View Full Version : Navalised Nimrod?

16th Mar 2003, 18:02
...I know the news is slightly timex, but did anybody see the Times article on Friday that said the RAF have in the Gulf area, (amongst other assets,)
2 Nimrod MR2s based on ships?
Now, alluding to another thread, they MOST DEFINATELY will have to offload the rations to stand a snowball's chance of getting airborne!!!

(made I larf it did!):D :D :D :D :D

17th Mar 2003, 10:21
Didn’t see that one but I did see article in the paper that said, “Tornado GR4's would go in first, followed by RAF Jaguar GR3's from aircraft carriers in the Gulf” ?!?!?

Also, showed a nice photo of a puma with the caption, "A Chinook during a training exercise."

17th Mar 2003, 14:51
If you don't train you'll never get big and strong.

17th Mar 2003, 15:18
Surely the GR4's would get there first because they're faster?

And they have someone in the back to tell the driver which way to go at the crossroads.

21st Mar 2003, 10:14
When you read stuff like that you wonder just what sort of TINY percentage of what we read in the press is actually correct!