View Full Version : Bean there, done that...

11th Mar 2003, 23:52
Yesterday I was waiting around at Ayers Rock Airport (Australia) and I saw a bit of a comotion as the Royal Flying Doctor Ambulance turned up at the terminal and being a pretty dull sort of place I thought I would find out what was going on...

What happened was one of Qantas's finest trolley dollys found out the hard way about some basic laws of physics... Apparently she placed a tin of Texas Strawberries in the galley oven as she was a bit peckish and needed a snack to keep her going for the rest of the day. What better than a tasty treat of baked beans to keep you going for the rest of the day.. no way was she going to tuck into the garbage that Qantas serves up in those cardboard boxes as Cowboy Caviar has twice the flavour and nutrition of the QF ration packs. OK so once the beans had heated up for the recomended time she whipped them out of the oven and pulled the ring top lid and whilst peering into the tin looking forward to a yummy feed... the contents exploded all over her face and burnt her aound the eyes. Seriously enough to justify an ambulance on arrival.

Alright now you probably think that I am being a bit nasty poking fun at some one who had a terrible accident and probably think that I am one of those guys who can't wait to see the weekly dose of other peoples misfortunes on Australia's Funniest Home Video's on the telly. But folks this hasn't been the first time she has done it!!! So I suppose that the last exploding tin didn't teach her the dangers of pressure vessles and Qantas's OHS team investigation and follow up couldn't stop this latest incident so therefore the only way that I can see an end to this is for Qantas to start serving food that is fit for human consumption on it's aircraft and we should see our skys safe again. :ouch:

15th Mar 2003, 11:47
get a life bellsux! i can't belive not ten hours after the event you are on the net and telling the world about this poor flight attendant's misfortune.... she is a friend of mine and i find it completely offensive that you feel the need to promulgate this across the internet for everyone to read!! The person concerned has learnt his/her lesson and doesn't need people like you re-living the tale. In case you have any concern at all for his/her well-being, the poor flight attendant concerned was taken to hospital to have his/her eyes examined for any damage! Hope you are pleased with your apparrent pleasure from this person's misfortune.:mad: :mad:

19th Mar 2003, 16:18
Indeed, I have seen a pilot - who knows all about the differential pressure - open a yoghurt tub in flight and nicely decorating his flight deck with fresh spashes and the occasional half strawberry.