nd Mar 2003, 01:52

Good post.I agree with you 100%.
I have never expected to be able to walk into any job just because I once worked for AN.I know there are a few who think the world owes them,I am not one of them.
My heading for this post was wrong and for that I am sorry.
I,like most people want the war over so everyone can move on.These concerns are not just for myself.

24th Mar 2003, 06:37
Hi all,

I tend to agree with Evacuate's post to some degree. A few months ago I wrote a similar post on another forum and the response was and still is overwhelming, from Cabin Crew from all over the world, however my question was about how this war was going to affect our industry, not necessarily whether or not our leaders made the right descisions.

I like everyone else knows how much of an inpact Sep 11 had on this industry, and with the war I think everyone has a right to express their concerns and thoughts on the impact it will have on the industry and future job prospects now. Yes we are all concerned about our troops fighting for us, but we do have to support ourselves aswell, and being concerned about our immediate careers right now is very relevant.

For those not in the industry at the moment, job prospects don't look good for the time being and for those of us in the industry there could be worrying times ahead, depending on the length and severity of this war. I think Evacuate has relevant concerns. He/she is trying to secure a future in this industry which lately has been affected by volitile and unpredictalbe circumstances which could affect us all.

24th Mar 2003, 07:28
I totally agree with what everyone on here has said....this war is affecting everyone, here in Australia and overseas.

May i just say that yes job prospects are not good at all in the travel industry right now! Im a business developement manager for an international travel company, today myself (and 4 other collegues) got that fone to to say thanks for the hard work. BUT its over! I survived september 11, but 12 months later was made redundant in my last position. Now only a few months into the new job redundant AGAIN!

its not just flying that is affected!!!!

No matter what job ur doing cherish it! it could be taken from under your feet before u know it. Lets just hope for everyones sake that this war is over sooner than later. My thoughts are with everyone in Iraq, and all soldiers affected by this.

cheers kiddies

29th Mar 2003, 19:09
I too am ex-ansett and dearly miss flying however I agree with the Posts above. I would also love to fly again some day, however to say that the war needs to end so we can get on with our lives is quite sad.

Can you not get on with your life without flying? Is there nothing else in this world? There are thousands of people that have lost there dream job over the last 18 months and survived! There are FAR more important reasons for this war to end than for you to be able to move on (Innocent people's lives!!)....

Perhaps you should attempt to broaden your horizons, rather than counting on something that may never happen.

30th Mar 2003, 07:18
Hi all,
Like many of you I agree with some of the opinions expressed on this post. It is a sad reality that the world is really in a state of turmoil and seems to be influenced so much by the effects of the fear that S11 and War have brought about! We cant exactly say that things have been the same since that terrible week of S11.
I too am ex-Ansett (ex kendell) and miss my flying terribly - for ex AN people, that week in Sept was a double wammy as the world spinned out of control with fear, and here in Australia at Ansett we all had the carpet ripped from underneath our feet having our dream jobs taken from us. It was so surreal and I can honestly say in many ways life just hasnt been the same since even though I am lucky enough to have a career to fall back on.I have met so many out there who feel exactly the same. Needless to say they have all made the best of their circumstances and are very strong characters for what they have all been through.

I too sympathise with Evacuate as i know how frustrating it is to have something you have worked so hard for and are passionate about taken away from you and then not feel v happy with what you have chosen as an alternative career. Unfortunaelty in the current volatile aviation market we cant expect to land avaition jobs just b/c we are ex-Ansett. For us and amny others who are trying toget into the industry from scratch, war and the threat od terroism is just another streak of bad luck in the chain of trying to break back into the immortal world of flying!
Personally it's very exasperating, however we all know that there are always those who are far worse off, and in this case we known that it's the peopel of Iraq and the soldiers that are trying so hard to do their jobs.
We can only hope and pray that things get better.
Hang in there Evacuate!;)

Jeff Stryker
31st Mar 2003, 00:12
Hey Sky Princess, be careful with judging what evacuate had to say. I read into it that she was concerned about the war!
As for the whole ex ansett bashing, its just rediculous.
its like saying to someone, "you cant take feedback". what comeback has that person got? the minute they say anything, its proved they indeed cant take feedback. same thing with ex ansett bashing. the minute one ex ansett person shares how they feel, well, alot of people say the same things you and G. khan have said.
what about the Qantas policy of "inviting" applicants to go through to do medical checks, criminal history checks, bring vaccinations up to date, and then, even if the outcome is all clear, they send you a no thank you letter. what do you make of that?
had the unions and JOHN HOWARD got together, im sure Qantas could have taken all ex ansett staff plus hired off the street.
now, having said that, would your reaction be different if those statements came from a person with no previous flying experience as opposed to an ex ansett staff member?
another thing, everyone has to work to get where they want to go. its is unfortunate that some ex ansett staff who got into Qantas, had attitude. telling trainers "oh, we did it different at ansett". all ex ansett people know who those people are, and its so unfair, they are the ones making it difficult for you evauate!
have you heard the joke, "How can you tell an ex ansett flight flight attendant is working at Qantas?"
A. " they will tell you". hhahahah, funny, but please dont place every ex ansett person into the same boat.
as for the PM, love him, or hate him, you will get your say at the next election.
None wants war, and we hope its over and we can all live in peace.
evacuate, i totaly feel for you and wish you all the success in the world.

31st Mar 2003, 20:16
Would it have made a defference if Evacuate was not from Ansett and posted the same comments? I think it would. I have read so many posts when someone mentions they are ex Ansett everyone has to come in with the comment, "Oh you Ansett crew", or "Move on", "Get over it" etc. I have heard it outside here. It gets me so frustrated when I see or hear this and I cant understand why people say these things. No I don't believe ex Ansett crew should feel they can just walk into a job but it has been a bloody difficult time for them. Yes, many other people have lost thier jobs and moved on but this IS a CABIN CREW forum so let these people vent their thoughts and instead of bagging what they have to say, give some support. Yes we are at war and as I said in a previous post, they still have to get on with persuing their careers, which is flying. I wish some of the Qantas International crew would wake up and see what is going on around the world and realise that this is not a good time for airlines and certainly not a good time to be fighting for a payrise, just be thankful you have a job and doing what you love, but I have to wonder sometimes if it is the job you love or the money...

1st Apr 2003, 07:58
Jeff and missleadfoot

My post wasn't anti AN or "AN bashing". I was posting what I had personally noticed about a minority of ex Ansett staff.

Yes this is a cabin crew forum, however posts have to be within taste, there are ways to word things that avoid you looking like your only care in the world is your next job. This is especially important when discussing an issue such as war, when there are numerous people on this forum who know people currently fighting for Australia overseas.

Personally my response would have been the same, whether the poster was Ex AN or not.

Stevemelb and Wingletts, you are both the sort of inspirational people I was discussing in my origional post.

Finally again I do feel for Evacuate and wish her all the best for a future at QF (along with everyone else on the shortlist) however right now I think the thoughts of everyone should perhaps be a little wider then just their future career possabilities...


1st Apr 2003, 09:16
jeff stryker

love the name lol:p