View Full Version : Re our Middle East based collegues...

19th Mar 2003, 13:22
I have many friends working for various Middle Eastern carriers, eg; Gulf, Emirates, Qatar, Qatar Amiri and would like to know the situation they are in. Are they safe or have they been asked to return to their respective countries? I can only go by the news reports that says foreigners should leave Bahrain, Qatar etc for their safety. Do these companies have reasonable safeguards in place for our collegues in case of danger? What do they do? Are these countries in any threat? Given the fact that Australia has now gone to war, how much protection do these crew have if they choose to stay?

I know it's a very broad set of questions but I am worried about them and their risk. I would appreciate any comments from crew living there or anyone who knows the situation. Thanks.

homesick rae
19th Mar 2003, 14:01
They will be protected by their respected airlines insh'alla and there will be a contingency plan should the proverbial really hit the fan!

Many flights to certain destinations will be cancelled during the conflict and you may find that certain layovers are extended elsewhere.

It is a tense time for all, but I am sure you will find they will be well looked after in event of any immediate threat or danger.;)

Tart with the cart
19th Mar 2003, 19:00
the FCO has advised British citizens to leave Bahrain and Qatar.



In view of the risk of hostilities with Iraq, there is an increase in the threat to British nationals in neighbouring countries.

The threat to British individuals and organisations from terrorism is now high. It will rise further in the event of hostilities with Iraq. Terrorist attacks in the region could involve the use of chemical and biological materials.

There is a risk of the use of chemical and biological weapons by Iraq in the event of hostilities. Qatar might be affected.

We advise you not to make any non-essential travel including holiday travel (but excluding airline passengers in transit, provided they do not break their journey) to Qatar, and if already in Qatar to maintain a high level of vigilance and to consider whether your presence and that of your dependants is essential.

We have authorised the voluntary departure of the dependants of the staff of our Embassy in Qatar, and also of the non-essential staff who wish to leave.

Developments on Iraq and any further increase in regional tension could affect our travel advice. You should check it daily and follow developments closely.



In view of the risk of hostilities with Iraq, there is an increase in the threat to British nationals in neighbouring countries. There is also a risk of an attack against Qatar from Iraq in the event of hostilities. This might involve chemical and biological weapons.

Although no incidents have occurred which directly affected British nationals, we believe that Qatar, in common with all the Gulf region, is a place where the threat to British individuals and organisations from terrorism is now high. It will rise further in the event of hostilities with Iraq. Terrorist attacks in the region could involve the use of chemical and biological materials.

We advise you not to make any non-essential travel including holiday travel (but excluding airline passengers in transit, provided they do not break their journey) to Qatar, and if already in Qatar to maintain a high level of vigilance and to consider whether your presence and that of your dependants is essential. You should be vigilant particularly in public places frequented by foreigners such as hotels, restaurants and shopping malls, and exercise good security practice.

We have authorised the voluntary departure of the dependants of the staff of our Embassy in Qatar, and also of the non-essential staff who wish to leave.

Developments on Iraq and any further increase in regional tension could further affect our travel advice. You should check it daily for developments.

Domestic Political Situation

Travellers to the region should be aware of the impact that violence between the Israelis and Palestinians has had in the region and the risk of public disturbance in response. Recent developments in Iraq will also have had an impact on local public opinion in the whole of the region and this might be expressed by some people. You should follow news reports and be alert to regional developments, which might trigger public disturbances. You should take sensible precautions for your personal safety and avoid political gatherings and demonstrations. Any increase in regional tension might affect travel advice.



In view of the risk of hostilities with Iraq, there is an increase in the threat to British nationals in neighbouring countries.

The threat to British individuals and organisations from terrorism is now high. It will rise further in the event of hostilities with Iraq. Terrorist attacks in the region could involve the use of chemical and biological materials.

There is also a risk of an attack against Bahrain from Iraq in the event of hostilities. This might involve chemical and biological weapons.

We therefore advise against non-essential travel including holiday travel to Bahrain (but excluding airline passengers in transit, provided they do not break their journey). If you are already in Bahrain we advise you to consider leaving unless your presence is essential. As part of such consideration, you should review carefully your own security circumstances. If you do decide to stay, you should maintain a high level of vigilance and exercise good security practices.

We have ordered the departure of the dependants of our Embassy staff in Bahrain, and are reducing the Embassy to core staffing level. Once we do so, our ability to offer normal consular services will be very restricted.

Developments on Iraq and any further increase in regional tension could affect our travel advice. You should check it daily and follow developments closely.

homesick rae
19th Mar 2003, 19:36
Except the crews of course who have a job to do!

Hong Kong Layover
1st Apr 2003, 01:01
Qatar Airways has got notices posted within the company, asking the crew to carry extra money and cloths when on layovers. thats it!

3rd Apr 2003, 07:31
Useful advice from Qatar Airways then :confused:

3rd Apr 2003, 10:34
Useful advice from Qatar Airways then

Actually it is good advice, airlines around here are monitoring their load factors on a daily basis, flights with poor load factors are getting cancelled, this results in some crews getting extended layovers waiting on the next scheduled service.

Apart from that, what else can an airline tell its people?


5th Apr 2003, 16:13
yea mutt....but me wan to know what your airline is reaaaaaly tellin ya...........:rolleyes: