View Full Version : Good Luck and God Speed

Flatus Veteranus
17th Mar 2003, 17:18
So it looks like you are "on" blokes and blokesses. Regardless of the effusions. pro & con of the moralists and lawyers, our thoughts are very much with you. Stay cool and professional, and don't try any heroics. There will be no glory won in this war.

Somehow I will wring an intercessionary prayer out of my (very PC) parish church on your behalf. I know you don't need it, but it may help your families (and make me feel better towards the C of E).

Good luck and God Speed! :D

Keep your peckers up! :=

17th Mar 2003, 18:01
To any UK and US crews involved in the probably imminent conflict with Iraq.

Best of luck everyone. Come back safely.

We're with you all the way.

17th Mar 2003, 18:07
Agreed......hope its over in a jiffy, and look forward to safe return!

Flt Lt Pprune
17th Mar 2003, 18:34
2 threads merged here - not sure it is particularly appropriate to have a French thread title just now!

Good luck to all from 'the team'.

17th Mar 2003, 18:40
Do your best and stay safe.
Regardsless of all the political goings on, every man woman and child is behind you folks. Best of luck.

Flatus Veteranus
17th Mar 2003, 19:10
Sorry, Flt Lt Pprune! At least it was archaic French, probably dating from times when we ran the place!

17th Mar 2003, 19:16
Courage to the sticking point lads, and heads down - with you all the way. Just sorry we couldn't finish the job first time around.

Brian Dixon
17th Mar 2003, 20:12
I agree with all that has been said above.

Good Luck and God Speed to each and every one of you. I pray for a rapid conclusion and for your safe return.

As Bootz says, sorry we didn't sort it first time around.

With admiration, and respect

17th Mar 2003, 20:36
To all of you whose professionalism requires you to pick up the pieces when the blithering idiots of politicians we are infested with have failed yet again, may your own God be with you and keep you safe.

Art Field
17th Mar 2003, 21:00
Thinking in particular of Tanker Trash at this time but wishing you all success and a safe return.

17th Mar 2003, 21:13
Take care all of you Guys & Girls.

Our thoughts are very much with you, especially from those too old and fat to be asked to go like me.

God speed.


17th Mar 2003, 23:40
Good luck boys and girls, I am sure you will all be back for tea and medals.

18th Mar 2003, 01:22
A Harrier Force JENGO was on the lunchtime news today, (named as Alex Hicks), along with his Det Cdr (Andy Suddards) and the Harrier Force commander out there (Mike Harwood). His media briefings, he said, had let him know that there were those back home who didn't approve of them. I think and hope that he was wrong.

There are those of us who don't approve of President Bush and Prime Minister Blair, and who might think that going to war with Iraq now, without a second resolution, is morally or legally wrong. But even the most hardened peaceniks I've spoken to are full of admiration and respect for our servicemen, and are grateful for the professional and cheerful way in which they do their duty, whether they approve of that duty or not.

And I'm sure that we all share the hope that all those involved come home soon and safe, and I know that their part in the war will be one of the aspects of the conflict which we will all be proud of.

So if anyone sees Mr Hicks, do let him know that even the peaceniks wish him and his colleagues (and especially those he supports) the very best of luck.

18th Mar 2003, 02:05
John Howard said this today in Australia, it applies equally in the UK. I hope Blair will say something similar in the House tomorrow.

"I am very conscious of how difficult this issue is for many people in Australia. I respect the fact that not all will agree with me. I ask them to understand this Government has taken a decision which it genuinely believes is in the medium and longer-term interests of this country. I say to people who disagree - have your beef with the Government, have your beef with me, do not have your beef with the men and women of the Australian Defence Force. They are brave, courageous, young Australians who will need our support, our prayers, our encouragement and our thoughts. Let none of your rancour go in their direction, let it come, as it should in a great democracy, in the direction of those who have taken this decision."

Ali Barber
18th Mar 2003, 02:18
Well Said Mr Howard!

Good luck to all concerned.

18th Mar 2003, 06:17
All the best people.

The public IS now behind you, I believe, with many local TV and National Radio Stations supporting the effort.

Come home soon - there are many beers awaiting!

A particular mention to any 606 Sqn reading this:)

18th Mar 2003, 06:43
Just to add my two pennies worth of good luck and thoughts with all the folks at the front. I know where I work there are no dissenting voices, just everyone hoping you get in, get it done, and get out with the minimum of casualties, on all sides. Knowing the professionalism of the Forces I am sure you will.

18th Mar 2003, 07:43
God speed and come home safely, each and every one of you. I know you will make us proud.

Big Tudor
18th Mar 2003, 08:07
To all service personnel involved in the Iraq conflict, make it quick but make it safe. IMHO the vast majority of the British people support you and believe in what you are doing. God speed.

18th Mar 2003, 08:26
Best of luck. Our thoughts are with you.


18th Mar 2003, 10:02
To all the guys and girls deploying with the Puma force. May you all come home very quickly and in one piece. I know you will do your jobs with entusiasm, professionalism and some realish. Be safe, no heroics ( unless it's really worth it!). God speed.

All the best from the fixed wing defector in Brunei.;)

18th Mar 2003, 10:23
To every service person out there,
Get the job done and get home safe.
Good luck.

18th Mar 2003, 11:05
Absolutely right! The latest poll says that over 77% of the public now support the war. And, no doubt, a lot more besides.

We will be rooting for you and wish you a safe return guys and girls.

God speed.

18th Mar 2003, 11:20
Absolutely. Best of British luck to all.

Hopefully despite BFPO not accepting any parcels for the gulf, and banning magazines with any hint of nudity therein, and cutting off email contact to HM ships kast week without informing anybody, our lads will at least know they are backed by joe public even if the war isn't.

But I'd love to get my hands on the person who cocked up the organisation of this war so badly I can't even send a few goodies to my brother just when he's at his most-pissed-off-state ever.

18th Mar 2003, 11:23
To my son, all his squadron mates, and all our other boys and girls out in the sandbox - I know you will get it over with quickly and professionally. Just make sure you all all come back safely to your families in one piece.

To quote Black Adder "Best of luck sausage side."

Vortex what...ouch!
18th Mar 2003, 12:27
Be professional, be safe.

Hope you get the job done quickly.

18th Mar 2003, 12:49
Ditto to all above sentiments - Good Luck to all.

As a follow-on to Jackonicko's post - it may be worth pointing out that the parliamentary opponents to action have made clear that they will support the armed forces - their problem is with Mr Blair.

18th Mar 2003, 12:50
To all who venture in harm's way:

Do the job
Do it well
Do it quickly
Come home soon


18th Mar 2003, 13:07

See you all back at the bar soon.


with alacrity
18th Mar 2003, 13:30
To all service personnel in the Gulf. You have my utmost respect and support. I know that you will do your job professionally and hopefully rid the world of the evil that is Saddam. All the best, keep safe and I hope at least some of you are able to view this thread wherever you are.

18th Mar 2003, 14:00
Well, I've said my piece for peace, passionately, in several threads. The argument has run its course, and I'm on the losing side; So be it.

Soon, many of you will go into combat. I wish you good luck, many safe returns to base and a quick victory with minimum casualties (on both sides.) All the Best lads, come home safe.

Through difficulties to the cinema

18th Mar 2003, 14:40
Want to say good luck to all service personnel waiting in the gritty heat to do their bit, especially to the RAF guys and girls, ground and air.

Particular luck to those flying Petter's finest, do your stuff and then bring them back chaps, bring them all back.

18th Mar 2003, 14:48
Best of British to every single one of you.

Be fast, be safe - and come home soon to wear your medals with pride.

You and your families are in our prayers.


18th Mar 2003, 14:48
Best of luck to all forces personnel in the coalition.

Don't forget to bring home plenty of T-72 and Mirage manuals to emphasised who armed the guys shooting back!

18th Mar 2003, 15:11
I didn't want it, and now its here I feel rather sad, and somewhat scared, not for me (I'm a KOS) but for all my erstwhile RAF colleagues who go into the battle. I know you will do a sterling job. Take the best care, and may your god go with you.

(you can take the boy out of the RAF, but you cannot take the RAF out of the boy)

18th Mar 2003, 16:24
To all the guys and gals who are about to step into harms way. Best of luck and God speed.
It's at times like this I wish I was back in the service so I could be there with you!

18th Mar 2003, 18:30
My thoughts are with you.

Tiger_ Moth
18th Mar 2003, 18:36
Good luck to everyone out there.

18th Mar 2003, 19:00
Best wishes to all involved. May you all uphold the best British traditions and stay safe. See you back home soon.

Gen. Bombdabastards
18th Mar 2003, 19:39
Whilst I can't be there in person, I will be thinking of you all.

May your years of training be fruitfull and help you all return safely and victorious.

You are heroes before you begin.

Whilst the country is devided as to whether it should be happening, it would seem that the majority support our forces at this testing time.

Do your job well
Do it safely
Do it with pride

Best wishes


18th Mar 2003, 20:12
I want to be there with you but can't. My admiration for you all knows no bounds.

Do what you have to do and come back safe.

From one whose whole life has been shaped by Hitler and the appeasers who allowed him to get as far as he did before it was decided to stop him.

God's Speed.

18th Mar 2003, 20:59
To my friend flying Cobras for the USMC in the middle east and all his buddies. This country is behind you all the way. I hope your aim is true, and you come home safe. Your father's eternal happines depends on it. Semper Fi, Ben

18th Mar 2003, 21:04
To all you brave and no doubt nervous professional servicemen and women of the UK and USA may your God go with you - give 'em hell and come back safely- we are all backing you 100%. Good luck to one and all......:O :O :cool: :mad: :) :)

18th Mar 2003, 21:28
O.K. I am not air crew and I havent been military in 20 years, but I know you are going to be fighting for all our intrests and ultimitaly for all those Iraqie's who sadman has denied a voice, i.e. the vast majority of 'his' people.
Good luck and Godspeed to all UK and US armed forces. May you all do well and return home to a proper reward and a hero's welcome.

18th Mar 2003, 22:10
To all the people of the Coalition Of The Willing, I'd like to send my good wishes. God speed, and a safe return to you all.


18th Mar 2003, 22:39

Great sentiments.

How about you add a good wish for the Aussie F-18, C-130 and P-3 crews there as well!

Good luck Guys, come back safe soon..


18th Mar 2003, 23:46
Had the joy of speaking to the lads on the way through here, quite novel having the gang on frequency so far from home.

I think we worked together in the Wild West.

I was a bograt then....and nothing has changed!


19th Mar 2003, 02:31

Agree completely !

In my defence, the Aussies hadn't been allowed to play at the time of initial posting, but now that they have they'll be in all our thoughts as well.

Stay safe people !

19th Mar 2003, 03:08
To all those who are going, are already there, or are already doing your thing, you are the best, and this old fart wishes you a safe return.

I'm almost tempted to join you but the old best blue no longer fits!

Do it once, do it right, and look out for each other; the way it has always been.

19th Mar 2003, 03:17

OK. Didn't check the date of your posting before. Howver, I note that it was 17 March. The boys have been there for over two weeks now.

Thanks for your concern, the F-18 leader is a friend of mine.

19th Mar 2003, 03:46
Scran, now I'm getting very defensive ... I thought they've only just been given the auth to take part in any offensive actions in the last 24hrs :O

I think TheNightOwl sums it up very eloquently ...
To all the people of the Coalition Of The Willing, I'd like to send my good wishes. God speed, and a safe return to you all.

19th Mar 2003, 04:56
I posted this originally on Exxon-Valdez' thread, silly me thinking the archaic French was actually Latin....

Si vis pacem, para bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war.

Poignant thoughts, EV, on this eve of battle.

And fine sentiments, with which I wholeheartedly agree. The rights and wrongs have been argued, and right or wrong, the talking is done. Now the doing is to begin; and to the men and women of HM Forces, and of US Forces, and those of Australia and the other members of the Coalition of the Willing, though it has been said before, I echo EV's thoughts;

God speed and good luck.

Do it well, guys and gals, and come home safe.

There isn't a smilie for "Respect", or I'd have put up a row of them.

Cyclic Hotline
19th Mar 2003, 05:37
Remain resolute, stay true, return safely.

My thoughts are also with all the families and loved ones of those prepared to so selflessly put everything on the line. May they return to you swiftly.

19th Mar 2003, 07:16
To echo everyone else, Good Luck,Godspeed and come back safely!

John (Gary) Cooper
19th Mar 2003, 07:51
To all the lads and lassies, fair winds to you all and may YOUR God be with you, safe return.

To those innocent civilians, my thoughts are with you too.

Roland Pulfrew
19th Mar 2003, 09:37
To all out there - Good Luck and hope to see you all safely home in Happy Hour soon.

Wish I was with you out there with you (particularly the RAF tanker types) rather than here.


You want it when?
19th Mar 2003, 12:20
Good luck, stay safe (if you can when you're supposed to put yourself in harms way) don't believe any rubbish about not being supported from the UK populace.

19th Mar 2003, 14:10
Good luck to all who are putting everything on the line to make the world a better place. My thoughts are with all of you always.

Lets get this thing done.

Lets Roll!!

19th Mar 2003, 14:50
Good luck and godspeed, particularly to Chris R. in the 101st.

For all of us folks staying behind, put together a care package and send it off to your friends and loved ones who are deployed. I'm reliably informed that there are few things that improve morale more than mail from home.

19th Mar 2003, 15:13
Good luck to all the forces from all the nations that are there, but to 653 in particular:

"Keep yer effing 'eds down, come 'ome soon and fly safe!"

Vaya con dios.

Rhino power
19th Mar 2003, 18:27
Ditto the sentiments of practically all the previous replies, I'll just add the following, keep yourselves nice and lets hope you all return home safe and soon.

Regards, R.P.

Captain Gadget
19th Mar 2003, 19:42
May I echo Blacksheep:

Well, I've said my piece for peace, passionately, in several threads. The argument has run its course, and I'm on the losing side; So be it.

The time has come for this KOS, too, to jump off the fence. Godspeed to you all.

Gadget :ok:

Yellow Sun
19th Mar 2003, 19:46
Good Luck, stay safe. I know you'll do the job well. Come home soon, Rutland is terribly quiet without you.

Yellow Sun

bad livin'
19th Mar 2003, 21:01
And so it begins. Sky and BBC report up to 10 artillery sites hit already along with some nice video taken by a GR7 mate.

Godspeed and safe home to all involved.

Capt W E Johns
20th Mar 2003, 01:07
A war's only good when it's over and you're telling stories about it in the bar. Bring them home, boys.

20th Mar 2003, 01:09
Seems corny to put a posting here to back up you cynical ******s, but maybe some of you are logging on!

One of the "Melchets" (MacFadyen, I think), sent out a signal with the following Shakespearian quote on the eve of the 1991 round in that stinking part of the globe:

"From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."

Whilst most of us thought "what a ****", I've come to realise that the sentiment, itself, DOES hold true. Do your duty as you know it and understand that the majority value your courage and wish that they could aspire to it.



WE Branch Fanatic
20th Mar 2003, 09:43
Good luck and God Speed to all the fine men and women currently engaged on operations. My thoughts will be with you, and with your loved ones, over the few weeks.

I am genuinely sorry that I cam currently unable to share your burden for making the world a safer place.

Vortex what...ouch!
20th Mar 2003, 13:11
I read this on another site and though it would be appropriate in here.

Lieutenant Colonel Tim Collins gave the 800 strong battlegroup of the 1st Battalion of the Royal Irish the pep talk as the US deadline for Saddam Hussein to leave Iraq or face action ticked away.
Reporters said the men listened in silence to the address at Fort Blair Mayne desert camp, 20 miles from the Iraqi border.

"We go to liberate not to conquer. We will not fly our flags in their country," he said.
"We are entering Iraq to free a people and the only flag which will be flown in that ancient land is their own. Show respect for them.
"There are some who are alive at this moment who will not be alive shortly. Those who do not wish to go on that journey, we will not send.
"As for the others I expect you to rock their world. Wipe them out if that is what they choose. But if you are ferocious in battle remember to be magnanimous in victory.
"Iraq is steeped in history. It is the site of the Garden of Eden, of the Great Flood and the birthplace of Abraham. Tread lightly there.
"You will see things that no man could pay to see and you will have to go a long way to find a more decent, generous and upright people than the Iraqis.
"You will be embarrassed by their hospitality even though they have nothing.
"Don't treat them as refugees for they are in their own country. Their children will be poor, in years to come they will know that the light of liberation in their lives was brought by you.
"If there are casualties of war then remember that when they woke up and got dressed in the morning they did not plan to die this day.
"Allow them dignity in death. Bury them properly and mark their graves."
"It is my foremost intention to bring every single one of you out alive but there may be people among us who will not see the end of this campaign.
"We will put them in their sleeping bags and send them back. There will be no time for sorrow.
"The enemy should be in no doubt that we are his nemesis and that we are bringing about his rightful destruction.
"There are many regional commanders who have stains on their souls and they are stoking the fires of hell for Saddam.
"He and his forces will be destroyed by this coalition for what they have done. As they die they will know their deeds have brought them to this place. Show them no pity."
He said: "It is a big step to take another human life. It is not to be done lightly.
"I know of men who have taken life needlessly in other conflicts, I can assure you they live with the mark of Cain upon them.
"If someone surrenders to you then remember they have that right in international law and ensure that one day they go home to their family.
"The ones who wish to fight, well, we aim to please."
He warned the troops not to get carried away in the heat of battle.
"If you harm the regiment or its history by over enthusiasm in killing or in cowardice, know it is your family who will suffer.
"You will be shunned unless your conduct is of the highest for your deeds will follow you down through history. We will bring shame on neither our uniform or our nation."
Warning that the troops were very likely to face chemical or biological weapons, he said: "It is not a question of if, it's a question of when. We know he has already devolved the decision to lower commanders, and that means he has already taken the decision himself. If we survive the first strike we will survive the attack."
His closing words were resolute: "As for ourselves, let's bring everyone home and leave Iraq a better place for us having been there. Our business now is north."

20th Mar 2003, 14:04
I read Lt Col Collins' words in the paper this morning - stirring stuff. It sent a chill down my spine then and it still does!

Once again - to everyone who is in, or about to be in, harm's way , take care and come home soon.

20th Mar 2003, 14:53
We are fortunate that our forces have the leaders to take them into battle and, God willing, bring them home. Such men are an inspiration, and I know only too well the need to be able to inspire those under your command into the most difficult situations that they could ever find themselves in. Be swift, sure and safe.

Ramp Monkey
20th Mar 2003, 22:10
JSFW, 18, 27. God be with you all.
Stay safe , keep your head and do what you are the best at .
Come home safe see you all in the bar, laters .

20th Mar 2003, 22:48
Sorry , forgot the OZ forces in my message, 'specily red-faced as my cousin may well be there.
best of luck to all of you, again.

20th Mar 2003, 23:31
Hope you know what are you doing.

Good luck to you and Iraqui colleagues.

20th Mar 2003, 23:36
Thank you, Gadget, for posting Lt Col Tim Collin's address to his troops of the Royal Irish. Wonderful! Original and inspiring! Ah, these eloquent Irish!

(You can take the boy out of the RAF etc....

21st Mar 2003, 17:44
All the best to everyone out there. Our thoughts are with you.

21st Mar 2003, 21:17
I couldn't stop reading Lt Col Tim's call to arms. Now that, was awe! I saw a US Navy 2 Star(?) on the doing the same thing. He finished with

It's Hammer time!

Nuff said really.

I really hope that those with business up north do it and come back, soon. Stay safe.

Lon More
22nd Mar 2003, 14:57
magnificent words from Lt. Col, Collins.

As Dave Allen used to say, " May your gods go with you."

Anton Meyer
23rd Mar 2003, 08:52
To all the male and female aircrew in the Gulf, safe home from all of us on Ascension.

??? sqn - the beer is in the fridge awaiting your return.