View Full Version : RAF fast jet over London tonight?

10th Mar 2003, 20:42
Heard the very unusual sound of a fast jet flying over here in SE London tonight.

It's usually only for special events that we get Tornados/Hawks over here but this would appear to be something else.

Anyone know what was going on?

10th Mar 2003, 20:45
Concord per chance?

Edited to remove the e, feeling particularly anti-french at the moment!


10th Mar 2003, 20:47
Nah!!! Concorde flies over at 2204 or thereabouts. I know the engine note by heart! This was a low flying fast jet.

10th Mar 2003, 20:59
How sure are you that it was one of ours?

10th Mar 2003, 21:07
Are you sure, last time I had the pleasure it landed at tea time (1730ish) at heathrow.

10th Mar 2003, 21:18
I am sure.......Concorde flies over here on 27 arrivals. One of the flights BA008(?) lands shortly after 2200. However according to teletext it has not appeared to tonight.

Sometimes the bizjets on LCY 10 arrivals sound quite loud. However, although I didn't see it this was definitely a military fast jet. And U_R I'm not at all sure it was one of ours ;) I assume it was.

11th Mar 2003, 07:46
I know, I know!!!!!!!!! But I'm not telling!

All I'll say is it wasn't a boring old Tonka and it certainly wasn't a little hovering jet!! But judging by the amount of phonecalls received anyone would thing it was an Iraqi Mig!
"Hello, I want to complain about a really noisy jet flying over my house at about 25 feet, doing at least 900 mph!"
"Really sir? Did it have an Iraqi flag on it?"
"Ummmmm, no."
"Did it drop a bomb on your house then?"
"Ummmmmm, no again!"
"Right well stop whingeing! That, is the sound of freedom. Enjoy it!!!!"

Need I say more?

11th Mar 2003, 10:58
Thanks whowhenwhy........

I assumed I wouldn't find out too much here for 'operational' reasons! Intriguing though! No more clues on the type? Reassuring to hear it was 'one of ours!' ;)

Victor Mike Charlie
11th Mar 2003, 14:10
There was an article on the lunchtime news - apparently, they contacted the MoD, it was a Jaguar that had been on exercise and it was just "taking the scenic route home" :D

That's a good one - as an ex-blue myself, I can vouch for the imagination (or lack of it) of the PR boys.


11th Mar 2003, 14:35
VMC, believe it or not, although it wasn't quite 'on the way home' the 'scenic route' is probably closer to the truth than you think!

Victor Mike Charlie
11th Mar 2003, 14:54
Aaaaah - I see, Jag emergency navigation. To get home to Colt - when in the South, turn East, hit coast, turn left and left again at the Gas plant :D

Couldn't have been 41Sqn - they don't let them go that far from home. :p

11th Mar 2003, 19:48
Hi, there

FYI - the scheduled arrival time of BA002 is 21:10.
Last night the actual arrival time was 21:14 - not sure if that's
when it touched down or when it arrived at T4.

Schedule is all change for summer (from Sunday 30th March ?)
BA002 arrival time 18:00, BA001 leaving LHR at 18:30.


Divergent Phugoid!
11th Mar 2003, 20:19
I L C.. You Anorak!! Or should that be Flying Jacket!!
:rolleyes: :D :p

11th Mar 2003, 20:42
I L C can you just clarify what the crew had to eat and what the position of the c of g was when it touched down please?

....Just interested

12th Mar 2003, 07:20

I expect he passengers had Smoked Salmon and Caviar, washed
down with plenty of champagne

As for the crew, probably tuna and cucumber sandwiches.:O

12th Mar 2003, 07:26
Wildass guess.
Practicing interpretation of imagery obtained over a large city?

12th Mar 2003, 07:37
WAG is correct and I'm afraid mis-placed. Difficult to do that kind of thing at about 2000' and that sqn don't do that kind of thing. Sheesh, is everybody on here a conspiracy theorist? I thought I was cynical! The Jag guys have done this before if they're bored and just need a bit of night currency. Besides, if you can fly a jag over the city on a jolly, why not?

12th Mar 2003, 08:42
1500' SVFR in fact!

.....and why not?!

12th Mar 2003, 09:21
well I got the WAG bit right then ; thought the new pod could get a take from umpty-ump miles/angels slant range.

Wish we got more around here; electrician says my place could do with some better wiring.:rolleyes: