View Full Version : Virgin Blue Interview Questions

10th Mar 2003, 01:23
Has anyone done a phone interview with Virgin blue? Can you pls tell me what the interview questions are.:confused:

10th Mar 2003, 12:15

Don't stress. Virgin Blues Interview process is fun and relaxed. Just make sure if you are doing a phone Interview to have some answers in mind for questions such as.

Why do you want to work for Virgin Blue?

Give me an example of a time that you exceeded a customers expectations?

Tell me of a time that you had to deal with an unhappy customer? What did you do?

All basic Airline questions just have some Idea of what you would like to say and if you go blank just reply "Would you give me a moment to think about that".

Also do a search on Virgin Blue Interviews on this site and you will be able to get alot of help.

When do you have your phone Interview and Why are you not seeing someone personally.

Amy:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

10th Mar 2003, 21:54
Hey thanks alot for that Amy.Your help was very much appreciated.

Its only that i normally get very nervous when i have to go through the phone interview.

Would you know how many interviews we have to go through before you even get a job with Virgin?

I really wanna work for this Airline.Have you been on a interview with Virgin?How was it?

Once again thanks.:cool:

10th Mar 2003, 23:10

No need to be nervous.

I went through the Interview process when I got back from oversea's. It was my first interview for a job in 4 years and I put way too much pressure on myself. I made it through to the 3rd interview but was not hired.

After going through another Interview with a different Airline and being successful, I know realise what I did wrong and given the opportunity again I know I would get the job.

I have taken steps since that first Interview to enable me to be more confident and understand the process. Know I am very calm and can tackle any question or task with ease and extreme confidence.

Firstly I went for other interviews for different jobs. I also did a course through the Results Centre which helps you prepare for Airline jobs and gives you a bit of an insight and lastly I work within the Industry doing contract work and am allot more familiar with the workings of planes and the role of a flight attendant.

My current job is anything but glamorous but I have my sights set on a job as a flight attendant this year and have chosen a job that gives me the flexability to leave within a weeks notice and is in the Industry.

Usually with Virgin you have a group Interview which involves allot of play acting and seeing how you interact within a group. Second Interview is usually 1 on 1 and you are asked 5-10 questions about your customer service skills and situations. Then the final Interview is 1 on 1 or panel and again you are asked more questions between 10-40.

The questions they ask need very specific answers so don't rattle on, like I am doing now.

Good Luck

Amy:D :D ;)