View Full Version : BAC express managment logic

charles lindbergh
10th Mar 2003, 16:35
I did hear in a crewroom that BAC crews are actively being "persuaded", to fly various European routes - meanwhile back on the UK line foreign pilots are being brought in to carry out the jobs/routes/standby of the displaced UK crews... this must be airline management logics!

Despite a shortage of line pilots for the UK routes the company has requested volunteers to be based in Europe for a couple of months or so; the catch is that you provide your own accommodation with no extra pay or allowances!! And days off away from home (or as they see it at your new home).

TRTO courses are still being conducted although candidates are informed that there are no job openings at BAC, I hope that people are not that despaired for a type rating

Apparently there is a dire shortage of IRE/TRE`s to the point where a couple of line pilots have gone out of check. So quite how the TRTO candidates will commence, let alone finish, their flying training is another matter.

But soon the pilot shortest might be over if its true that the post office will stop using Sheds!


10th Mar 2003, 17:12
I can't see why the word "persuasion" comes into it. Surely when pilots are recruited, they are expected to fly a roster? Does it really matter where they fly (unless they are over 60 ofcourse)?
As for having to obtain your own accommodation with no extra pay or allownaces, then I must say, I've never come across this logic and can only lead to problems.

As for foreigners flying routes that could be flown by BAC crews, that is NOT happening anymore. True, it was the case, and I too think that's wrong but the route flown by foreigners is now closed and the said aircraft has gone back home.

Maybe when the sheds have gone, the guys on the TRTO course will go back into Ops.......:confused:

Hap Hazard
11th Mar 2003, 17:26
Sorry C.A.L. but "logic, BAC and management" dont fit in the same sentance!;)

Johnny F@rt Pants
12th Mar 2003, 09:07
Unfortunately logic and most airline management doesn't fit, not just BAC.

Sounds to me like they're tring to screw their pilots, just like most other airlines. Surely if everyone turns down their very generous offer, they'll have to re-think.

Stick up for yourselves and say NO.

Spirit of st. Louis
16th Mar 2003, 23:31
Hasn't BAC got BALPA representation?

and if so, what do thay think?:hmm:


Air Mail
19th Mar 2003, 22:55
Haven't a few of the ex management team of British World gone to work at BAC Express?

Oh sorry, the title was about management and logic !!