View Full Version : US Ships/Aircraft in Gulf

swinging monkey
10th Mar 2003, 07:00

My neigbours kid wants to know what US carriers are currently in the Guilf, and what Sqns are embarked on them (tomcats, hornets etc) - can anyone help please?

Don't want anything 'dodgy' just open press stuff if you can oblige.

Very many thanks
The Swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, is it time for a Grouse yet?

Chinese Vic
10th Mar 2003, 07:19
Here you go:



10th Mar 2003, 08:18
Caruthers, be a good chap and advise your Gentleman that it is always time for a Grouse.

Good health, clink clink.

10th Mar 2003, 23:01
... and for all PPRuNers going about their business in the Gulf, keep the wx radar going like the clappers and listen out on 121.5 like your life depends upon it!
(Because, as far as the US Navy is concerned, it bloody well does!)

11th Mar 2003, 07:36
Already heard a "challenge" in the Gulf area and the American voice sounded very aggresive. Scary................

12th Mar 2003, 00:35
I was`Declared Hostile' at one point by an American warship during the last one---not a nice feeling, with Dubai approach trying their best to run their airport and this goon parked on the approach doing his own style of ATC!
Yes, keep the radar on and 121.5 LOUD.:eek: :eek: