View Full Version : Leuchars F3 damaged by protesters

11th Mar 2003, 15:03
BBC - 11 March - Tornado attack probe launched.

The Ministry of Defence has begun an inquiry after a woman allegedly damaged a Tornado aircraft at RAF Leuchars in Fife.

A 48-year-old woman is due to appear at Cupar Sheriff Court on Wednesday after the incident. An RAF spokeswoman said it was understood that access had been gained to the base near St Andrews and that a hangar had been entered.

Tornados are among the aircraft being deployed to the Gulf but the aircraft involved is not part of the war preparations.

In a statement later, the MoD said: "We are conducting an inquiry into this incident. It is not acceptable for activists to be able to get in and damage an aircraft. "We will do all that we can to learn lessons from this, obviously security is something of an issue and we will continue to tighten it up, but that costs a huge amount of money."

RAF Leuchars is home to 43 and 111 Squadrons which both fly the Tornado F3 in the air defence role.

Meanwhile, two people have appeared at Cupar Sheriff Court in relation to an incident at RAF Leuchars on Monday. Roz Bullen, 33, from Edinburgh, and Petter Joelson, 22, from Glasgow, face two charges of malicious mischief relating to the perimeter fence and spray painting. They made no plea and were allowed bail.

A small group of anti-war protesters were outside the base on Saturday and were faced by a counter-demonstration staged by families of RAF personnel. Banners were held up by the forces families, urging people to "support our troops".

11th Mar 2003, 15:43
Might be time to explain to these people that they risk getting shot.

Training Risky
11th Mar 2003, 16:33
I hope to god this specimen gets jailed and prosecuted by MoD for the damage caused (fat chance of that happening!)

But maybe this incident has a silver lining by illustrating how lax the security is at some of our STC/PTC airfields (the ones I've been to anyway)

Without injury/loss of life (this time), we have seen how easy it is to penetrate security. I hope to hell this is not capitalised on by anyone more dangerous than peaceniks.

If the MoD spent less money settling compo claims with the whinging public who choose to live near airfields, and on compulsory Equal Ops awareness:yuk: ..... maybe we could have bigger/better/electrified fences ringing our homes and places of work.

... With maybe claymore mines sprinkled liberally between each layer:D

11th Mar 2003, 20:12
Might a charge of attempted murder be appropriate?

But no, TR, no mines. We don't do landmines.

12th Mar 2003, 05:35
SNIPERS. Get some sniper training and a realistic deterrent to boot. Leave the gates unlocked, slightly open so they can get in one at a time. Put a poster up - 'all who enter will get shot'.
Snipers, that's the answer. And big vicious dogs. Big vicious sniping dogs, with hand-grenades.:}

John (Gary) Cooper
12th Mar 2003, 07:14
Where the hell is security?

US aircraft damaged at Shannon, peace protesters entering Fairford, Brize, Leuchars etc but yesterday (11th March) protesters cut the perimeter wired fence at Lakenheath and entered the taxitrack and apparently runway area riding bicycles, chaining themselves together in a sit down protest.

F15's slowly passing by, they should just have opened up the taps and selected reheat. Kentucky Fried.

The most disturbing part of all of this is that the Chief Reporter for ITV Anglia Region, John Francis, was filing his report with all protestors doing their bit in the background, if he knew it was about to happen why did not the Gun Totin' cops stop it from happening?

At the main base entrance, the public road has been closed between the domestic and airfield site, with UK and US Civvy and Military Police armed to the teeth.

A similar situation, causing absolute chaos, occurs at the nearby Mildenhall base. What the hell is the point of all of this firepower if 9 unarmed protesters can cut through a wire fence and prevent aircraft operations taking place on bikes!!

PC rules OK.....................

12th Mar 2003, 08:09
Sniper Monkeys, that's it. They could climb the trees and snipe down from above, unseen. Or throw grenades.

How about a really silly idea? Why don't the Civil Police and RAF Police arrest these vandals and let the courts deal with them properly? If the judges made an example of these criminals there would be less of it in the future. Make the stupid cow do community service; she could repaint the squadron for a start, it's a right mess. Publish her address and when somebody from Leuchars fancies a day out they can break into her house and damage her stuff, and then get away with it because they claim they did it as a protest.

Sniper monkeys.

Ralf Wiggum
12th Mar 2003, 10:08
Possibly the reason these people get to their intended target is because there's no one left to defend them. Call it what you may but overstretch is now proving to be costly. Hopefully those MPs who believe that everything is fine and dandy in the military will sit up and listen. Doubt it though as another Op Fiasco looks likely.

Just a suggestion, perhaps if we LOCKED HAS's and set the alarms, these peaceniks wouldn't be able to physically get to the ac. Radical I know, but try breaking into a LOCKED and alarmed HAS.

12th Mar 2003, 11:21
The people who have been dicked for guard are more reluctant to stop and challenge an intruder for fear of being dragged into an assault charge by the civil law. If for some reason a firearm was used, the person on guard would have a lengthy court trail followed by several years in prison, with little or no help from the people who asked him/her to do it.
Personally I would adopt the yanks approach and shoot first, ask question later. The fence is there for a reason

She didn't happen to finish the primary the jet was probably on, did she?;)

Chinese Vic
12th Mar 2003, 13:12
There is the small issue of trying to protect 3/5/lots of miles of perimeter fence...you can't really stop people getting in.

John (Gary) Cooper
12th Mar 2003, 13:54

The security at the USAF bases in the UK is tight to say the least, there are armed mobile patrols, there are pillboxes and dugouts plus numerous cameras on lighting pylons.

At Lakenheath yesterday the 'protestors' even filmed their own people cutting through the perimeter wire with tin snips, a whole section of wire some 7' x 6' was cut out for the cyclists to ride through.

My feelings (for what they are worth) are that once the boundary fence has been breached everyones civil liberties ceases to exist from that point onwards.

These people have gone to a site to cause criminal damage and prevent operations being carried out and it's about time that the judiciary meted out some stern sentences to prevent it happening again. To me its like the burglar crossing the threshold, he makes his choice and takes his chance that another Tony Martin isn't waiting for him. :O

12th Mar 2003, 15:06
What did they spray paint on the jet, then? C'mon, my curiosity is aroused!

Training Risky
13th Mar 2003, 12:11
It probably wasn't "Romans go home!"

13th Mar 2003, 13:23
Wonder if the damage caused has done anything to improve the turning circle ??
:D :rolleyes: :eek: :cool:

13th Mar 2003, 22:10
Rather than locking these Treble One Squadron HASs, perhaps they could just be Alarmed?

13th Mar 2003, 23:00
From Thursday's Courier


A 48-YEAR-OLD woman yesterday appeared at Cupar Sheriff Court in relation to an allegation of damage to a Tornado fighter aircraft at RAF Leuchars.

Danish national Bodil Ulla Roder, Wiston Lodge, Wiston, near Biggar, made a brief appearance on petition.

She appeared in private before Sheriff George Evans and afterwards fiscal Edward Russell said she had made no plea or declaration to a charge of malicious damage.

Mr Russell said that the charge related to an alleged incident at RAF Leuchars airbase on Tuesday, and he added that Roder had been remanded in custody while the case was continued for further examination.

There was a heavy police presence around the court as the accused arrived in handcuffs and was taken into County Buildings.

She was greeted by a small group of anti-war demonstrators who had gathered outside the court with selection of banners to shout messages of encouragement.

Later the Cupar branch of the Scottish Socialist Party called for the "immediate release" of the accused, describing her as a peace protester attached to the group Trident Ploughshares.

The SSP said that all charges against her, and two people who appeared on Tuesday in relation to other malicious mischief allegations relating to the air base, should be dropped.

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How nice, for a change, to see the judiciary locking someone up. Pity it was a nice comfy British prison :mad: