View Full Version : anyone based at LGW?

18th Mar 2003, 23:37
hi all

i'm seaching 4 accommodation at crawley, but i've never been around there, could anyone please tell me wich disctricts are to avoid or so? or wich is the best way to rent a house from the internet, a trustfull site, as i cant arrive at LGW too early for the course.



19th Mar 2003, 05:47
I'd avoid Crawley Peach!!! There are better areas just as close to LGW.....

Loads of accomodation usually in the LGW Skyport (LGW's Rag!) - try a search on the internet...

19th Mar 2003, 14:19
I agree with JB007, avoid Crawley! or if you do decide to live there avoid Broadfield, Bewbush and Langley Green!!! Horsham is nice, with lots of crew living there. Also, a lot of crew live down in Brighton/Hove, it's not a bad run to LGW on the M23.

20th Mar 2003, 12:24
This where I stay when I'm down for my shifts Stantons Hall Farm (http://www.s-h-systems.co.uk/hotels/stantons.html)

20th Mar 2003, 13:40
thank you all!!

well, as i wont have a car, i think i would search around crawley, or somewhere close to a train station.

anyway, do you know how much time does it take to get to brighton/hove by train?



brit boy
20th Mar 2003, 15:09
I get the train from brighton to LGW takes me around 30min from when the train leaves.

First train is at 4am and last one from LGW is around 0140am

You can also get the coach takes around 45m and first one is at 0300am and just £4. return :)

hope this helps


20th Mar 2003, 17:30
hi peach well done on getting in, you could try ringing flycom on 07884058866 he sorts out rooms for crew, or if some of the others on your course want to share choices arent bad offices in crawley,horley and brighton they should be able to sort you out

21st Mar 2003, 16:12

There is a company close to LGW called Flycom. They specialise in finding accomodation for airline/airport staff.

They are run by an ex-Caledonian/B.A. steward.

Unfortunately, can't remember their address or website, so give directory enquiries a go. Or try yell.com for info

Good Luck

Long live the Dog

22nd Mar 2003, 22:28
If you won't have a car and don't want to live in Crawley, why don't you look for somewhere in Croydon?

There are quite a few crew living here, however you never feel as if your surrounded by them, as you will in places like Crawley and Horley etc.

I've lived here for the last 4yrs and have never had a problem getting to work.
The train to LGW runs 24hrs a day,and the trains leave about every 15mins during the day and about every 30mins during the nite and the journey time is about 15/20mins.
It is also very handy for central London with trains going all day and nite. The journey time to Clapham Junction is about 10mins and then about another 5mins to Victoria.

Croydon also had a wide range of bars,cafes,and restaurants & shops with someting to suit almost all tastes.

Hope this is of some help...



Soliciting Stu
31st Mar 2003, 21:49
Hullo People!

In a similar vein to the original post, I'm new to the area and just wondering what the "Three Bridges" area is like to live in??

Any input would be greatly appreciated from those of you "in the know!" :ok:

Many thanks in advance!


31st Mar 2003, 23:59
Not lived there but from what I recall from my Sussex days you'd be better elsewhere!:yuk:

1st Apr 2003, 18:42
three bridges is full of crew - various parts - depends on whereabout in 3 bridges you get, also if you are close enough to the station - i seem to remember you said no transport - and the trains run almost all night. Crawley is not as bad as ppl have made it out to be - have lived there 7 years now - so if you get stuck guys drop me a message.

7th Apr 2003, 07:29
hi, i've found a house in west croydon, i'd like your advise, could you check you pm please?

cheers! ;)
